Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 485

The red liquid beads from the hand of Goddess Xi Chen looked like blood.

When these red liquid beads fell on their heads, the young people on the ground trembled.

The red liquid beads soon immersed in their scalp. No matter what color their hair was, they all slowly turned into dark red hair.

In the hall, in addition to the 100 young people, there are dozens of strong people with a higher level.

Gao Yuan and Hong Taigong are among them.

Seeing these young people being baptized by eternal life, they both frowned.

They are not disgusted with this baptism, but the next situation is a little cruel.

Even so, it is also the choice of these young people. The temple of eternal life did not persecute them.

In fact, there are more practitioners who want to accept this baptism. These 100 people in the hall are only a small part of them.

This "baptism" is not 100% successful for practitioners in these stellar realms, and at least 80% of them will be eliminated.

Those who persist in practice can directly ascend from the stellar realm to the superstar realm. This way of raising the realm is simply incredible. It can be described as "miracle".

You know, under normal circumstances, it takes more than 100 years, even thousands of years, for a practitioner of the stellar realm to ascend from the stellar warrior level to the superstar realm.

This can only be achieved when there are sufficient cultivation resources.

At this time, Hong Taigong glanced at the high goddess.

The goddess was so gentle and kind when she was in the superstar temple. A smile can warm people\'s hearts. She is like a real goddess.

Now, however, it has become cold.

But this coldness is also necessary. For that long-term goal, she must be so

Hung Tai Gong just glanced at the goddess Xi Chen and was in a myriad of moods. He focused on the young people wearing silver armor in the hall.

At this time, many people could not help suffering and made a heavy gasp.

Others scratched the ground with their hands and made bursts of "Zizi" friction sound.

Hong Taigong is deeply aware of this pain.

Because he and his good friend Gao Yuan also accepted this baptism.

It is said to be baptism. In fact, it combines the alien\'s body cells with its own cells.

The alien\'s body cells contain powerful energy. The energy contained in a cell can make an ordinary human advance to the superstar realm.

Hongtaigong and Gaoyuan were originally the realm of the great star Lord, but now they are the realm of the great star God.

The realm is still a small matter. With the passage of time, the cells in the body are changed more thoroughly, so that they can directly break through the realm of the great star God and enter a higher realm.

At that time, the broader world will be displayed in their eyes

This baptism can be promoted if it is successful, and its strength will rise a big step. If it fails, it will become a pile of rotten meat. In countless experiments, the result is that the higher the realm, the greater the chance of success in baptism.

The lowest state that can accept baptism is the stellar state.

At this time, the 100 young people with silver armour not only turned red in hair, but also turned red in skin. The color was like a red soldering iron.

In this process, powerful energy fluctuations are uploaded from these people, which is very messy.

"Ow ~"

Suddenly, a young man couldn\'t bear the pain and looked up to the sky and made a sound like a roar of a beast.

Then, his flesh and skin began to melt like wax baked at high temperature, and his armor disintegrated without the support of the body.

The first loser appeared.

"Ow... Ow... Ow..."

Then, the second, the third

Their voices are like the cries of animals. The cry contains reluctance and despair, but they can do nothing but accept the fate of death.

The longer this process persists, the greater the hope of success.

About half an hour later, there were only 18 young people in Yinjia who were still alive in the hall.

After experiencing a lot of pain, the 18 people finally passed the most difficult level. The energy waves emanating from them gradually stabilized.

And the color of their skin is gradually restored. Before it was white skin, it is restored to white skin; It\'s black skin, and it\'s also restored to black... Except that the realm has been improved, the shape of the body has not changed.

The 18 people who finished the promotion got up one after another and stood aside.

A large area where they crawled before was full of messy armor parts and pools of dark red thick liquid.

These losers not only melted their flesh and blood, but also their bones.

These red liquids gave off a bad smell. Immediately, dozens of silver soldiers came in and cleaned up the hall quickly.

This baptism is not the first time. In these more than ten days, 5000 young practitioners have been baptized.

Among the 5000 people, more than 900 super star practitioners were born.

"Goddess, this is the last group of people. Please give instructions."

After the hall was cleaned, a middle-aged man stood up and bowed to the goddess Xi Chen.

The goddess of Xi Chen smiled and raised her hand.

Soon, 900 successful superstar practitioners who had been baptized walked quickly into the hall, knelt on one knee and bowed down to the high goddess Xi Chen.

Looking at the more than 900 super star practitioners below, the goddess Xi Chen said faintly: "you have accepted the baptism of eternal life. From now on, the realm of the great star God will no longer be the final realm for you. You have the opportunity to live forever like the universe!"

"Oh! Oh! Oh..."

Nine hundred super star practitioners raised their hands and made an excited sound.

When the more than 900 super star practitioners calmed down, goddess Xi Chen stood up and pointed forward.

In the direction she pointed, across a long distance, is the superstar temple.


Xiaoqinglong went out and soon brought back the note written by Qin Fei.

Qin Fei is very happy to know that Yang Tian has found the coordinates of the earth. At the same time, she also reminds Yang Tian that things behind him are not urgent and need to be done slowly, because Yang Tian\'s realm is far from those sacrifices and great sacrifices.

Qin Fei is also worried that Yang Tian will do something dangerous because he gets the coordinates of the earth.

With Yang Tian\'s current ability, it is possible to take Qin Fei away from the superstar temple.

But what about leaving the superstar temple?

That\'s the enemy of the superstar temple.

After so many things, Yang Tian certainly understood this truth. After reading Qin Fei\'s reply, he smiled and put the note into the storage bracelet.