Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 567

Although he was high in the air, Yang Tian still heard the conversations of the people below clearly.

It turned out that there was something wrong with the Yuyang family.

Yang Tian can\'t imagine what the consequences would be if he didn\'t appear in this star domain in time

When he was afraid, Yang Tian listened to Yuyang Nansi sneer and said, "you want to use me? Yuyang Fu family, don\'t even think about it. Even if you die, I won\'t promise you."

Yu Yangfu shook his head and said with a smile, "you won\'t die because you still have a son. If you promise me, I\'ll let him live. But he can only be an ordinary person and can\'t practice. Of course, I\'ll let him live a luxurious life. Look, what\'s the condition?"

Facing this question, how will Yuyang Nansi answer?

Yang Tian became curious.

Under normal circumstances, in order to keep yuyangtian alive, yuyangnansi can only promise yuyangfu family. However, yuyangnansi sneered: "kill him!"

This answer surprised not only yuyangfu but also Yang Tian.

The yuyangfu family didn\'t understand and said, "don\'t you care about yuyangtian\'s life? Living is better than anything!"

Yuyang Nansi said with a smile, "Yuyang Tian is a child who yearns for freedom. If you let him live that kind of life, you might as well let him die. Therefore, Yuyang Fu family, you don\'t want me to agree. It\'s difficult to live alone, but it\'s easy to die."

As yuyangtian\'s mother, she grew up watching yuyangtian. Yuyangnansi knew her son very well.

While talking, Yuyang Nansi raised his knife and wiped it on his neck.

Yuyang Nansi\'s action was strange. Yuyang Fu family had no time to stop it. He didn\'t expect to make Yuyang Nansi yield. It was so difficult.

Although the Yuyang FUZU had no time to stop Yuyang Nansi from committing suicide, some people could.

At that moment, when the knife peak had been stuck to her neck, Yuyang Nansi Mu found that a powerful force fixed the knife in her hand. No matter how strong she used, she couldn\'t pull it.

After an instant of confusion, Yuyang Nansi realized that a person had appeared behind her, and her right hand holding the knife had been held by others.

The stubborn Yuyang Nansi reported that she would die. She couldn\'t use the knife, so she had to move her neck and hit the knife edge.

Yang Tian had to hold the back of Yu yangnansi\'s neck with his hand and didn\'t let her move. At the same time, he said, "don\'t die!"

Hearing Yang Tian\'s voice, Yu Yangnan was stunned.

The sound is so familiar.

Over the years, she can only hear this voice in her dream.

When Yu yangnansi was stunned, Yang Tian grabbed the knife in her hand and threw it aside.

Not only the sound is familiar, but also the smell emitted by the body is so familiar.

There is only one possibility, that is, the person behind him is Yang Tian!

Yuyang Nansi\'s body softened and leaned against Yang Tian.

"Hahaha..." suddenly, the yuyangfu family laughed.

Someone still stopped yuyangnansi. As long as yuyangnansi didn\'t die, he had some ways to make yuyangnansi obedient.

You know, drugs that make people lose their memory are sold everywhere in the universe.

Obviously, the yuyangfu family thought that Yang Tian, who suddenly appeared, was from Pama.

At this time, Pama saw that the yuyangfu family was so happy and thought that Yang Tian was the person arranged by the yuyangfu family.

Seeing that the weapons in Yuyang Nansi\'s hand had been seized and "controlled", the more than ten guards of Yuyang family carried their knives and chopped at Yang Tian.

These practitioners in the planetary realm, to Yang Tian today, their power is as small as mole ants.

Yang Tian\'s mind moved, and a powerful spiritual force was sent out, which bounced these people aside and made them lose their ability to move at the same time.

But soon, yuyangfu and Pama found something wrong.

Because Yuyang Nansi actually smiled, and his face was a little red. The look in his eyes was a woman\'s look like a man.

"I didn\'t expect you Yuyang people to be in such a remote place. It\'s hard to find." Yang Tian said faintly.

Yu Yangnan thought well.

Yang Tian said again, "that child is my son?"

Yuyang Nansi said again.


Their dialogue clearly entered the ears of yuyangfu and Pama.

Yuyang Nansi came back after a mission. Soon after that, he had a big belly and gave birth to Yuyang Tian.

At ordinary times, everyone is guessing who is the father of Yuyang Nansi\'s son.

Yuyang Nansi never said.

However, the man who can be favored by Yuyang Nansi is certainly not ordinary people.

It is worth mentioning that the women of the Yuyang clan will "borrow and plant" from excellent and powerful men for the strength of the Yuyang clan. Therefore, most people in the Yuyang clan do not know who their father is.

After having children, these women usually don\'t marry again.

This is a peculiar tradition of the Yuyang people, just as the ancient island countries on earth "borrowed and planted" from the Han people.

For them, this is a way to quickly strengthen the ethnic group.

In the family, the yuyangfu family has been thinking about it since they saw yuyangnansi, although yuyangnansi had children at that time.

This is a good opportunity to get Yuyang Nansi, but unexpectedly, the man Yuyang Nansi once appeared suddenly.

"Give me... Kill him!" Yu Yangfu waved and said coldly.

The six elders behind the yuyangfu family became vigilant when they saw Yang Tian. Yang Tian gave them the feeling that it was dangerous.

Yu Yangfu and Pama quickly retreated at the command of the family. They also felt that Yang Tian was not so easy to deal with.

Not to mention anything else, take Yang Tian\'s appearance as an example, they can see clearly.

At this time, Yang Tian withdrew the spiritual power that bound Yu yangnansi.

Yuyang Nansi finally turned around and saw a strange and familiar face.

Six old men suddenly flashed around and surrounded Yang Tian. Each of them was about 30 meters away from Yang Tian.

"You go first." Yang Tian glanced at the six elders of Yuyang family, looked down at Yuyang Nansi and said faintly.

Yuyang Nansi nodded and winked at more than ten people.

Immediately, she and more than a dozen others flashed to the periphery.

Palma saw the dignified look in the eyes of the six elders and knew that Yang Tian was difficult to deal with. As soon as her eyes turned, she immediately turned and left with her men.

Seeing Pama leave, the eyes of the Yuyang Fu family narrowed slightly, thinking that when the man in front of them was solved and the things in the Yuyang family were straightened out, Pama would be killed next.

These six elders were sent by the father of the yuyangfu family to protect the yuyangfu family. They can deal with them as long as there are no experts in the superstar realm.

The yuyangfu people never thought that the six elders would lose, because they are all masters of the stellar realm.

Look at Yang Tian again. In any case, he doesn\'t look like a strong man in the super star realm.

Suddenly, the six old men moved together.

In order to kill Yang Tian instantly, they used the strongest joint attack method. Six people move between lines and coincide with a rune track, which can amplify their power at least twice!

In the face of the attack of the six people, Yang Tiangen didn\'t move. In fact, he didn\'t have to do anything to kill the six people. He just needed to use his brain.

When he was on the weikong ship before, Yang Tian saw the battle between Xichen goddess and Meichen sacrifice, which was not for nothing.

In the deep face of his situation, Yang Tian also realized another way to use spiritual power.

That is to use their own thinking to simulate a specific scene and invade each other\'s brain through spiritual power

Easier said than done. If you don\'t practice spiritual power, you can\'t understand it.

The scene Yang Tian prepared for the six elders is the scene of being attacked by countless strange animals on earth.

When Yang Tian\'s spiritual power was released, the six elders lost Yang\'s figure in their eyes.

Moreover, the surrounding environment has also changed.

This is a planet with a good environment, but there are countless strange animals around

In fact, not only the six elders, but also the yuyangfu family not far away, as well as dozens of his subordinates, even yuyangnansi and more than a dozen of her subordinates, have entered such a dreamland.

Yang Tian\'s spiritual power is very strong and the spiritual power world is vast. In fact, even Meichen grand sacrifice and Xichen goddess can\'t compare with him.

What Yang Tianwei lacks is only the skill of using spiritual power.

Therefore, Yang Tian is also prepared to try his best to solve his opponent with spiritual strength when facing an opponent with a lower level or the same level in the future battle.

The people confused by the dreamland became confused at once. Even Yuyang Nansi took out his weapons and began to fight with strange animals.

Yang Tian had to use his spiritual power to withdraw the animals around them.

As for the yuyangfu clan, Yang Tian won\'t let them feel better. He will let the withdrawn animals rush towards the yuyangfu clan.

At this time, everyone present can\'t see Yang Tian.

Yang Tian made all the strange animals he had met on earth appear in this dreamland.

Such as mutant wolf, tiger, bear, python

Because it is what Yang Tian has experienced. These creatures are extremely real, not as fake as they were imagined out of thin air.

After the six old men fell into a dreamland, they also knew that everything in front of them was illusory, but they had to fight and began to kill strange animals.

The realm of these people, not to mention ordinary beasts, even level 10 beasts, are not their opponents.

But this is a fairyland. Yang Tian makes them powerful countless times.

Moreover, after those monsters are killed, a new one will appear soon. Of course, Yang Tian simulated it with spiritual power.

Yang Tian also found a problem when the six elders kept chopping monsters.

That is, his spiritual strength is consumed very quickly.

Every flash beast is killed, which is equivalent to Yang Tian losing some spiritual power.

In this dreamland, Yang Tian is like a creator. He can set scenes and things at will.

"Poof... Poof... Poof..."

In the feelings of the six elders and yuyangfu people, the dreamland is no different from the real world.

The wind, the smell of the beast, the smell of blood, the sound of killing the beast, the feeling of cutting the beast\'s body with a knife, the feeling of blood on the body... Everything is so real.

Those subordinates of the yuyangfu family with low cultivation level were killed one by one and fell to the ground. Their bodies were torn to pieces by the beasts with their claws and teeth.

Soon, Yang Tian felt that if he used this scene alone, he could not kill six old people in a short time.

Because in his consciousness, these monsters are not powerful, and their attack power is naturally weak.

Then, give them something powerful!

Yang Tian suddenly strengthened his spiritual strength.

In the eyes of the six elders and yuyangfu people, the strange animals finally decreased and no longer appeared.

When they were relieved, suddenly, the sky was dark. Looking up, they found that countless star beasts with a length of tens of meters appeared in the sky!