Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 566

Pama\'s car soon turned back and escorted hundreds of soldiers, most of whom were sent out to search for Yuyang people.

Yuyangtian was very familiar with the surrounding terrain. After walking through the roadway for several times, he threw away the pursuers.

Little Qinglong lies under the eaves of a low house and looks at yuyangtian with a smile.

The little guy has good skills and is much smarter than Yang Tian when he was young.

Now there are practitioners searching for Yuyang family everywhere. Yuyang tmall is motionless in the corner of a low wall and waiting slowly.

At this time, you can see that Yu Yangtian frowned and clenched his fists, and his body trembled slightly.

It seems that yuyangtian also knows that someone in the family has betrayed them.


The assassination was coordinated with yuyangtian and yuyangnansi mother and son, as well as hundreds of young people of Yuyang nationality.

Even if their hair was dyed to other colors, they were soon found out, and then Palma\'s people were directly executed.

Among the practitioners tracking these Yuyang family, there are more than ten strong people in the star realm. The assassins of Yuyang family have no resistance at all.

People living in the Beiyan region have long been familiar with such things. When the people in Palma began to search for assassins, those close to home returned home and waited for investigation.

Those who are far away from home in the street squat down at the side of the street, and those with weapons are thrown into the center of the street.

In addition to the people of Pama, the rulers of Quran also sent a large number of people to participate in the search.

Yang Tian had come to the high sky and looked down in the clouds.

Below the Gulan City, Yuyang Nansi, escorted by more than a dozen Yuyang assassins, is deadlocked with more than 100 black armor soldiers.

Yang Tian can\'t ignore Yuyang Nansi. The reason why he didn\'t do it immediately is to see how it happened.

The black armour soldiers who surrounded Yuyang Nansi obviously wanted to catch him alive and did not attack immediately.

Palmer\'s ship.

In a luxurious cabin, Palma sits opposite a red haired young man with a glass of red wine.

Behind the red haired young man stood six old men.

These old people have red hair.

"Yuyangfu, can you revive your ethnic group by doing this? You don\'t feel a little guilty when you kill your own people through us?" Pama said faintly with a disdainful smile on her face as she looked at the young man in front of her.

This young man with red hair is also a member of the Yuyang family. He is the son of the eldest elder of the Yuyang family. His name is yuyangfu family.

Yuyangfu people were sent outside to manage the industry of Yuyang people instead of cruel training.

In fact, after many years, the Yuyang clan has formed two different forces.

One force is conservative and stubborn, adheres to the plan of rejuvenating ethnic groups, and also has the ruling power of Yuyang nationality.

Another force is people like the Yuyang Fu family, who manage the secret industry of the Yuyang family and live a much more comfortable life. However, they did not have the ruling power of the Yuyang family and could only obey orders.

For Pama\'s sarcastic words, the Yuyang Fu family was not angry. There was a faint smile on his handsome face and said, "I never wanted to revive the Yuyang family or even establish the Yuyang empire. That\'s a joke."

"What about the woman and her son?" Palmer asked with another smile.

The yuyangfu family said, "I want to live a woman, and the wild species... Will also live! You may not know that this woman is the princess of my Yuyang family. As long as you marry her and kill the old die hards, the whole Yuyang family is my yuyangfu family."

"She\'s not like a princess at all." Palma drank up the red wine in the glass, poured another glass and smiled.

Yu Yang Fu family way: "not all the princess adults can live in a comfortable life, so long as she agrees to marry me, maybe she can live the life of her royal highness."

When the yuyangfu family finished, one of Pama\'s men came in quickly. He came to Pama and handed Pama a a note full of words.

Pama took a look at the note, smiled and said to the Yuyang Fu family, "those old die hards have been killed, and only one of them has escaped. Yuyang Nansi is surrounded by my people and can\'t run. The child hasn\'t been seen yet. It\'s estimated that he\'s still in the city. It shouldn\'t be difficult to catch him. These basically meet your requirements. You can give me what I want."

Pama said, the yuyangfu family didn\'t speak, but waited quietly with a glass of red wine.

After a few minutes, an old man behind the yuyangfu family received a message.

"Sir, it\'s confirmed." after reading the information, the old man nodded to the yuyangfu family.

Hearing the news, the yuyangfu family laughed happily and released a small silver box from the storage bracelet.

Yuyangfu put the box on the table. After opening the box, you can see that 28 animal cores are neatly arranged in the box.

Among the 28 animal nuclei, there are six Blue Star Warrior animal nuclei, six silver white star general animal nuclei, six yellow Constant Star King animal nuclei, six black Constant Star main animal nuclei, and four red star domain main animal nuclei.

After looking at the animal core in the box, yuyangfu shook his head and pushed the box in front of Pama.

Palma saw the animal cores in the box. After confirming that they were true, she nodded, took them out one by one and put them directly into her storage bracelet.

After taking the animal core, Pama smiled and said, "yuyangfu family, if you have such business in the future, you can find me Pama."

Yu Yangfu narrowed his eyes slightly and nodded.

The 28 animal cores were bought by the yuyangfu family at a great cost and at least one-third of the family\'s property.

In order to achieve the goal, the yuyangfu family was bleeding once.

After receiving the beast\'s core, Parma laughed and said, "now let\'s go and see the royal highness of your clan."

Yu Yangfu nodded and stood up.

Out of the spaceship, Pama and the yuyangfu family moved forward side by side. Pama glanced at the six elders behind the yuyangfu family and said with a smile: "if these six people make a move, you can solve the problem yourself. Don\'t you need our help?"

The five elders are all masters of the stellar domain, and the yuyangfu family itself is also masters of the stellar war general level.

The yuyangfu family smiled and said, "if you use them, those people will not be easy to recover. After all, they are the same family, and they are not easy to fight."

Pama listened to the yuyangfu family and smiled with disdain again.

In the words of human beings on earth, the practice of the yuyangfu family is to "not only be a * * * * but also set up a chastity archway.".

Surrounded by a large group of guards, yuyangfu and Pama soon appeared in the eyes of Yuyang Nansi.

Seeing the yuyangfu family and Pama appear together, yuyangnan thought and understood that it was the yuyangfu family who betrayed the people.

In fact, a long time ago, Yuyang Nansi noticed that Yuyang Fu family had misbehaved, but this matter was suppressed by the elders of the family.

Because this is related to the unity of the Yuyang nationality. If there is no conclusive evidence, they will not be able to take any action against the Yuyang Fu nationality.

Things dragged on. Finally, the yuyangfu family started.

"Your Highness has not been called you for a long time," said Yu Yang Fu, who left the place of tens of meters away from Yu Yang\'s south. He looked at Yu Yang\'s South thought and said with a smile.

Yuyang Nansi didn\'t say anything, but looked at Yuyang Fu coldly.

Yu Yangtian said again: "In fact, you know in your heart that those old stubborn revival methods are ridiculous. If you occupy a territory and build an empire, will the Yuyang clan be revived? Look at the children in the clan. They have to undergo painful training since they were five or six years old. Your son has been two years old. As a mother, don\'t you feel heartache? Yes Under my rule, the people of the Yuyang family can live a really good life! "

The yuyangfu family spoke with awe inspiring righteousness, but yuyangnansi looked at him coldly and said, "yuyangfu family, don\'t speak so well about yourself. From now on, you will be pursued by the people endlessly, and you will be in danger all the time..."

"No!" before yuyangnansi finished, yuyangfu said, "if you become my wife, you won\'t."