Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 553

"Master, there is a communication request from the superstar temple." Yang Tian issued an ultimatum to Zichen empire. A few minutes later, Dingdang suddenly prompted Yang Tiandao.

Superstar temple!

Yang Tian didn\'t expect that such a thing would attract the attention of the superstar temple.

Probably the guardian God of this star region will report it to the above!

Today\'s Wuchen star region is still under the rule of the superstar temple, and the superstar temple will naturally interfere in the affairs of the Wuchen star region.

Yang Tian thought and said faintly, "connect it!"

What appeared in front of Yang Tian was a tall old man. Even just images can give people a sense of psychological oppression.

"I am the great sacrifice of the empty God, Yang Tian. Stop your behavior immediately, or you will betray the superstar temple."

After the communication was connected, the air God sacrifice said to Yang Tian in a dissatisfied tone.

Yang Tian saw the old man several times in the superstar temple. At this time, the great sacrifice of the empty God was more dignified than before.

The great sacrifice of the empty God is now the actual ruler of the superstar temple. If other gods can communicate with him, they will certainly feel it a great honor.

However, Yang Tian felt very troublesome.

This revenge can\'t go unrequited!

Yang Tian shook his head in the face of the empty God sacrifice, "sacrifice, I\'m sorry, I can\'t listen to you."

After saying this, Yang Tian waved his hand and asked Ding Dang to turn off the communication.

Yang Tian doesn\'t want to talk to the great sacrifice of empty God. For Yang Tian, it\'s an arrow on the string and has to be sent!

Yang Tian didn\'t care about driving out of the superstar temple and making an enemy of the superstar temple.

Now there are many enemies of the superstar temple, and he is not the only one.

In the superstar temple, Yang Tian has never been valued by the superstar temple.

In the superstar temple, the great sacrifice of the empty God saw that Yang Tian had actually shut down the communication. He became angry and immediately issued a kill order against Yang Tian to hum dun.

At the same time, the empty God sacrifice moved and left the superstar temple.

If hum Dun can\'t kill Yang Tian, he\'s ready to do it himself.

For a practitioner who has reached the peak state of the great star God, to kill a practitioner of the super star state is to move his fingers.

At the gate of the goddess palace, Hong Yujiu raised his head.

He saw the invisible space energy wave, which appeared from the empty God Hall of the empty God sacrifice and extended towards the endless starry sky.

What\'s the matter? Let the old man do it himself?

Hong Yu frowned at nine.

Over the past three years, the great sacrifice of the empty God has driven most of the great sacrifices to the edge of power. Many Temple affairs are arbitrary and decided by one word.

If it goes on like this, the superstar temple will become an empty God to sacrifice one person. He will become the emperor of the universe, and the great sacrifice will become his subjects.

Although most of the great sacrifices have been extremely dissatisfied with the great sacrifice of the air God, it is now too late.

Because most of the reformed practitioners in the temple only listen to the great sacrifice of the empty God, and the great sacrifice of the empty God also holds the "protocells" produced.

While Hong Yujiu was guessing, there was another wave of space energy. It came from the direction of the disappearance of the great sacrifice of the empty God and landed in the empty temple.

"Boom ~"

Immediately, there was a strong explosion, and the roof of the whole empty temple was lifted off.

Hong Yujiu, including others, has seen this situation.

This must be the great sacrifice of the empty God venting his anger. This is not the first time in countless years.

This has become more frequent since the great sacrifice of the sky god came to power.

However, Hong Yujiu was curious about what happened to the great sacrifice of the empty God. In the explosion just now, he heard an angry roar of the great sacrifice of the empty God.

Hong Yujiu shook his head and turned to look at the gate of the goddess temple. He thought that the reason why there are goddess in the temple is not because countless people believe in goddess.

But because... The goddess is the foundation of the temple. Many years have passed. Perhaps everyone has forgotten this matter!

The empty temple was lifted off the roof again. The practitioners of the whole empty temple were trembling. Since the power of the empty God sacrifice became greater and greater, his temper became greater and greater.

Fortunately, there are no casualties yet.

Otherwise, it is estimated that no one dares to serve in the empty temple.

Then the servants of the empty Temple began to repair the empty temple.

In the roofless empty God hall, the empty God priest sat on his high seat with a gloomy face and didn\'t say a word.

"Great sacrifice, please calm down. What happened just now?" a close official of the great sacrifice of the empty God came over and asked carefully.

The great sacrifice of the empty God looked at the man, shook his head, frowned and breathed. He was angry, of course, because he was stopped.

The man who stopped him was not the man in black who Hong Yujiu met, but the man in the eternal life temple.

For the sake of the mighty air ship, the goddess of Xi Chen had ordered her subordinates not to let the experts of the superstar Temple appear in the Wuchen star domain.

This is to guard against the superstar temple and know about the mighty air ship.

If the mighty air ship is obtained by the superstar temple, the plan of the goddess of Xi Chen will not be realized.

On the way to the Wuchen star region, the great sacrifice of the empty God was besieged by five immortality Temple experts. After being defeated, he had to return.

In this short time, the great sacrifice of the empty God also suffered some injuries, but the immortal temple also paid a great price. A practitioner in the realm of the great star God was killed by the great sacrifice of the empty God.

This is the first time since the war between the superstar temple and the eternal life temple.

At the site of the battle, hundreds of planets were destroyed, including a star.

This is why the two temples have avoided direct fighting between experts for so long.

However, with the plan formulated by goddess Xi Chen, the day of decisive battle is not far away.


Hum, the shield is hanging in the starry sky, looking at Yang Tian\'s strange spaceship from a distance.

Hum Dun has seen the terror defense capability of the spaceship. After receiving the order of the great sacrifice of the sky god, he began to think about how to lead Yang Tian out.

"Boom ~"

Suddenly, hum Dun\'s body moved, appeared above the weikong ship, and punched the weikong ship.

The powerful fist power came from the fist of hum shield and bombarded the frigate of the big ship with a roar.

This degree of bombardment is actually more powerful than the volley of Zichen imperial fleet. This is because the power of this blow is very concentrated.

The super energy particle gun launched by hundreds of thousands of warships actually covers a wide area of large warships. The force per unit area of large warships is not as powerful as the attack of hum shield.

Under the strong fist power, although the protective energy of the big ship was not broken, the big ship trembled.

In the control cabin of the big ship, Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong raised their heads and looked at the hum shield above their heads.

Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong had already noticed the appearance of a strong man in the realm of big star Lord, but they didn\'t expect it to be hum shield.

It\'s really a narrow road for friends!

However, it\'s good to kill hum Dun together this time.

With Yang Tian\'s current combat power, he can\'t compete directly with hum dun. But the little green dragon is different. It should be able to defeat hum dun.

"Bruce Lee, kill him!" Yang Tian said coldly when he saw that hum Dun was ready to bombard the big ship again.

"Zhizhi!" Xiaoqinglong had been waiting for Yang Tian\'s words. Before Yang Tian\'s voice fell, he shouted excitedly and disappeared into the control cabin.

In fact, with the emergence of hum shield, black Fu Jun wanted to kill hum shield, because hum shield was attacking the big ship.

However, he was stopped by the goddess of Xi Chen.

Xichen goddess told heifujun that Yang Tian could cope.

If Hei Fujun makes a move, it will certainly attract the attention of the superstar temple and send the strong one again. Now, the goddess of Xi Chen hasn\'t received the big ship from Yang Tian, so it\'s not suitable to make trouble.

Moreover, with the strength of hum shield, it is impossible to destroy the big ship.

The little green dragon appeared outside the big ship again.

This time, little Qinglong didn\'t become so big. He was only 20 meters long.

As soon as he appeared, the little green dragon roared and rushed to hum shield.

Hum Dun sneered and punched Xiaoqinglong across the air.

A few kilometers away, a powerful fist hit the little green dragon\'s head and made a loud noise.

However, little Qinglong just put his head down and dissolved the power of the punch. There was nothing at all.

Hum! The fist power of shield can\'t cause damage to little green dragon.

Seeing that pure fist strength was not enough, hum Dun immediately dodged the direct impact of little green dragon and immediately took out a black big knife from the storage bracelet.

As soon as the knife appeared in his hand, hum Dun cut it out at little green dragon.

A black knife Qi was emitted from the big knife of hum shield.

The power of this blow was so fierce that Xiaoqinglong had to dodge. At once, he accelerated and suddenly appeared above the head of hum shield. Opening his mouth, it was a golden dragon flame, shrouded towards hum shield.

Although it was in a vacuum environment and a distance of 100 meters, hum Dun also felt the extremely high temperature of the Dragon flame and had to dodge.

The dodging hum shield, whose figure flickered continuously, became erratic in the space, and finally suddenly appeared above the head of Xiaoqinglong, only more than ten meters away from Xiaoqinglong.

It\'s hard for little green dragon to dodge at such a close distance.

Hum shield with a sneer cut off the huge head of little green dragon!

For hum Dun, this knife is a must.

However, his hope failed, because the black knife only cut the virtual shadow of little green dragon.

Hum Dun\'s eyes were wide open, and he felt a strong sense of crisis in his heart. He immediately dodged aside.

However, a powerful force suddenly appeared and shrouded around hum shield. For hum shield, it was like entering a viscous liquid, and its action speed was greatly reduced.

Shocked, hum Dun released all the strength in his body and broke away from the spiritual shackles of little green dragon.

Although this process is short, it is enough for Xiaoqinglong to give a sharp blow.

The little green dragon didn\'t use the Dragon flame or send out a strong current, but rolled the dragon beard around his lips to hum shield.

As soon as hum Dun, who broke free from the shackles of mental power, was about to dodge, he was rolled up by little green dragon\'s dragon beard.

Xiaoqinglong\'s attack power is very strong. As long as his opponent loses his action ability, it basically means that the battle is coming to an end.

In the same realm, no one can resist Xiaoqinglong with all his strength.

After binding the hum shield, little green dragon opened his mouth and prepared to bake the hum shield with the Dragon flame.

However, hum Dun\'s body suddenly disappeared.

In this process, a powerful wave of spatial energy spreads around.

At the same time, the strange program tells Yang Tian that the weapon of hum shield may be a rune treasure.

It\'s another Rune treasure!

Isn\'t Rune treasure rare? How come there\'s another one!

If hum shield has a rune weapon, Xiaoqinglong will have some trouble to defeat hum shield.