Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 495

Yang Tian is not a reformed practitioner, but he easily defeated the reformed practitioner. This also proves that traditional practitioners can easily overcome and quickly improve their realm, and have the "strange" power to transform practitioners.

Transformation is just a way to improve the realm.

This has given many people great confidence.

In the course of fighting, the shortcomings of reforming practitioners have also been exposed, that is, they lack practical combat experience. In addition, in terms of psychological quality, they are not as strong as traditional practitioners. Although they are powerful, they lack the ability to respond to changes and are easy to expand themselves under special circumstances.

After Yang Tian finished chopping Bei and Yasi, the whole viewing platform suddenly became lively again.

Everyone talked about the battle between Yang Tian and the two reformers, and which one had more advantages than the traditional one.

This is what Yang Tian wants to see. Although he knows what he has just done, it is of no use.

Hearing these comments, Yang tianpo was gratified. At least he gave many traditional practitioners confidence again and exposed their shortcomings.


Seeing this situation, the great sacrifice of the empty God waved his sleeve, snorted coldly, and turned away from the star viewing platform.

I don\'t know whether he is angry with Yang Tian, blaming Yang Tian for disturbing the situation, or disappointed in the reform practitioners.

As soon as the great sacrifice of the empty God left, many great sacrifices left with him. The sacrificial priests left, and it was no fun for them to stay, so they dispersed one after another.

Qin Fei wanted to stay and talk to Yang Tian, but Hong Yujiu "persuaded" her to leave the observatory.

Seeing Qin Fei leaving the viewing platform surrounded by a group of White Ladies, Yang Tian clenched his teeth and thought, the old man Hong Yujiu is really hateful

Xiaoqinglong returned to Yang Tian\'s shoulder. Yang Tian patted Xiaoqinglong\'s small faucet, sighed helplessly and walked down the star viewing platform.

Then Yang Tian returned to Taiyu palace.

What Yang Tian doesn\'t know is that he has been noticed by a great sacrifice.

This great sacrifice is the Meichen great sacrifice majoring in spiritual power.

The Meichen sacrifice comes from the star region of the music world. The spiritual power of cultivation is the same as that of quyan guying. Naturally, it can be seen that Yang Tian\'s spiritual power and his spiritual power of cultivation are also the same.

However, what makes Meichen sacrifice strange is that Yang Tian has no spiritual power in his body!

In the process of Yang Tian\'s use of spiritual power, Meichen great sacrifice used his special ability to see Yang Tian\'s spiritual power world, but he didn\'t expect that there was no spiritual power world in Yang celestial body.

In other words, there is no pure spiritual power world in Yang Xingxing.

In terms of spiritual cultivation, Meichen great sacrifice is undoubtedly the authority in the universe. In terms of spiritual strength, he is well-informed and has never seen a situation like Yang Tian.

Yang Tian is now in Taiyu palace. If he wants to know about Yang Tian... He has to get the consent of Taiyu grand sacrifice.

After all, Yang Tian is a member of Taiyu palace and a subordinate of Taiyu grand sacrifice.

Just as the Taiyu grand sacrifice wanted to ask him about the important people in Meichen palace, he had to agree with the Meichen grand sacrifice.

This is what human beings on earth call "it\'s up to the master to beat a dog". Although it\'s a little ugly, it\'s this truth.

Therefore, after leaving the star viewing platform, Meichen grand sacrifice found Taiyu grand sacrifice and appeared in front of Taiyu grand sacrifice.

Meichen sacrifice was older than Taiyu sacrifice. He appeared in front of Taiyu sacrifice and said directly, "Taiyu, I want to know something about Yang Tian."

In the superstar temple, both Meichen and Taiyu sacrifice belong to those who don\'t like to talk, because they are technical practitioners, and their career has created their character.

In other words, it is precisely because of this character that they can practice the power that others find it difficult to practice.

Meichen great sacrifice stopped Taiyu great sacrifice, which made people feel strange. Many great sacrifices stopped and looked at them curiously.

Taiyu priest glanced around and said faintly, "it\'s inconvenient to talk here."

Being watched by everyone, they both felt very uncomfortable. That\'s their character.

The great sacrifice of Meichen glanced at the side, frowned and said faintly, "since it\'s inconvenient to speak here, go to my Meichen palace!"

Taiyu grand sacrifice hesitated and nodded to Meichen grand sacrifice.

In the superstar temple, although the great sacrifices have their own palaces, they rarely come and go, such as Taiyu great sacrifice and Meichen great sacrifice.

It has to be said that Taiyu grand sacrifice is the first time to come to the Meichen palace of Meichen grand sacrifice.

Like the Taiyu palace of Taiyu grand sacrifice, the Meichen palace is also very cold and quiet than the Taiyu palace.

This is because spiritual cultivation also requires a very quiet environment.

Meichen great sacrifice took Taiyu great sacrifice to a quiet room. After the two sat down relative to each other, Meichen great sacrifice said bluntly: "I want to see Yang Tian. Maybe it will take a few days."

As soon as the voice of Meichen sacrifice fell, Taiyu sacrifice frowned.

What does the old man want to do in front of him... Taiyu sacrificial priest thought about it and suddenly understood that it must have something to do with Yang Tian\'s spiritual power.

Yang Tian is now a member of the Taiyu palace. The Meichen grand sacrifice wants to find Yang Tian. Of course, it needs the consent of the Taiyu grand sacrifice.

"All right!" the great sacrifice Taiyu thought and nodded.

Next, the two elders began to talk about the situation outside the superstar temple.


Although the three reformed practitioners were easily killed by Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong, the next day, when the superstar Temple released the news that the practitioners in the temple could apply for transformation, many people still went to apply.

The place to accept the transformation is Jianshi palace. In the usually cold Jianshi palace, thousands of practitioners came all at once.

The first group selected were 100 practitioners of the new realm.

The cost of manufacturing protocells is still very high. Among the first batch of applicants, practitioners of superstar realm can be given priority to transform and upgrade the realm to the realm of great star Lord.

After the 100 people entered the Jianshi palace, 31 people came out.

The higher the level, the higher the success rate of the transformation, which is about one-third. If the big star Lord accepts the transformation, the success rate should be more than 50%.

The big star God, the success rate should reach more than 70%.

Of course, Yang Tian knew what happened in Jianshi palace. Even many people in Taiyu palace couldn\'t help reporting their names, but unfortunately, only one person was selected.

This man is a practitioner of superstar realm. His luck is very good and his transformation is successful. When he came back from Jianshi palace, he was already the realm of the great star Lord, which made many people envy him.

Yang Tian has no interest in this kind of thing. What happened yesterday basically made him draw a line from the transformation. Even if he had the cheek to sign up, he could not be selected.

He knows that there must be side effects to improve the realm at a very fast speed, not as simple as it seems.

There is no good thing that pie falls off in this world. Maybe after a long time, the side effects will appear.

At that time, it is estimated that the practitioners who have accepted the transformation will have no time to regret.