Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 497

After a sigh, the high priest Meichen then asked, "where did you get your spiritual power?"

"Qu Yan Gu Ying," Yang Tian replied, "it was with her help that I gained spiritual power. My previous spiritual world was also established with her help."

"Who is quyan guying?" the high priest Meichen asked again.

Yang Tian replied, "she comes from AIPA, which is an exile planet."

Hearing the three words of aipaxing, the high priest Meichen was stunned, then slowly closed his eyes and sighed, as if he were remembering. After a long time, he said: "I know about AIPA and have been there many times, but they don\'t know it. Over the years, I\'ve been paying attention to the changes of AIPA... Sometimes it\'s good to live on an exiled planet..."

High priest Meichen opened his eyes, looked at Yang Tian and said, "I didn\'t ask you to come here. I\'m just curious about you. I can\'t let you go in vain."

Meichen said, took out a book from the storage bracelet, handed it to Yang Tian, and said:“

What\'s recorded above is some methods of using spiritual power. You can have a look when you\'re free. "

Yang Tian was overjoyed. He was still a layman and not very good at the use of spiritual power. For him, it was like having countless money but no place to spend.

In superstar college, Yang Tian wanted to consult Qu yangu Ying, but he didn\'t have much time. Now, as long as he understands the contents of the book, he can use his spiritual power more subtly.

This is a book with a yellow cover. I don\'t know what material it is made of. It looks like a palm thick. It\'s smaller than a four open book.

Yang Tian took it with both hands and felt that the book was heavy, just like it was stacked with iron plates.

After receiving the book, Yang Tian opened it. Fortunately, the words on it are universal words, and he can understand it. If it is the inheritance text of the music world star domain, or the text on AIPA, Yang Tian must not understand it, then he must consult Meichen great sacrifice and quyan ancient English.

Yang Tian simply turned a few pages and put the book into the storage bracelet.

The high priest Meichen said at this time, "it was spiritual strength that you practiced. I wanted you to stay a few more days, but your spiritual world is unusual. I have nothing to tell you. Now, you can leave."

Yang Tian nodded. When he was about to stand up and turn around to leave, he suddenly thought of a question, that is, the storage tools. He asked the Meichen high priest, "high priest, I have a question for you, can I?"

"What\'s the problem?" said Meichen.

Yang Tian scratched his head and said with a smile, "after the storage tools we use are bound, can they open them if they are lost and obtained by others!"

The high priest Meichen said, "this is a matter of common sense. Of course, it is impossible to open it."

"What about the factories that produce these storage tools? They made these things. Can\'t they open them?" Yang Tian didn\'t understand.

High priest Meichen said with a smile, "you should ask high priest Taiyu about this question. But I can also answer you, and they can\'t either."

"Why?" Yang Tian asked.

High priest Meichen pointed to the storage bracelet on Yang Tian\'s wrist and said: "The storage tool can be bound with the master. Even if the master dies, it can\'t be used by others because there is a special Rune array on it. This Rune array can read the master\'s vital characteristics. In the process of binding, the rune array will undergo complex changes. Even the person who made him doesn\'t know what the rune array will look like in the end.

And this matrix is connected to the storage space. Even the fastest program in the world can\'t calculate the change process of this matrix.

If you are interested in this kind of thing, you can use your spiritual power to look at the above runes. Then you will understand. "

After listening to the explanation of the high priest Meichen, Yang tianruo nodded and asked, "if it is the intelligent program written by the rune saint in rune, can it crack this storage tool?"

"Of course." Meichen said, "in fact, Fu Sheng has already proved it. Unfortunately, that program has been destroyed. If it exists in this universe... The consequences are really unpredictable."

"Is there any question? If I can answer it for you, I will tell you." the high priest Meichen said again.

Yang Tian thought for a moment. He did have many questions in his mind, but at this time, it was inconvenient for him to say them, because sometimes the more he asked, the more he exposed.

For example, with regard to storage tools, if Yang Tian can crack these ownerless storage tools with the help of strange programs in the future, then when Meichen sacrificial priest knows it, he will think of Yang Tian at the first time.

"No, thank you, high priest." Yang Tian stood up, bowed to high priest Meichen and withdrew from the quiet room.

After leaving Meichen palace, Yang Tian immediately returned to Taiyu palace.

Next, Yang Tian lived a leisurely life again.

In the superstar temple, there are more and more practitioners undergoing transformation. Even the peaceful Taiyu palace has become more and more lively.

No, it should not be said to be lively, but impetuous.

Everyone was stimulated to lose their calmness by the transformation of improving the realm at a very fast speed.

Every time Yang Tian left his room and walked in the corridor of Taiyu palace, he heard the most talked about topic from others, that is, who accepted the transformation and what realm he promoted from.

Practitioners who talk about these things rarely mention who failed in the process of transformation and became a sticky red liquid, so they can\'t die anymore.

Businessmen pursue profits, practitioners do the same, and even more.

Businessmen pursue money, while practitioners most pursue the strength of personal strength.

In addition to the transformation, the most talked about is the news about the eternal life temple.

It is said that the eternal life temple has begun to seize the territory of the superstar temple. Many practitioners who have just been transformed have been sent out after a short adaptation.

Hearing this news, Yang Tian knew that the war between the superstar temple and the eternal life temple had actually begun.

And he also had a hunch that for the two temples, there would be no room for compromise. There can be no two temples in this universe!

The universe is very big, but if you look at it from the perspective of the superstar temple, you will find that the universe is actually very small

Everyone was impetuous, but it was an opportunity for Yang Tian.

Yang Tian is waiting for the decisive battle between the superstar temple and the immortal temple. At that time... He believes he will have the opportunity to take Qin Fei away from the superstar temple.

The war between the two temples was actually long.

On earth, the establishment of a new country takes years or even decades of war. The universe is so large, it takes longer