Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 552


After shouting at Yang Tian, Xiao Qinglong turned into a green shadow and disappeared into the control room.

Dozens of seconds later, the huge body of little green dragon has appeared in space. At this time, the little green dragon has changed into a giant dragon with a body up to 100 meters.

Compared with the warships of Zichen Empire, its current shape is still very small. However, the attack power is too strong.

"Ow ~"

Looking at the Zichen Empire warship in the distance, the little green dragon opened his mouth and uttered a dragon chant.

Its appearance immediately attracted the attention of many warships. They turned their guns one after another and fired beams of super energy particles at Xiaoqinglong.

However, the little green dragon\'s huge body flashed and disappeared in place, leaving all the attacks empty.

When it appeared again, it had come to the purple Chen imperial fleet.

The little green dragon didn\'t need the Dragon flame to attack, and didn\'t need the strong current. Relying on its strong body, he saw a kilometer long warship and hit it at one end.

The green shadow formed by the rapid impact of the little green dragon passed through the huge warship like a sharp arrow.

When Xiaoqinglong\'s body passed through the warship, he immediately stopped, turned his head and looked behind him.

To Xiaoqinglong\'s dismay, the warship didn\'t explode. Countless super particle cannons on it turned their muzzle to aim at it.

It is estimated that the body is too small!

When Xiaoqinglong realized this problem, he looked angry in his eyes. He swam quickly in the void for several times, and his body grew again, from a body of more than 100 meters to a dragon of up to 1000 meters.

Suddenly it became ten times larger. At this time, the little green dragon no longer looked so small compared with those warships.

The enlarged little green dragon bumped into the kilometer long ship it had just hit.

In order to enhance the impact effect, Xiaoqinglong started to impact from the head of the warship and hit the tail of the warship in an instant.

At that moment, the whole warship disintegrated. Under the impact of little green dragon, the medium warship of Zichen empire was like paper paste.

After crashing into and destroying a warship, Xiaoqinglong flew around in the void again and collided with the next nearest warship.

During the collision of Xiaoqinglong, the warship exploded violently, but even the fur of Xiaoqinglong was not hurt.

The next warship is only a few hundred meters long. It is a small warship. Xiaoqinglong slapped the warship with his dragon tail, which burst and scattered into cosmic garbage floating in the starry sky.

Yang Tian opened his eyes and looked at all this. His eyes were full of excitement. This guy is so powerful now!

The little green dragon was huge at this time, but his speed did not decrease at all. He continued to walk through the fleet of Zichen empire.

Wherever it passed, warships burst into flames.

In less than three minutes, the Zichen empire lost hundreds of warships. If this continues, it is estimated that hundreds of thousands of warships will not last long and the whole army will be destroyed.

Seeing this situation, the captains of many warships have ordered to stay away from Xiaoqinglong. They don\'t want their warships to be Xiaoqinglong\'s next attack target.

At this time, the artillery fire against the big ship suddenly decreased and became scattered.

Yang Tian couldn\'t help but want to turn into Jackie Chan and go out to do something.

Seeing that the fleet was stirred by the little green dragon and lost its formation, it became chaotic. As the commander of the fleet, Zichen Qianxing had to order the fleet to shrink its defense and evacuate in turn.

Because Zichen Qianxing understood that the huge star beast that suddenly appeared could not be dealt with by warships.

No one can kill little green dragon except powerful practitioners.

After receiving the order of Zichen Qianxing, all the warships immediately turned their bow away from the starry sky.

The little green dragon didn\'t pursue. Those warships were meaningless to him. What he wanted was the next battle with the practitioners.

Xiaoqinglong stayed in the starry sky and quietly watched a large number of warships go away. Finally, only the largest command ship was left.

This is a large warship with a length of several kilometers. It is composed of many flat triangles. It is divided into several layers, and the shape is very strange.

Xiaoqinglong had long noticed the huge warship.

The reason why it did not attack the warship immediately was that dozens of powerful smells were scattered in the warship.

When the battleship was left in the starry sky, the little green dragon swam and approached the battleship.

"Disintegrate, let\'s go!" seeing the little green dragon coming, Zichen Qianxing ordered helplessly.

With that, Zichen Qianxing quickly left the command cabin.

Dozens of seconds later, the huge warship began to disintegrate and divided into dozens of small warships.

After they were separated, they turned over in the air and scattered away.

Originally, this large warship is composed of dozens of small warships. In case of emergency, it can be disintegrated and scattered to escape.

Finally, only a flat triangular warship hundreds of meters long remained in the original place to face the threat of little green dragon alone.

On this warship, there are now dozens of practitioners of superstar realm.

It can be said that this is the most powerful force that Zichen empire can mobilize.

"Thousand stars, you go." zichenzhong looked at the little green dragon coming in front of the spaceship and said faintly.

When Zichen Qianxing heard this sentence, he was moved in his heart. He bit his teeth and bowed to Zichen Zhong and said, "yes, elder."

Zichenzhong\'s meaning is obvious. It is to test Xiaoqinglong with zichenqianxing.

In fact, there is no temptation. Idiots know that this huge star beast has extraordinary combat power, which can not be dealt with by ordinary practitioners in the super star realm.

Zichen Qianxing knew that he would die if he went out, and his heart was cold. When he got out of the control module of the spacecraft, he walked quickly through the long metal corridor.

After arriving at the hatch, Zichen Qianxing hesitated for a moment, his eyes narrowed slightly, didn\'t go to the hatch, but went to the life-saving cabin.

There are dozens of small escape ships

Dozens of seconds later, dozens of escape ships were launched from the bottom of the flat ship and scattered in all directions.

In order to escape, Zichen Qianxing tried not to let the energy fluctuation on his body go out.

"What a waste!" Zichen Zhong, who couldn\'t lock Zichen Qianxing, frowned and scolded.

At this time, little green dragon didn\'t want to talk with the practitioners on the warship. He suddenly accelerated his speed and turned into a green shadow. He came over the warship, swept the dragon\'s tail and hit the top of the ship.

The ship immediately burst into a fire, and dozens of super star strongmen in the ship had already flashed out of the ship at the moment of the ship explosion.

Zichen Zhong and Zichen choose stars. As soon as they left the spaceship, they hung in the starry sky from left to right, facing the little green dragon with cold eyes.

"Ow ~"

The little green dragon let out a low howl, and his body swung slowly and shrunk rapidly. In a few blinks, he changed back to the shape of tens of meters long.

At the same time, the little green dragon no longer hid the energy breath in his body, and burst out at once.

Star beast in the realm of big star Lord!

At this time, the people of Zichen Empire suddenly understood that the star beast they were facing was the realm of the great star master.

That\'s a haircut! Even if ten more masters of superstar domain come to help, they can\'t be the opponent of the star beast in front of us.

Zichen Zhong was old and refined. He first reacted and turned around and ran away. Zichen Zexing also wants to escape. His reaction is slower than Zichen Zhong.

Xiaoqinglong didn\'t want to let go of these people. His powerful spiritual power was released and bound zichenzhong at once.

Opening his mouth, a golden dragon flame came out of his mouth and wrapped zichenzhong in an instant.

At the same time, the little green dragon split a lightning bolt between the Dragon horns and bombarded Zichen Zexing.

The little green dragon\'s Dragon flame and powerful current contain the force. Two super star domain masters only uttered a scream. One was burned to ashes and the other was electrified into coke by a strong current.

In the sealed space, Xiaoqinglong retained most of his power when fighting with Yang Tian. At the same time, Yang Tian\'s power is similar to its power attribute, so Yang Tiancai didn\'t suffer great damage.

However, now, the little green dragon hit with all his strength and did not retain his own strength. Two super star domain masters were killed by it so easily.

This is the power of the big star master realm, which is much stronger than the master level practitioners in the super star realm.

After killing the two, Xiaoqinglong didn\'t stop attacking. There were dozens of strong players in the super star realm!

If you didn\'t grow up around Yang Tian and encounter other star beasts in the realm of big star Lord, these practitioners in the realm of super star must be swallowed directly.

In the eyes of animals, humans are also food. Especially practitioners, or tonics!

The little green dragon\'s figure flashed. In less than a minute, there were dozens of corpses in the starry sky.

In this process, only three practitioners in the superstar realm escaped the pursuit of little green dragon and returned to Zichen star.

This round of battle was finally over, and Xiaoqinglong returned to the big ship.

"Bruce Lee, well done!" after Bruce Lee came back, Yang Tian praised him, turned his head and tinkled with the auxiliary device: "let them hand over the four Prince Zishu immediately, or kill the Zichen family!"

Ding Dang immediately sent Yang Tian\'s words.

Even the two most powerful practitioners of the family were killed. Zichen Yuxing, the leader of Zichen Empire, finally became nervous and immediately ordered people to contact hum dun.

Not only Zichen Imperial Star, but also the leaders of the other four empires were nervous and excited.

They were afraid that Yang Tian would attack them after killing Zichen empire. At the same time, they expected that Zichen Empire would be in great trouble. If it was really destroyed

The fighting power of that star beast is really terrible!

As the guardian General of this star region, hum shield can\'t make this star region chaotic. When Zichen Imperial Star sent someone to find him, he had already appeared outside Yang Tian\'s big ship.