Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 494

Neri was killed by little green dragon so easily?

This kind of result is really difficult to accept for two practitioners who are also reformed practitioners, namely, chambe and Yasi.

They have powerful power, and this power is very special. After invading other people\'s bodies, they can prevent cell division!

They could see clearly what had happened just now, and some didn\'t understand why Neri didn\'t get out of the way.

What they didn\'t know was that Neri didn\'t want to dodge, but was trapped.

Yang Tian is deeply aware of this.

When fighting with Xiaoqinglong in the gravity chamber, Xiaoqinglong often uses powerful spiritual power to trap him and limit his speed. Then, he is patted by Xiaoqinglong.

Of course, when competing with Yang Tian, little Qinglong didn\'t do his best, and this time, he used the fastest speed and the most powerful force to kill Neri!

If Neri had experienced such a battle with little green dragon, he would not have been killed by little green dragon at once.

It is the truth that only by knowing yourself and the enemy can we be invincible in a hundred battles.

Of course, another reason is that Neri is too confident. He gets strong power in a short time, which makes him a little floating. At the same time, he doesn\'t have the rich combat experience of the strong in the super star realm.

The lack of combat experience of the reformed practitioners is also a big problem.

"That beast pet is too powerful! He killed Neri at once! No wonder Yang Tian is so confident."

"Yes! With such a powerful pet, the combat power can be increased several times! There will be a good play next. I don\'t know if the two will admit defeat."


The practitioners on the stargazer platform talked and formed a \'buzzing\' sound.

Chopper Bei and Yas looked at each other and conveyed worry and fear to each other.

Yang Tian\'s pet is so powerful, coupled with Yang Tian who doesn\'t know the details, they are not sure of winning at all.

"Yang Tian, don\'t you want to prove that you can have great power without transformation? It\'s not your intention to defeat them with animal pets?"

Suddenly, the middle-aged priest said.

"OK!" Yang Tian said with a smile, "I will prove it to you and everyone."

With that, Yang Tian smiled and said to Xiaoqinglong, "Xiaolong, it\'s my turn next."

The Little Green Dragon nodded and soon changed back into a mini dragon and flew to Qin Fei\'s arms not far away.

"Bruce Lee, you\'re great!" Qin Fei pointed at Bruce Lee\'s faucet and said with a smile.

Little Qinglong\'s eyes were full of pride.

Xiaoqinglong no longer participates in the battle. Chopping Bei and Yasi have confidence in defeating Yang Tian.

Neri\'s defeat made chambe and Yas cautious. Even if Xiaoqinglong no longer participated in the battle, they didn\'t arrogantly propose to fight alone with Yang Tian.

So, next, they attacked Yang Tian together.

This is what Yang Tian asked himself.

The stargazing platform became silent again, and the people focused their eyes on the three people again, as well as the big dragon claw print on the ground between them.

Time passed slowly for more than two minutes.

Chopping Bei and Yas looked at each other, suddenly moved and rushed towards Yang Tian together.

In the moment before they acted, we could see that weapons appeared on both hands.

In such a battle, the use of weapons is not prohibited, and they do not violate the rules.

Although the three of them have just reached the superstar level, their speed exceeds that of ordinary superstar warrior practitioners.

Although before that, the three had little experience in fighting with Superstar practitioners, they also had a short time of training.

Yang Tian\'s eyes narrowed slightly in the face of the two people who rushed quickly, and his powerful spiritual power broke out, forming a spiritual energy domain in front of his body.

This is also the way Yang Tian came up with an idea according to the battle process in which Xiao Qinglong killed Naili just now.

In an instant, chambe and Yas rushed into the \'domain\' formed by Yang Tian with spiritual power.

At the same time, Yang Tian also felt two powerful forces and wanted to break free from his shackles.

At this time, it is obvious that the speed of chopping Bei and Yas is much slower.

At this time, Yang Tian, who had long expected this situation, had appeared in front of them.

At that moment, chombe and Yas felt like they had suddenly entered the thick liquid from the air environment.

The pleasure of moving quickly in the air suddenly disappeared.

What shocked the two people, Yang Tian was unaffected. He was at least twice as fast as them. He suddenly appeared in front of them, with his palms facing their chest.

Spiritual power!

They understood at once that Yang Tian had spiritual power and was very powerful.

So before Neri was easily killed by the star beast, he was also bound by spiritual power!

Seeing that they were about to be photographed by Yang Tian, they also broke out their most powerful strength and kicked on the ground!

At this critical time, they hope to get rid of Yang Tian\'s spiritual power.

Their movements were like slow motion in Yang Tian\'s eyes.

When they just kicked on the ground and began to exert their strength, Yang Tian withdrew his spiritual strength.

"Peng ~"

When Yang Tian withdrew his spiritual strength, their speed suddenly increased and hit Yang Tian\'s hands.

At that moment, Yang Tian was already ready for the impact, leaning forward and his feet back and forth.

Under the powerful collision, Yang Tian remained motionless, while the bodies of chop Bei and Yas were bounced back.

When chambe and Yas turned over and fell to the ground and stood firm, the people saw that the chest of their black armor had been completely shattered.

Yang Tian\'s palm power directly shattered their armor.

It was more than that. After they stood firm, their faces and bodies suddenly became stiff.

"Pa pa..."

Yang Tian took a long breath, patted his hands and knocked off the armor powder on his hands.

With this action, Yang Tian also covered up the trembling of his arms.

His arm was hurt by the blow just now.

But the price is worth it, because he has achieved his goal, that is, like Xiaoqinglong, he will kill them with one blow.

Yang Tian, who clapped his hands, immediately attracted everyone\'s attention.

At this time, Yang Tian smiled and said, "who says that traditional practice is better than transformation? Everyone has seen it!"

"Peng... Peng..."

As soon as Yang Tian\'s voice fell, chop Bei and Yas fell to the ground.

No, it should be two bodies.

Like Neri, their bodies began to melt

Yang Tian also verified that his force also has a strong destructive power to transform the body of practitioners.

The three reformed practitioners were all killed. Many great priests looked at Yang Tian with dissatisfaction on their faces.

But they can\'t blame Yang Tian, because the whole process is fair and they didn\'t stop it before.

If Yang Tian\'s combat power is not as good as the three, Yang Tian will die.