Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 554

He escaped from the attack of little green dragon. Hum Dun breathed out, raised his hand and looked at the black knife in his hand.

It\'s all up to this knife to survive this time.

This big black knife is engraved with runes, space runes. As long as the rune on the knife is activated, the user can instantly leave the original place and appear in another nearby place.

Under the powerful space energy, the golden beard of the little green dragon wrapped around the hum shield was broken, but it grew out again soon.

Dodge the hum shield attacked by little green dragon. At this time, they all have the idea of escaping. He now understood that he was not the opponent of the star beast in front of him.

As for the Black Dagger in hand, it is not a rune treasure, because it can only be used three times. After three times, if you are trapped again, there is only a dead end.

Now, there are two chances to escape. Hum Dun considered it and decided to fight with little green dragon again.

If you can\'t kill Xiaoqinglong, it\'s not too late to escape.

At this time, Yang Tian, who was worried about the little green dragon, removed his armor and accessories, turned into a green dragon about one meter long and flew out of the ship.

Yang Tian hid his breath. After he left the ship, he was not noticed by hum Dun in the Dark Universe.

Only Xiaoqinglong noticed that Yang Tian had left the ship.

Little green dragon stopped in the space for a while and rushed to hum shield again.

Seeing the little green dragon coming, hum Dun lifted his knife and cut it. A black knife gas hit the little green dragon\'s head. The impact speed was very fast.

In an environment where the universe is infinitely close to a vacuum, the force emitted is faster without the interference of gas.

Of course, when sending out strong energy, it will also be subject to strong reaction.

Hum, after the shield cut a knife, it flew back by reaction.

In fact, fighting in space also requires experience. If you don\'t have corresponding combat experience, it\'s not surprising to be killed by others across the border in this space environment.

Hum Dun has rich experience in fighting in space. He can not only move freely, but also make use of the reaction force when he forces.

Of course, Xiaoqinglong and Yang Tian are the same. You know, Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong have actually experienced decades of fighting in the universe.

In the face of the black knife Qi cut by hum Dun, little green dragon waved his body, swept the dragon\'s tail and slapped it on the black knife Qi, which easily dissolved the knife Qi.

In fact, Xiaoqinglong can directly dodge and ignore the Qi of this Dao. It obviously wants to show his strength to hum dun.

The battle in space has been watched by many people and spread among the five empires through real-time video.

Even, it has been transmitted to the cosmic network for people to browse at will.

The little dragon incarnated by Yang Tian got out of the big ship, swam quickly in the dim space, flashed several times, and disappeared. I don\'t know where he went.

Because cyan is nearly black, cyan is also equivalent to a protective color in this space.

No one noticed that Yang Tian\'s little green dragon was seen by heifujun and Xichen goddess. Both of them are now the top powers in the universe. All the subtle changes around them can\'t escape their induction.

The battle in the second round did not look as fierce as before, because Xiaoqinglong\'s attack was not as fierce as before.

Seeing this situation, those people of the imperial family of Zichen Empire were very nervous, but now they are gradually relaxed. In their opinion, Xiaoqinglong is out of reach.

Only hum Dun understood that this was because Xiaoqinglong had realized that he had an attempt to escape, so he deliberately did so and left a little spare force.

After fighting for a long time, hum Dun doesn\'t want to fight anymore.

Although Xiaoqinglong didn\'t do his best, there were many times that he almost caught Xiaoqinglong\'s way.

Little green dragon is not only fast and powerful, but also very cunning. He is not as smart as an alien. He often uses some very strange attack methods.

Hum Dun cuts a knife at the little green dragon again and flies back with the reaction force.

At the same time, his figure suddenly disappeared and appeared hundreds of meters behind Xiaoqinglong.

For hum Dun, this is a good opportunity to attack little green dragon.

However, after Hun Dun appeared here, he turned and ran away. He grasped the opportunity very well. If he ran away at this time, Xiaoqinglong could not catch up with him.

But what Hun Dun didn\'t expect was that in addition to Xiaoqinglong, Yang Tian has been watching him for a long time.

"Peng ~"

Hum, dun just turned around and flew several kilometers in space. Suddenly, he had a pain in his waist and heard a dull noise in his ear. His body flew away uncontrollably.

"This guy\'s body is too hard!" Yang Tian, who snorted his shield and tail, stabilized his body, put a numb dragon tail and thought.

"How many star beasts are there at the bottom of Yang Tian?" the black Fujun who saw this scene said to himself in the distance.

The goddess of Xi Chen smiled and said, "who knows! Yang Tian seems to be born with a star beast... I almost forgot that he came out of the exiled star, which is a very normal thing."

Yang Tian is not the opponent of hum Dun now. After sneaking attack on hum Dun, he saw that hum Dun soon stabilized his body and quickly hid next to Xiao Qinglong.

Xiaoqinglong had already arrived. At this time, he opened his eyes and looked at hum Dun coldly.

Two star beasts!

Seeing one big dragon and one small dragon, hum Dun couldn\'t help opening his eyes and looking surprised.

But what reassured him was that the realm of the little star beast was far inferior to him.

Hum Dun already wants to escape. Yang Tian doesn\'t want to talk to hum Dun anymore. Yang Tian sent out a powerful spiritual force and bound hum Dun in a moment.

Xiaoqinglong seized the opportunity to swing the dragon\'s tail. With a flash of his huge figure, he came to hum shield.

Yang Tian\'s spiritual power is actually much stronger than Xiao Qinglong.

Hum Dun is bound by Yang Tian\'s spiritual power. Although he is still active, his speed is greatly reduced. In Xiao Qinglong\'s eyes, his action is like a slow camera.

The dragon\'s beard on the little green dragon\'s lips rolled up and wrapped the hum shield again. At this time, Yang Tian also recovered his spiritual strength in time.

Hum Dun had to use the rune energy on the black knife again to escape the shackles of little green dragon.

In this process, hum Dun\'s black knife also turned into pieces.

It\'s just a fake treasure! Yang Tian was relieved to see the black knife destroyed.

The hum shield that escaped through Rune energy appeared several kilometers away from the little green dragon. Having lost the black knife, he didn\'t stop at all. His body turned into a black streamer and rushed towards the purple Chen star in the distance. He disappeared in a flash.

It\'s easy for practitioners in the realm of big star Lord to escape.


"Peng ~"

As soon as hum Dun approached the atmosphere of this Chenxing, he was hit by a powerful lightning.

The lightning seemed to appear out of thin air. It came very strangely.

The speed of the shocked hum shield decreased greatly, and his body trembled into the atmosphere of zichenxing.

However, before hum shield landed, little green dragon caught up with him, grabbed hum shield with one claw and flew straight into the sky.

People who saw this scene felt incredible. It was like a more powerful man ambushed and gave hum shield a blow at the critical time.

In fact, the strong current that hit hum shield just now was sent by little green dragon.

Yang Tian taught Xiaoqinglong this move.

Yang Tian can use his spiritual power to accelerate the sword Qi. Xiaoqinglong can also use his spiritual power to make a strong current across a long distance.

In fact, this is the horror of spiritual power.

Yang Tian is still just a practitioner of the superstar realm. If he elevates the realm to the realm of the great star master, he can directly leap thousands of kilometers with powerful attack power like little green dragon

This is just the ability of spiritual power to break through space. It is said that spiritual power can span time!

Hum! The shield lost its ability to move after it was caught by the little green dragon with its claws.

Because the little green dragon\'s claws carry a strong current, and the current contains the force.

After Xiaoqinglong grabbed hum shield, he quickly flew into the clouds.

"Peng ~"

Humph! The shield finally couldn\'t hold on. The body was crushed by the little green dragon with its claws. It made a loud noise, turned into flesh and blood, and was blown away by the air in the clouds.

Hum Dun didn\'t understand until he died. Why did the power of little green dragon suppress the strange energy he obtained after being transformed.