Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 492

Hong Yujiu is the high priest in charge of the goddess palace. Without his guidance, Qin Fei can\'t get to the star viewing platform.

Now the observatory is shrouded in the energy of the rune array, which is "no admittance for idle people". In fact, the outside of the observatory is also full of people. Outside the lower palaces, there are also many practitioners.

The whole temple practitioners know that the great change of the superstar temple is coming and want to witness it with their own eyes.

Unfortunately, people outside the observatory can only vaguely see the situation inside and can\'t hear the sound inside.

Qin Fei certainly wants to see such a big event. Besides, she also knows that Yang Tian is also on the stargazer.

Hong Yujiu naturally could not refuse the request of the goddess.

Seeing Qin Fei\'s arrival, Yang Tian was also surprised and surprised! Although usually in secret contact, but did not see people so real.

"I\'ve seen the goddess!"

Although today\'s goddess has little power in the superstar temple, she has a high status. There should be some etiquette. When the high priests saw Qin Fei coming, they bowed to Qin Fei and said in unison.

Qin Fei was wearing a gorgeous black robe. At this time, the expression on her face looked very solemn. Seeing the people bending down to salute, she raised her hand gracefully.

The crowd straightened up.

Yang Tian\'s vanity is greatly satisfied. The noble goddess is his wife.

Qin Fei didn\'t come to the center of the observatory, but sat on the periphery of the observatory, watching the excitement.

When Qin Fei arrived, Yang Tian also came to the field.

Hong Yujiu waited beside Qin Fei and gave Yang Tian a deep look.

Seeing Hong Yujiu, Yang * * * * smiled.

After saluting the goddess, the people once again focused their attention on the three reformed practitioners, as well as Yang Tian and the middle-aged man with long hair.

At this moment, these five people are undoubtedly the focus of attention. Yang Tian suddenly stood up, which surprised many people.

"Who are you?" the middle-aged man with long hair looked at Yang Tian with some dissatisfaction and asked in a stiff tone.

The long hair of a middle-aged man is light blue owned by most races. His red armor and slightly upturned corners of his eyes make him look a little strange.

Yang Tian understood the man\'s mood. If it were him, he would be unhappy at this time. He smiled and said, "it\'s really overqualified to let you, a super star general level expert, fight. Let me meet them first. If I can\'t win, you can go again!"

Yang Tian was very polite. The middle-aged man with long hair frowned and turned his head to one side.

The man looked at the middle-aged sacrifice who had stood up to preside over this special party.

The middle-aged priest nodded.

"All right!"

With his consent, the man said, withdrew from the field and stood aside.

Who is Yang Tian?

Many people have never heard of the name Yang Tian and ask the people they know.

However, except for a few people in Taiyu palace, no one knows about Yang Tian.

The last assessment of recruiting God generals was not a major event for the God generals in these temples. Naturally, they would not pay attention.

These superstar gods do not know Yang Tian, but those high priests are very familiar with Yang Tian.

Because some time ago, the name Yang Tian often appeared in their ears.

These great sacrifices were surprised to see Yang Tian stand up. In their impression, Yang Tian was a very low-key person.

He is capable, but becomes a tmall. In Taiyu palace, he usually doesn\'t like to behave like others and deliberately attracts their attention.

Of course, they don\'t know that Yang Tian has done a great thing for the superstar temple.

Jianshi Palace\'s defense was extremely tight, but Yang Tianshen broke in unknowingly.

If they knew that Yang Tian always wanted to take away the treasure of Jianshi palace and the goddess, they wouldn\'t know how they would feel.

In fact, the most surprised and puzzled is the high priest Taiyu.

Rune and practice are two regrets. He hopes that one day, Yang Tian can inherit his mantle. But now, Yang Tian rashly stood up. It was... Too much nonsense.

The great sacrifice of Taiyu was very aware of the combat power of the three reformers in Neri and worried that Yang Tian was not their opponent.

In his mind, if Yang Tian fails, he will lose a rune genius.

"Yang Tian is just a super star warrior. He is so brave!"

"Young, have a hot head! This is a good opportunity to perform in the great sacrifice. If I have that assurance, I want to be like him."

"Guess who will win later?"

"It\'s probably Neri! His combat power is too strong, especially the energy in his body. You should always be careful when fighting with such people."


On the stargazing platform, the voice of discussion is getting louder and louder.

"Yang Tian, you go down!" the great sacrifice of Taiyu finally couldn\'t help but say in a deep voice.

Yang Tian took a grateful look at the high priest Taiyu and knew that the high priest Taiyu cared about himself, but he stubbornly shook his head and said, "I want you to see that we are no worse than their Reformers by virtue of our own efforts!"

"Do you have this ability?" as soon as Yang Tian\'s voice fell, Neri sneered.

"Do you have this ability? Won\'t you know later?" he raised his mouth and said with a smile tomorrow.

The smile on Yang Tian\'s face, in Neri\'s view, was full of contempt.

"Chop the shell and kill him!" Neri said coldly, gritting his teeth.

"What\'s his name?" Yang Tian ignored Neri, pointed to another reformed practitioner who didn\'t know his name and asked chop Bei.

Chopping shell didn\'t answer Yang Tian\'s question. The reformer pointed by Yang Tian replied: "my name is Yas, superstar warrior level. Yang Tian, do you want to fight me?"

Qin Fei then raised her head, looked at Hong Yujiu standing beside her and asked, "high priest, can Yang Tian defeat them?"

Hong Yu Jiu shook his head. "I guess Yang Tian will win."

When Hong Yujiu said this, Qin Fei was relieved.

For Qin Fei, although Hong Yujiu is sometimes very annoying because she looks at her too closely, she has to be convinced that Hong Yujiu\'s eyes are poisonous. It seems that he can see everything.

"Yas, chambe and Neri, you three go together! So as not to waste time. I have something to do after you are solved!"

Yang Tian rubbed his nose and said with a smile.

This is too arrogant!

Yang Tian wants to fight three with one!

Even one-on-one, in the eyes of others, Yang Tian is not sure of winning. He actually wants to fight three with one!

Yang Tian\'s words obviously didn\'t pay attention to the three people. Yas, chambe and Neri showed an angry look on their faces.

"Zhi Zhi!" just then, the little green dragon, who had been lying on Yang Tian\'s shoulder, moved and shouted excitedly.

At this time, everyone noticed the little green dragon on Yang Tian\'s shoulder. It turned out that it was not a decoration on Yang Tian\'s blue armor!