Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 488

It seems that there is still some trouble to bring youyinxi to the superstar temple!

Yaoxing Guna looked at Professor Shenwu coldly and said, "do you want to betray the superstar temple?"

Professor Shenwu snorted disdainfully, "not letting you take Yinxi away is different from betraying the superstar temple."

The meaning of Professor Shenwu\'s sentence, in terms of human beings on earth, is not to button a big hat on yourself.

"Then, don\'t blame me for robbing." seeing Professor Shenwu\'s disapproval, Yaoxing Guna gritted his teeth.

"Young man, you are too impulsive." Yaoxing Guna was about to start, when an old man\'s voice suddenly sounded.

Then a dark shadow appeared in the room.

The visitor is Professor Fu Wei.

If Professor Shenwu is the only one, Yaoxing Guna is sure to take youyinxi away.

Although he is not sure to defeat Professor Shenwu, he can contain Professor Shenwu, and several of his men can take you Yinxi away.

But now that Professor Fu Wei has come, he is not sure.

"Private fights are strictly prohibited in the college. Dean, do you want to break the rules?" Professor Fu Wei said with a smile when he looked at the angry star Guna.

Yaoxing Guna proudly said, "the rules of the college are also formulated by people. Of course, they can be changed."

Professor Fu Wei shook his head, looked at Professor Shenwu and said, "it seems that superstar college can\'t stay any longer. Let\'s go!"

Professor Shenwu nodded.

They took youyinxi\'s small hand and jumped.

At the sound of "Peng", a big hole was broken in the top of the villa where Qu yangu Ying lived.

"Chase!" Yao Xing Guna narrowed his eyes slightly and said in a deep voice.

His voice was still echoing in the room, and the man had disappeared.

Then six of Yaoxing Guna\'s men followed.

Qu yangu Ying frowned and immediately followed out.

In fact, not only professor Shenwu and Professor Fu Wei, but also Qu yangu Ying wanted to leave the college.

Since Dean Xingyi was gone, some people who were jealous of her reacted to the Academic Affairs Office of the college and said that she was an idle person raised in the college.

Although the college did not let Qu yangu Ying leave immediately, it has reduced a lot in terms of authority.

When President Xingyi was there, Qu yangu Ying received the same treatment as professors, but now, even a junior student is not as good as him.

Even in college, you have to pay for ordering meals.

The college is very big. In the past, quyan guying only needed to say hello and a car was sent. Now, no one cares about her.

This is only secondary. The key is that Yang Tian is no longer in the college. Therefore, Qu yangu Ying had the idea of leaving the college.

But it\'s very dangerous for her outside. Those who want to get the seeds of the world tree must be waiting for her outside the college!

"Boom ~"

Qu Yan Gu Ying just left the villa and fell on the open space outside. There was a loud noise in the sky.

Then, Professor Shenwu and Professor Fu Wei landed from the air with the little girl youyinxi.

In the realm of Yaoxing Guna, it is impossible to prevent the two professors from leaving.

It was a great sacrifice that forced them down.

"Lin Kai grand sacrifice!"

When he saw an old man hovering in the sky, Professor Shenwu was surprised.

Professor Shenwu and Professor Fuwei both came from the superstar temple and naturally knew the great sacrifice.

"You two are so outrageous. Do you want to leave the temple?" Lin Kai\'s great sacrifice moved and appeared in front of them with a serious face.

Facing the censure of Lin Kai\'s great sacrifice, Professor Shenwu and Professor Fu Wei were silent.

"Yaoxing Guna." Lin Kai\'s great sacrifice looked at Professor Shenwu and Professor Fuwei with dissatisfied eyes, then turned his head and looked at Yaoxing Guna faintly.

"What\'s the order for the great sacrifice?" Yaoxing Guna was not so arrogant in the face of the great sacrifice in the temple and bowed.

Looking at the well behaved shining star Guna, Lin Kai said to the great priest, "don\'t go too far."

"Yes!" Yaoxing Guna nodded directly without any opinion.

Next, with a wave of his hand, Lin Kai shook Professor Shenwu and Professor Fuwei away for several steps, squatted down, pulled up one of youyinxi\'s small hands, inserted a syringe into one of youyinxi\'s arms and drew a tube of blood.

In the whole process, youyinxi can only bite her teeth and bear it, because she can\'t move.

After receiving the syringe, Lin Kai\'s great sacrifice said to Professor Shenwu and Professor Fuwei who didn\'t know why they looked complex: "the temple won\'t do anything to her. What are you nervous about? A tube of this blood is enough."

With that, Lin Kai turned around and disappeared into a light in the sky.

When you reach the realm of the great sacrifice of the superstar temple, you don\'t need to transmit the array disk. You can fly countless light years in an instant

"Hoo ~"

After Lin Kai\'s great sacrifice left, Professor Shenwu and Professor Fuwei breathed at the same time.

If Lin Kai\'s great sacrifice wants to forcibly take you Yinxi away, they can\'t stop it.

"Let\'s go!" Professor Shenwu said to Professor Fu Wei after glancing at Yaoxing Guna.

They are determined to leave superstar college.

Unless the temple changes the current Dean of superstar college, they may consider staying.

In their opinion, Yaoxing Guna\'s practice is not completely wrong. The college needs some changes.

It\'s just that they\'re not used to this change.

When the two professors were about to leave again, Yaoxing Guna moved and stopped in front of them.

"Yaoxing Guna, what else do you want to do?" Professor Shenwu frowned.

Yaoxing Guna said with a smile, "I won\'t stop you from leaving the superstar college, but I want to remind you that without the superstar temple, there would be no you now."

After saying this, Yaoxing Guna flashed aside.

Yaoxing Guna thought that after the two professors left the superstar college, they would go to the immortal temple.

Neither professor wants to explain this.

"Two professors, wait!" Qu yangu Ying hurriedly said.

The two professors turned their heads and looked at Qu yangu Ying.

"I want to leave with you. You are all men. It\'s inconvenient to take care of Yinxi." Qu yangu Ying said.

Professor Shenwu knows that Qu yangu Ying came out of the Death Star domain, and they are preparing to go to the Death Star domain. This is what President Xingyi reminded them on his deathbed.

Next, it is estimated that the place where the birds don\'t shit in the Death Star domain will be peaceful.

"Let\'s go!" Professor Shenwu looked at youyinxi and nodded to Qu yangu Ying.

Qu yangu Ying is right. Youyinxi really needs a woman to take care of her.

Seeing Professor Shenwu agree, you Yinxi, who looks only eight or nine years old but is much older than Qu yangu Ying, smiles happily. She likes Qu yangu Ying very much.