Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 565

The speed of little green dragon is not comparable to that of yuyangtian. It found the smell of yuyangtian and soon caught up with yuyangtian.

What little Qinglong didn\'t expect was that yuyangtian was so vigilant that he was aware of it. In the process of moving forward, he often stopped and looked back with a frown.

It\'s not that yuyangtian deliberately made such a move to prevent being followed, but that he really felt something following him behind him.

This is just a faint intuition. After several times of looking back, Yu Yangtian found nothing and put down his heart.

After walking through the winding roadway for a long time, Yuyang returned to the street.

Soon after walking in the crowd, yuyangtian stopped.

The little green dragon behind Yu Yangtian suddenly opened his eyes. Because it saw a woman coming towards yuyangtian.

Xiaoqinglong also remembers the appearance of this woman. She is Yuyang Nansi.

"Mom!" after Yuyang Nansi came to Yuyang Tian, Yuyang Tian scratched his head and cried with some embarrassment.

"Xiao Tian, where did you go just now?" Yu Yangnan asked with a frown.

Yu Yangtian looked around and said, "let\'s go back and talk about it!"

Yuyang Nansi nodded.

The mother and son soon returned to a small stone house far from the street.

The little green dragon who followed him was happy at this time, because it could be confirmed that the boy was the son of Yang Tian and Yu yangnansi.

This also explains why there is always a familiar smell on yuyangtian.

Xiaoqinglong couldn\'t help thinking that he recognized his son later. He didn\'t know how Yang Tian explained to Qin Fei... When he thought of such a thing, Yang Tian\'s distress appeared in Xiaoqinglong\'s mind.

After closing the door, Yuyang Nansi asked, "come on! Where did you go just now and what happened?"

Yu Yangtian scratched his head and said, "that\'s the man who flew the spaceship and landed directly on the roof of others. He has a lot of animal nuclei. He not only has stellar animal nuclei, but also super star animal nuclei. I think our family is short of animal nuclei and can exchange with him."

When Yu Yangtian said this, there was no surprised expression on Yu yangnansi\'s face, but said faintly, "let\'s not provoke such people. In two days, Pama will come to this planet and arrive at Quran city. Are you ready? At this critical time, you must not be distracted. Because it is related to your position in the family."

Yuyang Nansi said, and Yuyang Tian nodded solemnly.


Although the sound insulation effect of the house was very good, the dialogue between mother and son was heard by Xiaoqinglong.

With that, Yuyang Nansi began to cook, and Yuyang Tian began to sit and practice. At this time, Xiaoqinglong left here

While Xiao Qinglong was away, Yang Tian had rented a temporary residence.

He plans to stay on this planet for a few days, then go back to Ju Liang City, and then return to keitra with Ju Liang City.

I\'ve been away for so long. I don\'t know how qiguangyu and the colorful sisters have completed the things he told me when he left.

Yang Tian is sitting in a comfortable seat thinking. Xiaoqinglong suddenly comes back and falls on Yang Tian\'s shoulder.

Before Yang Tian asked, Xiaoqinglong told Yang Tian what he had detected.

"Bruce Lee, you said, he is my son?" little Qinglong said the last word before telling Yang Tian that Yu Yangtian is likely to be his son. Yang Tian jumped up from his seat and exclaimed.

No wonder Yang Tian had such a big reaction. It was undoubtedly a big thing for him. He didn\'t expect it at all.

At the moment, in Yang Tian\'s heart, there is not only surprise, but also excitement and excitement.

Unknowingly, I had such a big son. If I took him home, my parents would be very happy. However, he and Qin Fei didn\'t give birth to the child... What should I tell Qin Fei later?

Yang Tian smiled bitterly at the thought of Qin Fei.


Seeing Yang Tian\'s distress, Xiaoqinglong asked Yang Tian what to do behind him?

Yang Tian is not an irresponsible person. I don\'t know if it\'s OK. Now that he knows, he doesn\'t want to make his son suffer any more.

After what happened just now, Yang Tian can see that Yu Yangtian has that kind of clean skill, which has undergone long and arduous training.

Yuyangtian\'s current state is still at the level of planetary general. It\'s really amazing to have such a state at such a young age.

When Yang Tian was so old, he was still in primary school!

"Two days later... Palma..." Yang Tian said faintly, his eyes narrowed slightly.

In any case, we must not let the mother and son have anything to do.

Xiaoqinglong was sent out by Yang Tian and looked at the mother and son all the time.


Two days later.

A red spaceship hundreds of meters long landed in the center of Quran city.

After the spacecraft stopped, hundreds of guards in black armor immediately stepped down from the ship and stood in two rows.

Then, a luxurious anti gravity car drove down.

Hundreds of soldiers escorted the car out of the spaceship stop.

On the bus is Pama, a famous man in the North Yanxing domain with stellar warrior cultivation.

In the superstar temple, a practitioner of the stellar realm can only be a guard captain at most. However, in this remote stellar region, the stellar realm is an impossible realm of practice.

Because powerful practitioners generally do not live in these remote star regions. But stay on a beautiful planet.

It\'s like rich people don\'t live in slums.

Quran is just an ordinary city. What is Pama doing here?

Yang Tian, who has just come here, doesn\'t know, but all the three-year-old children in Quran city know that Pama keeps several women here and comes to Quran city every once in a while.

The reason why he keeps women outside is because he has a very strong wife. This powerful wife forbids Palma to bring women back to the ruling planet.

Palma is also happy to run at both ends.

When traveling, Palma still pays great attention to safety. Hundreds of people who protect him are practitioners at the peak of the planet.

Under special circumstances, Pama will also pay a lot of money for the protection of more powerful people.

Everyone was used to Palma\'s arrival and took the initiative to get out of the street.

The most prosperous section of Quran city is the destination of Pama.

Walking in crowded places, hundreds of black armor soldiers immediately accelerated their speed and hoped to pass quickly. The place where accidents happen easily is where there are many people, because many assassins can be hidden.

At this time, Yang Tian also stood in the crowd, and the little green dragon who had been inseparable from him was not on his shoulder.

At this time, little green dragon was following behind yuyangtian.

Although Xiaoqinglong followed for two days, he didn\'t know what the assassination plan was.

It\'s definitely not good to be hard like this. At least you need to get close to Pama, and then kill with one shot when Pama is unprepared.

And get out of here alive.

Undoubtedly, this is a difficult assassination plan.

Yang Tian knows that this is also a test of Yuyang Tian by the upper class of Yuyang family.

Yang Tian is very unhappy about this.

For the Yuyang people, Yang Tian doesn\'t have any good feelings.

Although dissatisfied with the Yuyang family, Yang Tian still wants to see the son\'s ability.

Let Xiaoqinglong follow yuyangtian and protect him secretly, which can absolutely ensure the safety of yuyangtian. Unless, Palma can invite those masters of the big star divine world in the superstar temple to protect him.

This is obviously impossible.

When Yang Tian was looking forward to it, suddenly, there was a riot in front of him. Then someone shouted, "catch the boy!"

Then Yang Tian saw Yu Yangtian\'s figure rush into an alley on the street.

What\'s going on?

Yang Tian opened his eyes and was puzzled.

Pama and her party are not in disorder, and the assassination has not started yet... Obviously, this plan has been exposed and Pama knows it in advance.