Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 501

When Yang Tian finished, the young woman nodded, turned and left Yang Tian\'s room.

This is a good thing for Yang Tian. He was going to leave the superstar temple for a while. Unexpectedly, the opportunity came soon, which was just what he wanted.

But you have to tell Qin Fei about it first.

On the front of the black card, there are two big characters protruding from the card surface - surveillance.

Then there is a row of small words.

They are universal words. It explains that monitoring is only a temporary position. They patrol outside on behalf of the superstar temple to observe the protection of the gods\' Generals in various star regions, etc.

It seems that this is a fat difference.

However, Yang Tian also knew that, depending on his performance in the temple, in any case, he could not be turned to monitor. The key point was the word "nine barbarian star domain".

Some time ago, chista, who was assigned to the nine Man Star domain, is said to have betrayed the superstar temple and joined the eternal life temple.

The superstar Temple immediately sent a god general who was promoted to the realm of the great star Lord after being transformed to suppress it.

It\'s been a while, and I don\'t know what\'s going on in jiuman.

Not long after the young woman left, Xiaoqinglong came back.

Xiaoqinglong\'s message to Yang Tian is also about this appointment.

Qin Fei said in her reply that she was worried about Yang Tian, but at present, she had no good way.

Yang Tian thought for a while and thought he\'d better go to the minister\'s palace to go through the formalities.

This is also a matter of no choice. He was driven to the shelves. He was unwilling and had no choice.

The minister palace is in the middle of the superstar temple. All appointments and signs in the temple are the business of the minister palace.

In the past, the people who worked in the Secretary palace were more leisurely, but now it is very chaotic outside. The Secretary palace seems very busy, and there is a long queue at the door.

Yang Tian waited about half an hour before it was his turn to go through the formalities.

In the minister\'s palace, long tables are lined up. On each table is a high-tech projection instrument.

Sitting behind these tables are some young and beautiful women.

The realm of these young women is very low, and they are basically planetary practitioners.

Yang Tian seems very familiar with the office space here.

When he was on earth, he saw many urban TV dramas left before. The scene here is similar to those big offices in the company.

It\'s just that the instruments used here are more high-tech.

Although the superstar Temple rejects some high-tech things, it has to be used in these places.

Because of the use of these tools, work efficiency will be higher.

Yang Tian sat down at one of the desks and handed his black card.

The beauty staff inquired about Yang Tian according to the number on the black card.

Soon, Yang Tian got a silver small capacity chip.

The chip stores the coordinates of jiuman star domain and some instructions for Yang Tian\'s appointment.

The beauty staff told Yang Tian that after selecting the accompanying escort, he should not stay in the superstar temple for too long.

Yang Tian nodded and got up from his seat. Led by another beautiful staff member, he came to a wide room in the Secretary\'s palace.

As soon as he entered the door, Yang Tian saw at least 200 people standing in the room.

Most of these people are male and look very young. They are of all races and wear black armor.


Seeing the situation in the room, the beautiful staff coughed.

More than 200 people in the room began to queue slowly.

The level of these practitioners is not very high. Most of them are practitioners in the star level, and a few are practitioners in the star level.

Obviously, most of them are just an ordinary guard in the superstar temple.

A higher position is just a guard captain.

It took these people at least five minutes to line up.

There are 20 people in the horizontal row and 15 people in the rigid row. The total number is just 250.

Yang Tian frowned and glanced at these people, stomped forward slowly and walked around the group.

The queue of 250 people looked very messy, and some people deliberately staggered.

Yang Tianyi thought and understood why.

Because jiuman star region is a dangerous place, these people don\'t want to be elected by Yang Tian. At that time, Yang Tian took it as cannon fodder and didn\'t have a chance to cry.

Therefore, they are very lazy and hope that they will not be elected. This is also an indirect refusal.

Of course, if Yang Tian doesn\'t care about these and forcibly selects them, they can only obey orders.

Yang Tian was able to take 100 guards on this trip.

This number is too shabby for a watchman who goes out to work.

Generally, there will be at least thousands of people to follow, and a small fleet will be equipped.

The explanation given above is that there are not enough people in the temple, so the number of God generals, guards and equipment who go out to work have been reduced.

So many people! It\'s better not to bring any at all.

According to the cultivation state of these people, if anything happens, it\'s almost the same for him to protect these people.

Suddenly, Yang Tian saw a familiar figure.

The man is a little fat.

When Yang Tian noticed the man, the man also looked at Yang Tian.

Ju Liang City!

Yang Tian recognized this guy at a glance.

Ju Liang City was very surprised to see Yang Tian. He was also forcibly pulled here, saying that he was gathering the number of people.

Juliang just came to the superstar temple and didn\'t know much about the darkness at the lower level, so he happily agreed.

After the collection here, Ju Liangshi took out a palm sized intelligent instrument and wrote a virtual online game. He didn\'t care about what others talked about.

All he knows is that he\'s here to gather people. After walking around here, he\'ll go back and continue to do chores.

What Ju Liang didn\'t expect was that the person who came to choose the guard was Yang Tian!

After seeing Yang Tian, Ju Liangshi was surprised and smiled bitterly, because he vaguely felt that Yang Tian would choose him.

When Ju Liang saw Yang Tian\'s smiling face, he soon set his eyes on Xiao Qinglong.

Of course, Xiaoqinglong also knows Ju Liangshi. Once he went to experience with solli, he burned this guy\'s ass with a dragon flame.

Thinking of this, Xiaoqinglong\'s eyes revealed a sneer.

Seeing little Qinglong\'s eyes, Ju Liangshi felt his ass itch again.

The state of Juliang city has also been improved, reaching the level of king of stars. The speed of progress is really... Slow.

Yang Tian took his eyes back from a fat face full of complex expressions in Ju Liang City and glanced at the others again.

After shaking his head, Yang Tian turned around and said to the beautiful staff who had been following behind: "I only want one person."

Then Yang Tian raised his hand and pointed.

The man he points to is Ju Liangshi.

If there is no Juliang City, Yang Tian plans not to bring anyone!