Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 500

After the meeting, when he left, the great sacrifice of Taiyu caught up with the great sacrifice of empty God.

"What\'s the matter with Yang Tian\'s appointment?" Taiyu asked in a deep voice behind the empty God sacrifice.

The tone of Taiyu grand sacrifice was a little dissatisfied, because Yang Tian was from Taiyu palace, but he didn\'t get any news in advance.

"What\'s the problem?" the great sacrifice of the empty God said faintly.

The great sacrifice of Taiyu said, "Yang Tian can\'t leave Taiyu palace."

"Why? He is also a general of the superstar temple. Under such circumstances, he has the obligation to contribute to the temple." the great sacrifice of the empty God said.

The great sacrifice of Taiyu said, "Yang Tian is a rare Rune talent. It\'s a waste to send him out."

While talking, the two men had gone together. Taiyu great sacrifice turned his head, looked at the expression of the great sacrifice of the empty God, saw that the great sacrifice of the empty God didn\'t mean to be unhappy, and then said, "maybe he will play a key role in the near future."

The great sacrifice of the empty God shook his head: "Taiyu, Yang Tian is indeed a talent, but is he loyal to the temple? Can he sacrifice his own interests for the interests of the temple?"

"This..." Tai Yu didn\'t know how to answer.

Seeing Taiyu\'s great sacrifice language, the great sacrifice of the empty God smiled and said, "so this time is a test for him."

The great sacrifice of the empty God said everything like this. The great sacrifice of Taiyu had nothing to say. He could only shake his head, sigh and turn around and leave.

That\'s all he can do for Yang Tian.


In the Taiyu palace, Yang Tian, who locked himself in the house, didn\'t know that he was about to be sent out to become a hated spy of a celebrity.

At this time, Yang Tianzheng planned to use his spiritual power to replace high-tech micro machines.

Yang Tianyi had this idea in his heart. The strange program told him that it was troublesome because Yang Tian could not do it.

Yang Tian\'s idea is to use spiritual power to control small tools and process all kinds of materials.

However, in this process, any slight defect can destroy the whole instrument. Moreover, the workload is too huge to be completed in a short time.

"OK! Let\'s wait until we buy the tools!" after listening to the analysis of the strange program, Yang Tian had to give up the idea.

In the goddess palace.

Hong Yujiu told Qin Fei about the temple\'s appointment of Yang Tian.

"That\'s not good!" Qin Fei frowned and shook her head.

What if I can\'t?

In the superstar temple, the goddess has no right. She can only talk.

Hong Yujiu did not respond to Qin Fei\'s words and remained silent.

Qin Fei quickly reacted and said to Hong Yu Jiu, "thank you for telling me the news."

Hong Yu nodded, turned and left the goddess palace.

Qin Fei was surprised that Hong Yujiu took the initiative to tell himself the news?

During this period, great changes have taken place in the superstar temple. If compared with the past, it can be described by the word "things are right and people are wrong".

The main change is that the power of the temple began to concentrate on a few people.

The great sacrifice of the empty God has more and more power, but no one can express any opinion, because the birth of the eternal life temple has put the superstar temple at a critical juncture. The concentration of power can give better play to the efficiency of the temple.

This is the first time in the history of the superstar temple.

Many great sacrifices and sacrificial priests were uncomfortable with this change, and Hong Yujiu was one of them.

Of course, Hong Yujiu is not considering his own interests, but worried about the future of the superstar temple.

In this case, we all understand that it is easy to concentrate power. After the crisis, it is basically impossible for us to sit together and discuss together as before.

Perhaps the solution to the problem is to let the goddess have some power, at least in the temple, the right to speak.

Therefore, Hong Yujiu took the initiative to tell Qin Fei some news for a purpose

After Hong Yujiu left, Qin Fei thought deeply.

After staying in the temple for so long, she also knows what kind of position surveillance is. Now she is fighting with the eternal life temple. Yang Tian is sent out, which is life-threatening.

After thinking about it, Qin Fei decided to contact her father immeasurable star Lord. At this time, perhaps only the father has a solution.

Thinking of this, Qin Fei shouted out, "Larry ~"

But no one responded.

At this time, Qin Fei remembered that Larry had been sent out by her

But a moment later, a footstep sounded and Larry came in.

Larry\'s chest looks much bigger than usual. Qin Fei doesn\'t have to guess why.

Sure enough, the little green dragon came out of Larry\'s chest and flew in front of her.

Larry feels used to such things. He\'s not as shy as he was for the first time. After Xiaoqinglong came out, Larry immediately withdrew from the room.


"I have to go out..." in the room, Yang Tian frowned and muttered.

I\'ve been in the superstar temple for a long time. It\'s time to go out and have some activities.

Sometimes, it\'s really what you want.

"Master, someone wants to see you outside." suddenly, the auxiliary device tinkled.

At the same time, Ding Dang also opened the monitoring image outside the door.

Yang Tian doesn\'t know anyone outside.

"Open the door." Yang Tian said faintly.

After the door opened, a young woman wearing black ol clothes and high heels came in.

At this time, Yang Tian had sat down and held his hands.

The young woman was very beautiful. She looked at Yang Tian, confirmed her identity, and said, "Yang Tian, please accept the appointment of the temple."

Although the woman was dressed like this and didn\'t look like a practitioner, Yang Tian felt strong energy from her.

This young woman is actually a practitioner of superstar realm.

However, her breath is very similar to that of a reformed practitioner. She should be a newly reformed practitioner.

When the woman spoke, her tone seemed a little stiff, but it was not as polite as the goddess of Meichen Palace last time.

"Appointment! What appointment?" Yang Tian asked.

The young woman immediately took out a rectangle from the storage bracelet, threw a sign engraved with runes to Yang Tian and said, "the temple appointed you as the monitor of the nine Man Star region. Please take office immediately. If you have any questions, please go to the \'minister Palace\' of the temple."

Yang Tian reached out and took the black brand. It was heavy. It was several times heavier than the same volume of gold. I don\'t know what material it was made of.

Yang Tian was appointed for the first time after he came to the superstar temple for so long. He thought he would stay at the temple of eternal life and call.

When Yang Tian observed the black sign in his hand, the young woman didn\'t leave.

"Is there anything else?" Yang Tian raised his head and asked when he saw that the woman had not left.

"Are you sure to accept this position?" asked the young woman.

Yang Tian said, "can I refuse?"

The young woman shook her head.

Yang Tian said with a smile, "since I can\'t refuse, I can only accept it."