Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 486

In the next few months, Yang Tian walked honestly in the rooms of Taiyu palace where items related to runes were stored.

A large number of Rune books and various fragments engraved with runes were constantly read by Yang Tian.

Through Yang Tian\'s vision, the strange program also explains some basic knowledge of runes for Yang Tian when reading various runes.

Yang Tian also knows more and more about runes and remembers many simple runes. Without strange program control, he can correctly depict some simple runes with a rune pen.

Even, Yang Tian learned to depict some simple symbol matrices independently.

For example, the symbol array that hides its own breath and the short-range transmission array.

Of course, Yang Tian just memorized these runes by rote with his strong memory ability. It is still difficult to depict runes that can work in different environments.

The superstar temple also has a gravity chamber for forging. Yang Tian will enter the gravity chamber for one day every three days.

In the process of exercise, Yang Tian fought with little Qinglong just like the space opened up in the falling stone at the Feiyun grand sacrifice last time.

Although he was promoted to the superstar realm and consolidated for a period of time, Yang Tian was also abused by Xiaoqinglong.

Every time he came out of the gravity chamber, Yang Tian still had unrecovered scars on his body. His long black hair has been burned into short hair by little green dragon with dragon flame, and his clothes are full of bright red blood.

Yang Tian\'s crazy calcination is also to improve his realm as soon as possible.

If promoted to the realm of the great star Lord, Yang Tian is confident to take Qin Fei away from the superstar temple.

However, there is a problem, that is, the original boundary in Yang celestial body is too large. Each promotion level requires at least five times the energy of others. This is only a conservative estimate.

When promoted to superstar warrior level, Yang Tian needs to swallow a superstar general level animal core.

So when you are promoted to the super star general level, don\'t you need to swallow the super star king level beast core?

In the universe, the more powerful animals are, the higher their wisdom is. It is estimated that the thinking ability of super star animals is almost the same as that of adult humans. In addition, their combat power is even stronger than that of human practitioners in the same realm. How can they be so easy to hunt and kill.

With the passage of time, the number of practitioners is increasing, and a large number of alien races migrate to remote star regions. It is becoming more and more difficult to obtain advanced animal cores.

Today\'s advanced animal cores are mostly left in inventory a long time ago.

To get the energy to improve the realm... Yang Tian thought, he had to go to the Jianshi palace of the superstar temple.

If only there were a storage list of Jianshi palace!

In this way, you can know which storage boxes contain more advanced animal cores. If you look for it one by one, I don\'t know how long it will take.


When Yang Tian came up with the idea of building an affair palace, the research on 36 great sacrifices in the Mimi palace of Yuchen great sacrifice had made a breakthrough.

They fused human, mammalian and Zerg cells to cultivate a new cell.

This cell is named \'protocell\'.

The fusion ability of protocells is very strong, which can perfectly fuse the cells of headless corpses.

But there is a disadvantage, that is, the protocells fuse with the cells of headless corpses. After mutation, they can only survive for about 100 years.

The reason for this result is that Taiyu grand sacrifice designed a very small time symbol array to speed up the passage of time.

This Rune array has very high requirements for energy stability. It can\'t be used by practitioners, but it can act on some small cells and tissues.

After experiments, protocells can be implanted into the body of practitioners. After success, they will not reject the original cells of human practitioners.

On the contrary, with the passage of time, protocells will continue to grow and replace the original cells of the human body, so as to change the cell structure of human practitioners.

In other words, the more protocells in the body replace their own cells, the more powerful they can use.

Of course, in this process, we also need to supplement energy in time to speed up the "growth" of protocells in the body.

In this way, the energy contained in the cells of headless corpses can be used by human practitioners.

Of course, this process is also dangerous.

After hundreds of experiments, the sacrificial priests determined that human practitioners who can withstand protocell changes should at least reach the stellar state.

The higher the level, the greater the probability of successful transformation by protocells.

In fact, the research results of the superstar temple are the same as those of the newly established eternal life temple.

It\'s just that the goddess of Xi Chen had to be a long time ahead of time, and they had already produced results, and they also found a solution to the problem of insufficient protocell life.

The superstar Temple got the body of the mysterious young man, and the goddess Xi Chen had the head of the mysterious young man.

It is precisely because the head and body exist in this universe at the same time that this powerful body does not grow again. For example, the body grows the head again, and the head grows the body again.

No one knows why this mysterious and powerful young man was killed except a few people at that time.

The result was finally reached, but a thorny problem appeared immediately. Thirty six priests had to sit together and discuss again.

"How to solve this problem?" the great sacrifice of the empty God glanced at the people and asked with a frown.

Protocells have been cultured. As long as they continue to divide and reproduce, and then fuse the powerful cells of headless corpses, they can change their current life state.

The greatest hope for success is the great sacrifice of the empty God, because he is already in the realm of the great star God and wants to go further.

Everyone frowned and thought about this question.

After many days of research, these people look more like scientists than the developers of high-tech companies outside.

"I have an idea." thirty six people were silent for more than ten minutes before the great sacrifice of Kaya said, "undead."


As soon as they heard this, some of the great priests were confused. It was obvious that they had never heard of the name of this ethnic group.

Some of the great priests\' eyes were not bright.

The great sacrifice of Kaya paused and said, "the undead are not undead, but because they live for a long time and can live for millions of years without practice. They have a long life cycle. They are children for the first 200000 years and teenagers for the next 200000 years. After living for 600000 years, they begin to grow old slowly."

"There is such a human being!" a great sacrifice was surprised.

The great sacrifice of Kaya nodded, "in fact, the undead are also made by humans. You may not know that they were the predecessors of our superstar Temple who killed them..."

At this point, the great sacrifice of Kaya shut up.

They have exterminated others, and now they need their help. It\'s really... Embarrassing for these high priests.