Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 480

The rune array of vents is much simpler.

Under the control of the strange program, Yang Tian\'s hands sent out bursts of Rune energy and touched the rune array at the vent.

After investigation, the rune energy of the vent is independent and not connected with the external Rune energy.

This result let Yang Tian breathe a sigh of relief.

Because if this small Rune array is connected with the outside Rune array, it will be much more difficult to enter Jianshi palace. That\'s\' one hair touches the whole body \'.

However, it is much more difficult to connect the runes in some small places of Jianshi palace to the runes outside.

This is also the result of the calculation of the singular program.

If you let the strange program design such a large set of small, small and overlapping symbol matrices, you have to operate continuously for several months. If you let people calculate, I don\'t know how many years it will take. The final result is not necessarily successful.

Strange programs soon found a way to crack.

Yang Tian took out the rune pen given to him by Feiyun grand sacrifice, jumped up and destroyed one of the runes on a rune at the vent.

When Yang Tian landed, the rune array at the vent was destroyed.

The rune array here is not obvious. It is estimated that it will take a long time to be discovered. At that time, Yang Tian may have left the superstar Temple long ago.

"Squeak ~"

The Fu array was just destroyed by Yang Tian. With his keen sense, little Qinglong noticed that a team of people passed by not far away and immediately whispered to Yang Tian.

Yang Tian immediately received the talisman pen, jumped gently and entered the vent.

Yang Tiangang entered the vent, and a total of 19 people, including the captain of the guard, passed slowly from a distance.

Once again, it was almost found that Yang Tian, who entered the vent, breathed out.

The defense of Jianshi palace is really tight!

The next thing is not over.

The square ventilation channel with a diameter of about one meter not only has runes at the entrance, but also has many physical mechanisms inside.

Yang Tian had expected it. At this time, it was time for Xiaoqinglong to start.

The little green dragon in the shape of a mini dragon looked through the ventilation duct and found the trigger devices of dozens of mechanisms.

After looking for it once, Xiaoqinglong was not at ease. He went back and forth three times in a row. After confirming that there was no problem, he told Yang Tian that he could pass.

At the prompt of Xiaoqinglong, Yang Tian bent down and walked slowly in the channel.

This passage is straight at first, then curved, and there are forks behind it.

With little green dragon guiding the way, it took about an hour. Yang Tiancai went out of the vent and entered a room in Jianshi palace.

The physical mechanism can\'t play any role in an expert like Yang Tian. Fortunately, the people who designed the top gate of the palace are estimated to be very exclusive of high-tech things and do not set up intelligent monitors at the key points.

Otherwise, it will be more troublesome for Yang Tian.

At that time, you have to tinkle with strange programs, which will take longer.

If you leave for too long, it\'s easy to be found, because in the process of cracking the rune array outside, Taiyu great sacrifice came back to see Yang Tian once.

When Yang Tian left, in order not to be found out that he was not in the room, he also went through careful arrangement.

The door of the room is closed, and a sign saying "do not disturb" is hung outside. Dingdang has also designed a program for the domestic robot. Every once in a while, it will make some sounds.

In this case, no one should break into Yang Tian\'s room and find Yang Tian absent in a short time.

But after a long time, I\'m not sure.

The most uncertain factor is the Taiyu sacrifice. Taiyu palace is the site of Taiyu grand sacrifice. No matter what the situation, he has the right to enter every room in Taiyu palace. Moreover, the old man pays attention to rules in runes, but in life, he is a "lengtouqing". Sometimes no matter what the other party is doing in the room, he pushes the door open and enters.

The room Yang Tian came to is thousands of square meters, accounting for almost one percent of the area of the whole Jianshi palace.

There are three rows of metal frames in the room. Each metal frame is about five meters high and is divided into ten floors. It is filled with large boxes made of cyan stone.

On a metal frame, there are probably hundreds of such large stone boxes.

In Yang Tian\'s view, these stone boxes are like coffins. They are about 1.5 meters long and one meter wide. They are square with long hair. With a cover about two feet thick, the surface is engraved with runes.

This is the storage box. There is a number on each storage box.

In such a room, with the stone boxes on the stone wall, the number is only hundreds. If the rooms of the whole Jianshi Palace are like this, the number of storage boxes is only tens of thousands.

Then the number can range from one to tens of thousands.

However, on each storage box, there is a long string of numbers with dozens of digits.

And the numbers of the adjacent storage boxes are also very different.

After observing for a while, Yang Tian realized that the storage boxes of the Jianshi palace were disordered. Or it is placed in the form of a password.

If people who don\'t know the rules break in and want to find the storage box, it will take a long time to walk around all the rooms of the Jianshi palace.

Each storage box is engraved with special runes and cannot be put into the storage space.

At the same time, these runes also form a rune energy lock. If you touch them at will, it will trigger the above Rune mechanism.

When Yang Tianyi thought of these settings, he felt his head was big.

Even if it is a master of Rune like Taiyu great sacrifice, it is almost impossible to open these storage boxes and find what you want to find when you enter Jianshi palace.

But it\'s different with strange programs.

The computing power of strange programs cannot be compared with that of thousands of Rune masters such as Taiyu sacrifice.

Yang Tian looked around the room and didn\'t find the storage box that President Xingyi told him.

Then we have to go to the next room.

But before leaving, Yang Tian also wanted to open one of the storage boxes to see what was inside.

This is also an attempt. At least you should know how long it will take to find the storage box.

Yang Tian randomly chose a storage box.

Next, the strange program controls Yang Tian\'s body again, raises his hands, and constantly changes his hands.

Bursts of Rune energy came from Yang Tian\'s hands and touched the storage box Yang Tian wanted to open.

The rune energy emitted from Yang Tian\'s hands is directional and well controlled by strange programs, because the rune array on each storage box is different... At least there are some subtle differences.

In this process, Yang Tian\'s mind showed a rune energy map. It looked like the storage box was wrapped in a net.