Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 496

Since practitioners were able to be transformed and improve their realm at a very fast speed, Yang Tian obviously felt that great changes had taken place in the superstar temple.

Before he left Taiyu palace, he could see many people competing and exercising in various open venues. And now? Basically, I can\'t see it. Many people gather in twos and threes to talk about when they can accept transformation.

Whenever he sees such a situation, Yang Tian can only shake his head.

In fact, there is no way to do so, because the competition with the immortal temple has become more and more fierce.

Almost ten days after the star viewing platform incident, a god of Meichen palace came to Taiyu palace and found Yang Tian.

At this time, Yang Tianzheng shut himself in the room to help the strange program read the last batch of runes in Taiyu palace.

This is a goddess general, very good-looking, with long light blue hair.

Meichen great sacrifice refined spiritual power. The God general from Meichen palace is also to cultivate spiritual power. The goddess will also be a spiritual practitioner.

"Yang Tian, the great sacrifice of Meichen wants to see you. Do you have time?" the goddess will see Yang Tiantian and say.

Yang Tian was surprised because he didn\'t know the high priest Meichen.

Yang Tian looked at the goddess standing in front of him suspiciously. When the goddess would talk to him, he looked very polite.

Seeing that Yang Tian didn\'t reply and had a confused look on her face, the goddess would immediately smile and say, "when the high priest saw you, he just wanted to ask you some questions. I forgot to tell you that high priest Meichen cultivates spiritual power."

As soon as the beauty God\'s voice fell, Yang Tian finally understood. It is estimated that the Meichen sacrifice is interested in his spiritual power.

Yang Tian knows that all practitioners who practice spiritual power may have something to do with the music world star domain. The high priest Meichen probably came from or knew the music world star domain.

Yang Tian thought and nodded to the goddess.

Under the guidance of the beautiful God general, Yang Tian went out of Taiyu palace and headed for Meichen palace not far away.

After the star viewing platform competition, Yang Tian spent most of his time reading Rune fragments, because he had a hunch that the superstar temple would change greatly soon.

During this time, most of the rune books in Taiyu palace and the fragments engraved with runes were almost read by Yang Tian.

The rune database of singular programs has been greatly expanded. To get so much Rune information, the strange program told Yang Tian a good news, that is, it has begun to search and calculate the rune information that can crack the storage tools in the rune database to see if it can find out the methods to crack the unowned storage tools.

This is great news for Yang Tian!

If he succeeds, Yang Tian can imagine that he can buy ownerless storage tools. Sitting at home, he can get a huge amount of practice resources.

There are always battles among practitioners in the universe, but after killing the opponent, basically, the winner will not take the storage tools on the body. Because it\'s useless, they can\'t untie it if they take it away, unless it\'s as a souvenir.

Over the past countless years, I don\'t know how many such storage tools have been left in the universe.

Thinking of such a good thing, Yang Tian was very excited, but at the same time, he was also a little puzzled.

Because the company that produces these storage tools should be able to crack these storage tools. After all, these things are produced by them. If you know how to produce them, you should also know how to crack them!

This problem needs to be understood, thought Yang Tianxin.

Soon, Meichen palace arrived. Yang Tian was directly taken to the quiet room of Meichen high priest by the beauty God. After taking Yang Tian, the beauty immediately turned away and closed the door.

Entering the quiet room, Yang Tian saw an old man sitting there with his eyes closed, motionless, like a sculpture.

This old man is the high priest of Meichen.

When the beauty God left and closed the door, the high priest Meichen finally opened his eyes, raised his hand and said to Yang Tian, "please sit down!"

The quiet room of high priest Meichen is very simple. There is no special equipment and has a strong sound insulation effect. As soon as the door is closed, the noise outside can\'t come in.

The high priest of Meichen sat on the futon, and Yang Tian also sat down on the futon in front of the high priest of Meichen.

"High priest, what can I do for you?" Yang Tian asked curiously after sitting down.

High priest Meichen did not immediately answer Yang Tian\'s question, but looked at Yang Tian carefully.

High priest Meichen can see the cellular structure of the practitioner\'s body and even the energy world in the practitioner\'s body.

However, when he applied this ability to Yang Tian, it had no effect.

At the same time, he can\'t feel any spiritual energy on Yang Tian and can\'t see through Yang Tian.

The high priest Meichen again set his eyes on the little green dragon on Yang Tian\'s shoulder.

Seeing the high priest Meichen looking at himself, little Qinglong raised his head and his eyes were full of vigilance. It can feel that there is terrible energy in the old man\'s body.

Yang Tian turned his head and looked at Xiaoqinglong.

Suddenly, the high priest Meichen raised his hand and pointed at the little green dragon. The little green dragon was bounced into the air and suspended.

At this time, the little green dragon was wrapped by the huge spiritual power of the high priest Meichen and could not move.

Feeling Xiaoqinglong\'s panic and anger, Yang Tian frowned and asked, "high priest, what are you doing?"

While Yang Tian was talking, Meichen great sacrifice looked at Yang Tian again, still as before.

It seems that the particularity of Yang Tian\'s body is not due to the pet of the beast... Meichen great sacrifice thought.

Seeing Yang Tian unhappy, the high priest Meichen took back his hand and said faintly, "nothing. I\'m just interested in this little guy."

With that, he took back his spiritual strength.

Although very angry, the little green dragon who restored his freedom did not dare to attack the high priest Meichen. It fell on Yang Tian\'s shoulder and looked at the high priest Meichen coldly.

The high priest Meichen didn\'t care about Xiao Qinglong\'s cold eyes. He began to answer Yang Tian\'s question before. He said, "I came to you to know that you don\'t have spiritual power in the world. How can you have strong spiritual power?"

Yang Tian thought about it and replied, "my body is not a world without spirit, but because... My original energy world is integrated with my spiritual power world..."

Next, Yang Tian described the formation process of the original boundary in his body in detail for the high priest Meichen.

Yang Tian feels there is no need to hide. Even if others know it, it\'s nothing.

If you let him do it again, he is not sure to rebuild the original world again. The reason why practice accidents are called "accidents" is that they are uncertain.

After Yang Tianshu finished, the high priest Meichen looked very surprised and murmured, "this is the first time I\'ve heard that the universe is very big. There are indeed all kinds of wonders!"