Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 481

"In addition to the outside, there is also a layer of Rune energy inside. If you don\'t crack the above Rune array and open it immediately, the storage box will explode violently and trigger the alarm..."

After investigation, the strange program told Yang Tian the results.

In other words, Yang Tiangang just saw that the network Rune mechanism on the storage box was only a layer on the surface. Inside, there is another Rune mechanism.

The rune energy outside is defense, while the inside is the \'lock\' of the storage box.

Yang Tian had to sigh that the protection of this storage box was too abnormal. The practitioners who designed this storage box took many factors into account.

The storage box is not large, and the number of runes that can be depicted is not large. It doesn\'t take long to crack strange programs.

After a few minutes of calculation, the strange program figured out how to open the storage box.

Under the control of the strange program, Yang Tian\'s hands changed rapidly again, sending out bursts of invisible Rune energy from his hands.

"Ka ~"

Suddenly there was a soft noise.

The sound came from the inside of the storage box, and a physical mechanism lock actuated by Rune energy was opened.

The "lock" inside the storage box is actually composed of two parts, one is runic energy, the other is physical lock.

Physical locks are closely related to runic energy. When the rune energy inside detects the rune energy that opens it, it will urge the physical lock to move, and there are runes on the physical lock. Once it moves, the key runes shift and disconnect the energy support of those runes on the storage box.

As a result, the rune mechanism on the storage box disappeared.

Of course, the rune on this storage box also needs the support of energy. There is an energy cabin inside this box.

To put it bluntly, this way of unlocking is like an electronic remote control lock. It just turns the radio into runic energy.

In Xiaoqinglong\'s wide eyes, Yang Tianchang took a breath and put his hand on the storage box.

It seems heavy. In fact, it doesn\'t need much strength. Yang Tian just pushed it gently and the lid on the storage box opened.

What appears in Yang Tian\'s eyes is a whole box of animal nuclei!

All are purple superstar warrior level animal cores. Each animal core is wrapped in a transparent shell. It looks like a box of walnuts. There are at least hundreds of them.

Seeing these animal cores, Yang Tian\'s heart couldn\'t help beating quickly.

Outside, such a beast core may not be able to be bought with money, but here it is packed in boxes and stacked in such a mess.

Seeing so many animal cores, the little green dragon lying on Yang Tian\'s shoulder couldn\'t help swallowing his saliva and making a "coo".

There must be no counting when these animal cores are placed like this! Even if there are several, it is impossible to take them all at one time. Take some away and they should not be found in a short time, right?

Yang Tian\'s eyes turned and grabbed a lot.

The purple animal core has a transparent protective shell, about the size of a pigeon egg. Yang Tianyi only caught nine.

I took nine animal cores. For the whole box of animal cores, the number did not change.

Yang Tianli collected the nine purple beasts into the storage bracelet.

Yang Tian had wanted to take more, but he restrained the greed in his heart. Because if you take it again, you can\'t help taking more and even opening all the storage boxes... This is undoubtedly a crazy behavior.

In the end, you will forget your purpose.

Later, if someone comes in and wants to use the animal core, and finds that the animal core is significantly reduced, he will certainly start tracing

Yang Tian clenched his teeth to smooth the animal core in the box, and then closed the cover of the storage box.

"Ka ~"

With a soft sound, the rune mechanism on the storage box opened again.

At this time, Yang Tianchang breathed a sigh.

It\'s not easy to control the greed in your heart!

There is no storage box Yang Tian is looking for in this room, so we can only go to the next room.

Of course, this room has a door. It is a stone door engraved with runes. There is also a rune mechanism on the door. The internal structure is the same as that of the storage box.

A few minutes later, with the help of strange sequence, Yang Tian opened the stone gate mechanism and gently forced it to remove a crack.

Yang Tian carefully put out his head and looked out.

Outside is a rectangular passage, about one meter wide and three meters high. Opposite this door, there is also a stone door.

The top of the channel is covered with luminous spar, which makes the channel particularly bright.

The passage looked quiet in the bright light.

"Xiao Long, go and have a look." Yang Tian said to Xiao Qinglong, who was lying on his shoulder.

Xiaoqinglong immediately jumped down from Yang Tian\'s shoulder and looked in the channel.


A few minutes later, Xiaoqinglong returned and told Yang Tian that there were no high-tech electronic devices and no organs in the channel. The passage is very long. It only goes a few hundred meters before it comes back.

Yang Tian nodded and finally walked out of the door.

Next, Yang Tian cracked the stone door opposite and walked into the room. When he saw that there was no storage box he was looking for, he immediately withdrew from the room

Yang Tian\'s speed is very fast. In about ten minutes, he can open a room and find it.

Because with the more Rune mechanisms cracked by strange programs, it designs cracking programs faster.

This is because the rune mechanism on the stone gate is basically the same, with only minor changes. This is like the door lock made by human beings on earth. The structure of the lock is the same, and the difference is the part of the lock core.

In an hour, Yang Tian can find six to seven rooms. In half a day, he can see hundreds of rooms in the whole Jianshi palace.

Six hours later, he had searched more than 40 rooms. In the 45th room, Yang Tian finally found the storage box he was looking for.

As like as two peas encoding the star on the storage box, Yang Tiandou was somewhat excited.

Inside, there is a chip that stores the earth\'s coordinates! As long as you get the coordinates of the earth in the universe, you can return to the earth at any time!

After getting the coordinates of the earth, the next step is to find an opportunity to take Qin Fei away from the superstar temple

Standing in front of the storage box for five minutes, Yang Tiancai calmed down.

A few minutes later, the strange program helped Yang Tian crack the rune mechanism of the storage box, and a "click" sounded inside.

After the box cover was pushed open by Yang Tian, the small lattice appeared in Yang Tian\'s eyes.

The lattice is five centimeters long and wide. In each compartment, there is a shiny black chip.

It looks like more than 300.

so many!

Hundreds of black chips, which is the chip that records the earth\'s coordinates?

Looking at so many chips, Yang Tian smiled bitterly.

It\'s no surprise that such a large storage box can\'t only put a small chip!

The capacity of each chip is huge. Even if you get a chip with earth coordinates, you have to query in a large amount of information.