Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 571

"Ancient sacrifice to elders!" seeing the old man, Yu Yangnan was stunned, opened his eyes and said in surprise.

The old man was the ancient sacrifice of Yuyang, the elder of Yuyang family, who escaped when the Yuyang Fu family cleaned the ethnic group.

This man is a constant Star King level practitioner.

He was an elder of the Yuyang family before. In fact, his status and prestige in the Yuyang family are not very high, so he seems unknown.

However, after all, he was a former elder of the Yuyang family.

In the Yuyang family, even Yuyang Nansi can\'t compare with the elders in terms of reputation or personal strength.

Yuyang ancient sacrifice suddenly appeared, which made Ju Liang city very nervous and began to blame Yang Tian in his heart. When Yang Tian sent him here, he said he would absolutely guarantee his safety, but now

At this time, Yuyang ancient sacrifice ignored Ju Liang City. From entering to now, he just looked at Ju Liang City.

For Yuyang ancient sacrifice, Juliang city in the planetary realm poses no threat to him.

Yu Yang\'s ancient sacrifice looked at Yu Yang\'s South thought, and suddenly laughed, saying, "Princess highness, if you promise an old man one thing, the old man will let you and your son live happily."

"What\'s up?" Yu Yangnan asked with a frown. She knew what the old man had said. It must not be a good thing.

Sure enough, Yuyang ancient sacrifice said with a smile: "in fact, it\'s good now. All the damn people are dead. The Yuyang family can start again. I want to be the king of the Yuyang family, and you marry me. I will raise your son as my own son, and you are the Queen of the Yuyang family..."


Before the words of Yuyang ancient sacrifice were finished, Ju Liangshi couldn\'t help laughing.

He felt that the old man must be old and confused to say such words. Or, after he escaped, he didn\'t know the current situation of the Yuyang family.

Yuyang ancient sacrifice and Yuyang Fu family actually thought of the same method to get the absolute power of Yuyang family. Of course, there is another reason, that is, Yuyang Nansi was born too beautiful.

You should know that even if a practitioner is old, his energy is as vigorous as a young man in a year and has physiological needs.

"What are you laughing at?" Yuyang ancient sacrifice heard Ju Liang\'s laughter, turned his head, looked at Ju Liang coldly, and asked with a gloomy face.

This proposal is the best way for Yuyang ancient sacrifice to come back to Yuyang family and see the current situation.

Before the great change of Yuyang nationality, the power of Yuyang ancient sacrifice to the ethnic group can be described as desire.

Looking at Yuyang Ji\'s gloomy face, Ju Liangshi woke up, his smile converged, and said nervously, "I... didn\'t laugh. I think your idea is good, and I agree!"

Yuyang Nansi sighed at this time and said, "it seems that Yang Tian is right. The Yuyang family is really rotten. It\'s no wonder that the Yuyang family will be like this when led by you stubborn and stupid people. Elder Gu Ji, if I were you, I would never come back at this time."

Yuyang Nansi knows that Yang Tian is staring not far away!

But for Yuyang ancient sacrifice, this is the best opportunity to seize the power of Yuyang family. If Yuyang Nansi straightens out the Yuyang family in a period of time, he will have nothing to do.

As soon as the voice of Yuyang Nansi fell, there was only a "whew", a green shadow flashed over and appeared on the head of Juliang city.

The arrival of Xiaoqinglong gave Juliang a sigh of relief.

Little Qinglong, lying on the head of Juliang City, looked at Yuyang ancient sacrifice curiously. In little Qinglong\'s opinion, the old man was very stupid and not as smart as himself!

Yuyang ancient sacrifice is also looking at the little green dragon.

Yuyang ancient sacrifice didn\'t see Yang Tian. He thought Xiaoqinglong was the pet of Juliang city.

This pet doesn\'t look strong.

For Yuyang ancient sacrifice, Juliang city was undoubtedly a variable. He had a thought in his heart. He thought it would be better to kill this guy now.

Watching Ju Liang City suddenly become relaxed, Yuyang ancient sacrifice had a killing intention in his eyes.

But before he started, little Qinglong moved first.

Little Qinglong kicked on Ju Liangshi\'s head. His small body produced a powerful force and made Ju Liangshi lean back.

At that moment, the little green dragon flashed to the top of Yuyang ancient sacrifice and touched it with his claw.

you \'re right!

In an instant, the little green dragon just slightly touched the ancient sacrifice of Yuyang.

At this time, Yuyang ancient sacrifice had just raised his hand. He wanted to seize Ju Liangshi\'s neck and twist it

He can\'t finish the idea.

To kill such a weak person as Yuyang ancient sacrifice, little green dragon just moves the tip of his claws.

As soon as its claws touched the head of the ancient sacrifice of Yuyang, the powerful force rushed into the body of the ancient sacrifice of Yuyang.

When Juliang city got up from the ground, Xiaoqinglong had already made a circle in the air and landed on Juliang city again.

At this time, an old face of Yuyang ancient sacrifice had solidified.

The powerful destructive power of the force destroyed the brain cells of the ancient sacrifice of Yuyang, so that the ancient sacrifice of Yuyang didn\'t know how he died. On his old face, he still maintained a fierce expression.

With the sound of "Peng", the body of Yuyang ancient sacrifice hit the ground rigidly, and then, like a piece of ice, began to melt. Before long, it turned into a red viscous liquid.

Ju Liangshi and Yuyang Nansi looked at the liquid with disgust in their eyes.

"Someone!" Yu Yangnan thought loudly.

Two female guards guarding the door came in and bowed to Yuyang Nansi.

Yuyang Nansi said, "clean up the things on the ground and ask the captain of the guard to come to discuss."


This period made Yang Tian feel some funny things, so it passed.

At the next meeting, Yuyang Nansi changed the family name from Yuyang family to "Shenwu family".

The name of this ethnic group sounds much more powerful and domineering than the three words "Yuyang nationality".

There is no objection to changing the family name.

They dare not object. Everyone is very afraid. Just now the ancient priest came in, everyone thought that there would be a fierce struggle.

Unexpectedly, things soundless and stirless, was solved by the royal highness of the princess.

Juliang city was appointed as the "director" of the Yuyang nationality.

This position is second only to the position of Yuyang Nansi in the ethnic group.

There is also no objection to this appointment.

Ju Liangshi, who accepted the appointment, soon showed his talents and put forward a series of exciting and achievable plans.


At night.

Yuyang Nansi returned to the small tent next to the big tent.

After washing, Yuyang came to greet him a few days ago, and Yuyang Nansi lay in bed.

Soon after, when Yuyang Nansi had slept a little confused, a wind sounded.

Yuyang Nansi was very vigilant. He woke up and opened his eyes.

When she was about to get up, she found a knife stuck to her neck.

When Yuyang Nansi was shocked, Yang Tian\'s voice appeared in her ear, "your realm is too low and your reaction is too slow."

Yang Tian then took back the red long knife.

Hearing Yang Tian\'s voice, Yuyang Nansi\'s body softened.

Running to people\'s accounts at night, he must want to do bad things again... Yuyang Nansi\'s face turned red.

However, after Yang Tian received the knife, he said, "in your realm, I really don\'t trust to bring my son to you."

When Yang Tian said this, Yu yangnansi sat up and frowned at Yang Tian, "you promised me not to take your son away."

Yang Tian didn\'t say anything. He took a few steps to hug Yuyang Nansi. Their figure flashed and disappeared into the account.

After several breaths, Yuyang Nansi was thrown to the ground by Yang Tian.

Then Yang Tian took out a set of red armor from Ju Liang City and a knife the same as 15.

After throwing the two things to Yuyang Nansi, Yang Tian said faintly: "from today on, every night, you should exercise according to my requirements. I know that your Yuyang women are not afraid of hardship."

Yuyang Nansi took off his robe, put on red armor naked and picked up the knife.

In the dim light, Yuyang Nansi looked at Yang Tian\'s back and looked sad in his eyes. He thought that this guy tortured his son\'s mother for his son

Yang Tian did this instead of directly exercising Yuyang Tian because Yuyang Tian was still young and his body had not grown. Yang Tian has no scruples about his son\'s mother.