Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 487

"The undead are few in number. How can we find them? Now there is the immortal temple. We can\'t spend too much time looking for it."

When Kaya finished, a great priest shook his head and said.

"Don\'t look for it." the great sacrifice of Kaya said, "the deceased president Xingyi was found for us a thousand years ago. His granddaughter youyinxi is the undead people."

The great sacrifice of the air God said, "then let Yaoxing Guna bring her!"


After the death of President Xingyi, Yaoxing Guna became the new president of superstar college.

For the students of superstar college, the college has basically not changed. Everything is in accordance with the previous rules.

For professors, it\'s different.

Yaoxing Guna didn\'t like the lazy appearance of some professors, so his assistant made strict regulations for professors.

For example, each professor must personally teach more than 50 students. The passing rate of these students is the embodiment of the professor\'s ability.

At the same time, Yaoxing Guna also restored the professor hierarchy that has been abolished for a long time. The ability of professors is divided into five levels.

The professor with the lowest ability is level 1 and the professor with the highest ability is level 5.

Professors enjoy the treatment, of course, the higher the level, the better the treatment.

In addition, professors are not allowed to leave the college without the permission of the dean.


As the dean of superstar college, Yaoxing Guna has absolute power in superstar college.

Also because he is young, the rules are particularly strict.

It has to be said that Yaoxing gunner himself is a person who is strict with himself. He also hopes that the professors of superstar college will also look like professors.

After several visits to superstar college, Yaoxing Guna was very dissatisfied with the usual behavior and habits of the professors of superstar college.

He believes that it is for this reason that superstar college provides fewer and fewer talents for superstar temple, and the quality is getting lower and lower.

Take the recruitment of five God generals in the temple as an example. The assessment has not been completed yet. With a few words, he made many students give up the assessment.

Among the five God generals, Yaoxing Guna only thinks that Yang Tiancai is a qualified talent, and the others are too far away.

That is to say, the chista who was sent to the nine barbarian star region slapped the superstar temple in the face shortly after he arrived in the nine barbarian star region.

Because chista openly broke with the superstar temple and joined the immortal temple.

The superstar temple has spent a lot of resources in the temple and has actually trained such people. I have to say that the professors of superstar college have a lot of problems.

After the professors have been changed, we need to strictly control the students. If we want to benefit from the college, we must pay a higher price

The newly appointed Yaoxing Guna is planning how to make the super star college look new. His assistant sent him a hint and sent a letter to the space sacrifice of the temple.

Yaoxing Guna was once a general under the great sacrifice of the air God. He had great respect for the great sacrifice of the air God. As soon as he heard the letter from the great sacrifice of the air God, he immediately asked the auxiliary device to open the message.

This is an encrypted voice message.

The great sacrifice of the empty God asked Yaoxing Guna to bring youyinxi to the superstar temple, and told that this matter was very important to the temple and related to the life and death of the temple.

Without any hesitation, Yaoxing Guna immediately left his Dean\'s office, summoned several capable men brought to the college and entered the place where the professors lived.


"Yinxi, do you think it\'s fun?" Qu yangu Ying suspended a mass of soft mud in the air with spiritual force, kept changing its shape and asked youyinxi with a smile.

Since the death of President Xingyi, the lovely little girl has become very silent and hasn\'t smiled for a long time.

After Qu yangu Ying knew it, she took youyinxi to the place where she lived to take care of her. Anyway, she was usually fine and was teasing youyinxi at this time.

Looking at the soft mud in the air, youyinxi opened her eyes and nodded.

Qu yangu Ying smiled and turned the soft mud into a big smiling face.

Seeing this smiling face, youyinxi finally smiled happily.

"Master, someone broke in." just then, Qu yangu Ying\'s auxiliary device prompted her.

Quyan guying frowned at this.

"Peng ~"

Just then, the door downstairs was kicked open.

Then there was a sound of "Dong Dong Dong".

With a group of people, Yaoxing Guna directly broke into the villa where Qu yangu Ying lived and went to the living room on the second floor.

"You... Dean!" after seeing Yaoxing Guna, Qu yangu Ying wanted to ask who Yaoxing Guna was, and then reacted.

As soon as Yaoxing Guna arrived, he set his eyes on youyinxi. As soon as Qu yangu Ying\'s voice fell, he waved his hand and said coldly, "take it away!"

Yaoxing Guna\'s two men immediately came forward to catch youyinxi.

Youyinxi sees their ferocious appearance and hides behind Qu yangu Ying with fear.

"Wait!" Qu yangu yingleng drank, and the powerful spiritual force formed an energy barrier in front of her, blocking the two men of Yaoxing Guna. When they met Qu yangu Ying\'s spiritual power, they were unprepared and took two steps back.

"The temple needs her." Yaoxing Guna saw that two of his men were blocked, looked at Qu yangu Ying and said faintly.

Hearing that the superstar Temple needs youyinxi, Qu yangu Ying was puzzled and said, "she\'s just a little girl without any ability. How can the superstar Temple need her?"

Yaoxing Guna said coldly, "this is about the temple. I don\'t need to explain it to you."

Then he raised his hand and grabbed it.

Quyan guying\'s spirit was easily disintegrated.

The powerful anti earthquake force made Qu yangu Ying back several steps.

Yaoxing Guna\'s two men took the opportunity to come forward quickly. One of them put his hand to quyan guying\'s neck and wanted to control quyan guying. One of them pointed his hand at youyinxi.

Both of them are practitioners at the peak of the stellar realm. They are much bigger than Qu yangu Yingqiang. They were shocked back just now, but they didn\'t notice it.

At this time, they shot, and Qu yangu Ying had no resistance at all.


Suddenly, two successive bangs sounded.

The two men who rushed towards quyan guying and youyinxi were hit by powerful forces and flew out. Their bodies knocked out two big holes in several walls of the villa.

This process is very short, just a moment.

After Qu yangu Ying woke up, he found Professor Shenwu standing beside him.

"Professor Shenwu, don\'t forget that you are also from the superstar temple. This is what the top ordered to do." seeing Professor Shenwu suddenly appear, Yaoxing Guna clenched his fist and said coldly.

Yaoxing Guna has long been dissatisfied with Professor Shenwu.

"Alas ~" seeing Yaoxing Guna\'s domineering appearance, Professor Shenwu sighed and said: "I promised president Xingyi that I would take good care of his little granddaughter, so you can\'t take her away."