Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 479

After investigation, the strange program calculated that the rune array of Jianshi palace has 99 layers. The simulated image in Yang Tian\'s mind is like a large color bubble.

Such a rune array not only exists on the ground, but also covers the foundation of Jianshi palace. Therefore, it is impossible to dig a hole from the foundation into the Jianshi palace.

It is almost impossible to crack such a tight symbol array in a short time. Fortunately, there are strange programs.

After two days of operation, the strange program finally designed the symbol matrix needed by Yang Tian.

This symbol array has two functions: one is to crack and the other is to hide the breath.

The crack is not to destroy the rune array of Jianshi palace, but to create a "pass" like those worn by the great priests, so that Yang Tian can go in and out at will.

At the same time, Yang Tian\'s entry and exit cannot be recorded by the rune array.

Recently, there are often great sacrifices going in and out of Jianshi palace to access some items. Yang Tian needs a rune array that can completely hide his breath.

This is also a precaution.

Since there is also a rune array on the storage box, it will take some time to crack it. In this process, if someone enters the Jianshi palace and is found, it will be troublesome.

According to the rules of the superstar temple, if Yang Tian is caught, he will destroy the energy world and expel him from the superstar temple.

At that time, even if he is favored by Taiyu sacrifice, he will not be exempt from such punishment.

Both runes are depicted on a piece of blue, palm thick and palm sized stone.

This kind of stone is from the nine Man Star region. There are many in the Taiyu palace. It is a good thing to practice depicting runes.

Of course, the process of characterizing the symbol matrix is also completed with the cooperation of Yang Tian, who controls Yang Tian\'s body by a strange program. One side is engraved with a crack Rune array, and the other is a hidden Rune array.

After the characterization, the strange program simulated several times. After confirming that there was no problem, Yang Tian finally set out with little Qinglong.

After three days, the procedure of changing guards in Jianshi palace has not changed much.

In the process of changing posts, Yang Tian wore a set of black armor and appeared openly next to Jianshi palace.

The little green dragon is hiding in the flowers and plants to guard Yang Tian.

When no one noticed, Yang Tian came to the small tree forest where he often stayed before. Xiao Qinglong seized the opportunity and jumped on Yang Tian\'s shoulder.

At this time, Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong were shrouded in the crack Rune array. The shape of this Rune energy was like a bubble like the rune energy shrouded in Jianshi palace.

At this time, Yang Tian was actually nervous, not afraid of being found.

Instead, he felt that he would soon be able to get the coordinates of the earth, and then he could return to the earth and meet his relatives and friends.

Although nervous, Yang Tian moved very fast. When others didn\'t notice here, he stepped into the rune array of the parcel Jianshi palace.

In this process, Yang tianminrui noticed that a slight sense of oppression appeared outside his body when he broke into the rune array.

Fortunately, this sense of oppression was only a moment, and then disappeared.

After entering the rune array of Jianshi palace, Yang Tian immediately accelerated and hid behind a circular pillar and corridor guardrail.

After Yang Tian\'s observation, this is a visual dead corner. He can\'t be seen from the front and side of Jianshi palace.


Yang Tiangang hid well, and someone shouted in surprise not far away.

"What\'s the matter?"

Then another man\'s voice sounded.

"I saw a man there just now. Why did he disappear in a blink of an eye."

"Where is it?"

"By the edge of the small tree forest."

"Must have left!"

"But it\'s too fast! Just a few blinks."


The rune array enveloping Jianshi palace did not prevent the sound wave from coming in. The conversation between the two soon spread to Yang Tian\'s ears.

If Yang Tian hasn\'t entered the rune array of Jianshi Palace at this time, others won\'t have any doubt when they see him. But it soon disappeared, which was a little strange.

While they were talking, they came towards Yang Tian.

These are two young men with short hair without helmets.

If they travel more than ten meters, they can see Yang Tian, and things in the future will be changed by them.

When Yang Tian was very nervous, the voice of a guard captain sounded, "what are you two doing there? The insect race will begin soon."

As soon as they heard the word "insect race", there was an excited light in their eyes. They turned around and walked quickly towards the captain of the guard.

Next, Yang Tian heard three people talking about the insect race.

As the three walked farther and farther, their voices became lighter and lighter.

Yang Tian finally breathed a sigh. Just now, he was almost found.

If the two people take more than ten steps and appear where Yang Tian stood before, they can see Yang Tian.

That guard captain Yang Tian doesn\'t know is Yang Tian\'s lucky star!

The "insect game" the three talked about was a kind of insect fighting game broadcast live throughout the universe. It was a gambling game. Yang Tian had also heard of it. Rich and boring people like to play this gambling game.

In fact, seeing Yang Tian disappeared, I didn\'t really think there was a problem, because it was very normal for a person to disappear from his place in a few seconds. Not to mention practitioners, even ordinary humans can do it.

Therefore, when it comes to the "insect race", they forget that Yang Tian is missing.

A few minutes later, the post change was completed, and there were no guards wearing black armor around Jianshi palace.

At intervals of 20 minutes later, there would be a patrol of 18 people passing by from a distance for routine inspection.

After entering the rune array of Jianshi palace, the hidden smell Rune array will be opened immediately. The smell emitted by him and Xiaoqinglong will not spread out. As long as others can\'t see Yang Tian, Yang Tian won\'t be found.

After waiting for almost five minutes, Yang Tian began his next action.

He walked along the corridor outside the Jianshi palace and found a vent with a diameter of about one meter.

All the palaces of the superstar temple are made of stone and a small amount of wood and metal. They are not only exquisite, but also strong and durable. There are Rune array defenses in special places and places that are easy for people to sneak in.

Vents, of course.

The whole Rune array of Jianshi palace is almost everywhere. It is "armed to the teeth".

Such precise protection also means that the things stored in the Jianshi Palace are too important. To say it\'s no exaggeration, most of the wealth of the superstar temple is concentrated here.

If all the wealth of Jianshi palace is removed, in this universe, it can be described as "rich but enemy country".

Suppress the excitement, the strange program controls Yang Tian\'s hands and begins to crack the rune array at the vent.