Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 493

The little green dragon was coiled on Yang Tian\'s shoulder and did not move. In addition, its body was small. Compared with the color of Yang Tian\'s blue armor, the cyan on its body was not very different. Let alone, it really looked like a kind of armor decoration.


Seeing the "star beast" on Yang Tian\'s shoulder, many people suddenly realized that Yang Tian was not arrogant, but because he had a pet.

For a practitioner who has a beast pet, the battle process with the help of the beast pet is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

However, even if you have a pet, can you defeat the joint attack of the three?

"You want to challenge the three of us at the same time, but you don\'t have that qualification." seeing that Yang Tian has a pet, Neri was stunned and said with a sneer.

People familiar with Yang Tian know that Yang Tian has a pet, but those who don\'t know that Yang Tian has a pet don\'t notice Xiaoqinglong because Yang Tian and Xiaoqinglong are almost integrated.

At the same time, when there was no power, the energy fluctuation emitted by Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong was not strong.

This will make people misjudge his combat effectiveness.

Usually, the more powerful and fierce the energy fluctuation emitted by a practitioner, the stronger the combat effectiveness.

Of course, this should also be judged in combination with people\'s temperament.

Because powerful practitioners who often defeat others show an extremely confident temperament.

Neri\'s disdain angered the little green dragon. It immediately jumped off Yang Tian\'s shoulder and fell to the ground. In a few blinks, it turned into a giant dragon nearly 30 meters long.

When the little green dragon was very young, it gave people a very lovely feeling, but when he became a giant dragon, it gave people a strong sense of oppression.

At this time, the little green dragon also sent out powerful energy fluctuations.

Judging from the energy fluctuation on the little green dragon, its combat effectiveness is at least equivalent to that of a practitioner at the level of superstar general.

At this time, if you don\'t show your strength to these people, you will be underestimated by them.

Yang Tian\'s body suddenly sent out strong energy fluctuations.

The force in the original world kept pouring out, filling Yang Tian\'s body, making Yang\'s weather rise.

Yang Tian is a superstar warrior practitioner, but standing there, he also gives people a strong sense of oppression.

"What a strong foundation!"

When Yang Tian sent out powerful energy fluctuations, a high priest couldn\'t help but exclaim.

Foundation, that is, profound meaning!

It shows that Yang Tian\'s support force is very strong and the quality is extremely high.

Generally, practitioners with a strong foundation are beautiful people in the same realm, and some can even fight beyond the level.

Obviously, Yang Tian is such a practitioner.

When Yang Tian broke out, some people realized that they had underestimated Yang Tian before.

And little green dragon.

Like Yang Tian, when it was small, it was hard to imagine that it had such a powerful power.

Looking at Yang Tian and Xiaoqinglong, Naili and their three reformers are not as confident as before.

The three hesitated at this time. Now they are finally seriously considering Yang Tian\'s suggestion. Are they going together?

When the three reformed practitioners hesitated, the high priest of the empty god suddenly said, "you three together!"

The great sacrifice of the empty God spoke, and the three finally got down a step.

But Neri still said, "since you want to die, no wonder we."

Yang Tian was not angry at this.

He understood the mentality of the three people at this time. In fact, they were like explosive households. They were too confident.

Neri, chambe and Yas quickly stood in a row, several meters away from each other, facing Yang Tian and little Qinglong.

The battle is about to begin. It is obviously a battle of life and death. The stargazer becomes silent again, and the needle can be heard.

"Ow ~"

Xiaoqinglong suddenly raised his hair and roared. He raised his front paw and slapped it on the stargazer, making a loud noise. The whole stargazer vibrated.

If it weren\'t for the protection of the rune array, the claw of the little green dragon would crack the star viewing platform.

This is also a way for Xiaoqinglong to show his powerful power.

Seeing that the three people opposite were about to move, Yang Tian immediately whispered to Xiaoqinglong, "Xiaolong, kill them as quickly as possible!"

Xiaoqinglong points a huge faucet to show that he understands.

Yang Tian\'s spiritual power should not be heard by anyone except Xiaoqinglong.

We all know each other\'s name and the current realm. We don\'t need the registration number and realm anymore. Neri was the most impatient and suddenly moved.

At a distance of about 200 meters, it is only an instant for practitioners in the superstar realm to cross such a distance.

Neri moved and appeared ten meters in front of the little green dragon. He punched the little green dragon\'s head in the air.

With Yang Tian\'s current combat power, he is not the opponent of Xiao Qinglong. When he exercises in the gravity chamber, he is beaten by Xiao Qinglong every time, not to mention Naili, who is not as good as Yang Tian.

Facing Neri\'s fist, the little green dragon didn\'t move. At that moment, it looked like a powerful sculpture.

"Boom ~"

The invisible fist power from Neri\'s fist condensed into a ball and bombarded little green dragon\'s forehead.

This loud noise is the sound produced by the collision of two forces, Neri\'s fist strength and little green dragon\'s bodyguard strength.

After the impact of these two forces, the shock wave will force Neri in the air to fly backwards.

At this time, the little green dragon suddenly moved.

Before Neri landed, the little green dragon lifted up his upper body and photographed one of Neri\'s claws.

"Boom", another loud noise.

The whole Observatory trembled again.

At this time, everyone was surprised again.

Because Neri couldn\'t escape the Giant Claw of little green dragon, he was directly photographed into the stone slab of the star viewing platform by little green dragon.

The ground of the observatory is also protected by a rune array. How much power does it take to shoot a person into the ground?

"Ow ~"

Little green dragon did not immediately release his claws, but raised his head and gave a roar of victory.

Shrouded in the energy of the rune array, the little green dragon\'s voice was as loud as thunder.

"Ha ha ~" after Xiaoqinglong\'s voice fell, Yang Tian laughed and said to Xiaoqinglong, "Xiaolong, well done!"

The little green dragon proudly raised his head, and then removed the Dragon claws that had fallen into the ground.

At this time, you can see that in the middle of the dragon\'s claw print, Neri has become a thick fishy red meat foam.

Neri was killed by the claw of the little green dragon!

What\'s more shocking is that Nari, who was shot dead by little green dragon, also showed no sign of reuniting his body, and the breath of life disappeared completely.

Only Yang Tian, solri and Qu Yan Gu Ying knew that Xiaoqinglong also had the same force as Yang Tian.