Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 499

Calculating the time to crack this storage bracelet can not be completed in a moment. After reading the storage Bracelet in his hand, Yang Tian took out another storage bracelet from the drawer under the table.

As before, Yang Tian observed the storage bracelet with spiritual strength.

This second storage bracelet is the same as the previous one. Even the arrangement and order of the \'parts\' inside are the same.

The two storage bracelets belong to different owners before. The only difference is that the rune array has changed.

Because the changes of the rune array are very complex, Yang Tian can\'t see any difference.

After observing the second storage bracelet, Yang Tian successively took out the third and fourth

Soon, Yang Tian observed 26 storage bracelets.

These storage bracelets are large and small. Their size can be adjusted. Each storage Bracelet still maintains the size of its owner when he dies.

At the same time, the colors are also different, some are black, some are silver white, blue, red, purple

Moreover, these storage bracelets are produced by the mysterious superstar company, just like the storage bracelets obtained by Yang Tian in the Death Star domain.

When Yang Tian picked up the 27th silver storage bracelet, he finally found a difference.

This storage bracelet is different from other storage bracelets because its surface is very rough.

At the same time, it is much heavier than those storage bracelets before.

Finally, he found different storage bracelets. Yang Tian\'s eyes lit up and immediately looked at them with spiritual strength.

This storage bracelet is really different from other bracelets.

Because all \'parts\' are distributed on the surface, and the runes are much larger and fewer than those in the previous storage bracelets.

Yang Tian only looked at it and knew that it was a fake and shoddy product, or a low-grade product.

At this time, Yang Tian couldn\'t help thinking of the storage Bracelet he picked up after killing the giant beast of wind and fire with Qu yangu Ying.

"Pa ~"

Yang Tian\'s right hand holding the storage bracelet made a crisp sound.

The silver storage bracelet was broken by Yang Tian.

Then there was a "crash". A lot of items suddenly appeared in Yang Tian\'s room, fell on the floor and made a noise.

In fact, this is the characteristic of low-level storage tools. The storage space is small. If someone gets it and destroys it directly, he will have a certain opportunity to get what he wants in the storage space.

In addition to its exquisite appearance, it is the same as the storage tanks used by those practitioners Yang Tian saw on legu star.

Practitioners who use this low-level storage equipment are certainly not strong. The things dropped from the storage bracelet also prove this.

If it is an advanced bracelet, it is like the storage Bracelet used by Yang Tian. After it is destroyed, the things in the storage space will disappear.

This low-level bracelet, in addition to thousands of star crystals, is some daily necessities and high-tech weapons.

After Yang Tian got up and looked, he put it directly into his storage bracelet.

Fortunately, there is only one of the dozens of low-level storage bracelets Yang Tian got.

It is estimated that in that battle, the owner of this low-level bracelet was innocent, and the body was left in the broken bubble space

In addition to the storage bracelet, there are three storage pendants, two storage belts and two storage rings worn on your fingers.

Yang Tian observed one by one. The internal structures of these storage tools are basically the same. The only difference is the arrangement of the \'parts\' inside.

Yang Tian also spent a long time counting the internal "parts" of several storage tools, but they were not bad.

Yang Tian hasn\'t observed all the storage tools yet. There are results in the strange program.

"It has been calculated, but we need to make special tools." the voice of the strange program sounded in Yang Tian\'s mind.

"What tool?" Yang Tian asked.

The tool designed by the strange program directly appeared in Yang Tian\'s mind. And said to Yang Tian, "it needs a lot of special materials and some micro machines. The process of manufacturing this instrument is more complex than that of manufacturing a storage tool, but after completion, it should be able to crack most of the storage tools. If it cannot be cracked, it can be modified on this instrument..."

At this point, the strange program lists a detailed material list for Yang Tian and some requirements for micro machinery.

To crack the general Rune array, you only need a strange program to control Yang Tian\'s body and send out crack energy. However, it is much more troublesome to crack these storage tools.

In addition to the extremely complex symbol array on the storage tool, there are many electronic devices on it.

"OK!" Yang Tian looked at the design drawing of the strange program and clicked.

The instrument designed by strange program is a triangle. Because it is translucent, Yang Tian can see the general structure inside it. There are more parts inside than in the storage bracelet.

What can be solved with money is not a big deal. As long as there are enough star crystals, materials, machinery and so on, you can buy them.

In fact, there are many materials in Taiyu palace, and they are very complete. Maybe you don\'t need to buy them!

You should know how to practice runes and understand all kinds of materials. Taiyu palace specializes in studying Rune array. Of course, it collects and stores a lot of materials.

Yang Tian asked the auxiliary device to ring the time and found that most of the day had passed before he knew it.

I haven\'t had barbecue for a long time. Now something I\'m looking forward to is about to be completed. Yang Tian is happy and takes Xiaoqinglong out of the room. He comes to a remote courtyard behind Taiyu palace and takes out barbecue tools

The next morning, Yang Tian found a steward of Taiyu palace and took out the sign of Taiyu great sacrifice to him.

Privilege is different. Soon, Yang Tian got dozens of materials he needed.

The quantity is not very large. The most required materials are only a few kilograms, and the least is only the size of a finger.

Yang Tian didn\'t bother to remember the strange material names on the material list. When Yang Tian got all kinds of materials, he looked and found that there were gold, aluminum and other metal materials in them. The names of these materials were completely different from those on earth. If he hadn\'t seen the real objects, Yang Tian would never have thought that gold would be called "nayahuang" in the universe.

With materials, the next is high-tech small machinery.

This is a troublesome thing. Although the superstar temple can be connected with the cosmic network, it is not available to ordinary people.

Of course, this is because of the need for confidentiality. Otherwise, what are the secrets of the superstar temple. Its detailed position in the universe and some things that happened in the temple will be known by the whole universe at the first time.

We can\'t buy this kind of machinery. We have to find another way

When Yang Tian was worried, the great sacrifice of the superstar temple, the ordinary sacrifice of large parts, and some god generals were called together and held a meeting.

At a meeting, the great sacrifice of the empty God proposed the appointment of Yang Tian.

Perhaps it is that Yang Tian is too idle to waste food in the shrine. The appointment of Yang Tian is empty God\'s big sacrifice, which is the nine star domain "surveillance".

The so-called "surveillance" on earth is called surveillance and military supervision. Sounds like a great position.

But in fact, this is an offensive job.

Because no one wants to be "watched" by the God generals working outside, and now they are engaged in a local war with the eternal life temple.

This appointment was inconspicuous in the appointment of many people, and only attracted the attention of a few people, such as Taiyu grand sacrifice, Meichen grand sacrifice, Kaya grand sacrifice, and Hong Yujiu.