Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 564

At this time, Yuyang Tian was lying outside the wall and looked at the situation inside from the crack in the wall.

The special training of Yuyang nationality makes him not easy to be found.

When the black man pulled out his knife and pointed at Yang Tian, Yu Yang Tian couldn\'t help getting nervous.

At this time, the little green dragon lying on Yang Tian\'s shoulder turned his head and looked at Yu Yang Tian\'s hiding place. There was a look of doubt in its eyes again.

Yuyangtian has Yang Tian\'s blood, and Yang Tian has dragon blood. Little Qinglong can feel it.

"Of course it\'s robbery. Do you know now? Again, hand over the things!" the black armour man put the knife to Yang Tian\'s throat and said with a sneer again.

Yang Tian can feel the cold of the knife tip.

"All right! All right!" Yang Tian hurriedly said, "I\'ll take out everything, but you have to loosen my hand."

Yang Tian shrugged.

The black man looked at Yang Tian carefully and nodded after confirming that even if he let Yang Tian go, he would not pose a threat to himself.

One of the men in black armour pressed Yang Tian\'s handcuffs, and the handcuffs\' clicked \'and loosened.

Yang Tian rubbed his wrist and said with a smile, "I have a lot of good things, such as animal core."

With that, Yang Tian took out a super star warrior purple animal core from the storage bracelet.


When the black armour man saw the animal core in Yang Tian\'s hand, he slapped Yang Tian. Yang Tian pretended to be afraid and stepped back, just avoiding the black armour man\'s slap.

"Who are you lying to?" the black armored man said angrily, "is there purple in the animal core?"

As he said this, the black armour man looked at more than ten men, and his men shook their heads one after another.

This man doesn\'t know the super star beast core, which makes Yang Tian feel a little funny.

However, the jade sunny day hiding outside opened his eyes.

Although he had never seen this kind of animal core, he had heard of it.

Yang Tian shook his head reluctantly, put the purple beast nucleus into the storage bracelet, and took out a Blue Star Warrior beast nucleus.

Seeing the blue beast core, the big man in black armor and his more than a dozen hands opened their eyes together.

Even if they don\'t see it again, they still know this stellar animal core.

After a surprise, the black man grabbed the blue animal core in Yang Tian\'s hand.

Yang Tian\'s hand was closed.

"You want to die!" the big man in black armour lost his hand, got angry and cut off Yang Tian\'s shoulder with his knife.

Yang Tianyi turned sideways and dodged the knife.

This is just a knife cut by the black armour man when he was angry. After he failed, he didn\'t attack Yang Tian again, but said coldly, "hand it in and let you go."

Yang Tian looked at his feet and said, "open the cuffs and give them to you. Otherwise, feed the animal core to Bruce Lee."

Yang Tian said, holding the animal core and putting it on his left shoulder. Unexpectedly, Xiaoqinglong put the animal core into his mouth with a probe, gulped and swallowed it.

Seeing this, the black armour man and his men couldn\'t believe their eyes.

Such a precious animal core was spoiled and eaten by a beast

Xiaoqinglong\'s doing this means that he doesn\'t want to play with these people anymore. It\'s really boring for him.

Xiaoqinglong doesn\'t want to play, and Yang Tian doesn\'t want to play either.

When Yang Tian was preparing to break out and teach these guys a lesson, suddenly, a dark shadow flashed behind the black armour man.

This is a thirteen or fourteen year old boy with red hair and black clothes.

"Chi ~"

Before the black armour man reacted, the boy stabbed the black armour man\'s back with his short blade.

It can be seen that the weapon in the young man\'s hand is a treasure. Even ordinary armor can be easily pierced.

"Er ~" the big man in black armour breathed in and fell to the ground.

At this time, more than a dozen black armor soldiers responded and drew their knives one after another.

But the boy in black didn\'t give them a chance at all. His figure flashed and wiped all the black armor soldiers\' necks in a few breaths.

In the hospital, there were more than ten bodies at once.

Yang Tian looked at all this curiously. He had never seen a 13-year-old boy kill a group of practitioners with the same level as him.

The boy\'s strength and speed are amazing. His body is also very flexible. His moves are decisive and fierce. It seems that he has undergone special training.

"Are you the Yuyang people?" Yang Tian saw that the boy had short red hair, which only the Yuyang people had. After the less stopped, he asked curiously.

Of course, this young man is yuyangtian!

"How do you know?" Yu Yangtian asked Yang Tian, inserting his short black hair into the scabbard at his waist.

Yang Tian said, "you Yuyang people all have such red hair."

"Hmm!" Yu Yangtian nodded and then said, "I guess you have a lot of animal cores."

Yang Tian nodded. He didn\'t know what the boy wanted to do. He looked at Yu Yangtian with inquiring eyes.

Yuyangtian said again, "we need a lot of animal cores. Can we exchange them with you? Of course, we buy them from you at the market price. It\'s absolutely fair."

Animal nuclei are rare. Sometimes even if you have money, you have nowhere to buy them.

Yang Tian thought that Yuyang Nansi was a Yuyang people. He didn\'t know how he was doing now

"You are young, can you decide for your Yuyang family?" Yang Tian thought and asked with a smile.

Yu Yangtian nodded very definitely and said, "I can decide this."

Yang Tian also knows something about the Yuyang nationality, which is a race fighting for its rise. But unfortunately, for a long time, the Yuyang family did not have a strong man who could be proud of the universe.

Otherwise, the Yuyang nationality had already had its own star domain and established a country.

"You say! Do you agree?" Yu Yangtian asked eagerly when he saw Yang Tian\'s silence for a long time.

"What if I don\'t agree?" Yang Tian asked with a smile.

Yang Tian feels inexplicably kind to Yu Yangtian and wants to tease Yu Yangtian.

"If you don\'t promise... I won\'t let you go." Yu Yangtian scratched his head and pointed to the handcuffs on Yang Tian\'s feet.

This kind of handcuffs can walk in small steps, but it is impossible to run. It is controlled by an intelligent program and is difficult to open.

Yang Tian smiled and spread his legs. Hearing a "pop", the handcuffs on his feet broke.

After swinging his legs, Yang Tian shook off the handcuffs and looked at Yu Yangtian with a smile.

Yu Yangtian now knows that Yang Tian is actually a very powerful practitioner.

"That... If you don\'t agree, it\'s OK." after Yu Yangtian was stunned, he immediately turned around, and his figure flashed a few times and disappeared in Yang Tian\'s sight.

Yang Tian didn\'t expect that the boy was so straightforward.


After yuyangtian left, Xiaoqinglong told Yang Tian that the boy had a familiar smell and dragon blood. Moreover, the smell of blood is very close.

When Xiaoqinglong said this, Yang Tian couldn\'t help frowning.

At the sight of yuyangtian, Yang Tian also felt very kind... When I think of it, I know that the boy looks a little like himself.

At this time, Yang Tian had not thought about Yu Yangtian\'s son, but the boy had dragon blood, so he had to find out.

There is also, maybe you can know about Yuyang Nansi from the young man\'s mouth.

"Bruce Lee, keep up with him. Don\'t let him find you. Look what he\'s doing." Yang Tian thought and said to Bruce Lee.

The Little Green Dragon nodded, turned into a green shadow and disappeared.

After Xiaoqinglong left, Yang Tian looked at the bodies around him, raised his hand and waved. The force came out of his hand and penetrated into the body.

Soon, the bodies melted away, leaving only black armor and clothes.

Yang Tian waved again, lifted up a sand and stone on the ground and buried the armor.

Then, Yang Tianyi flashed away, left the broken courtyard and soon returned to the street outside.