Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 478

"Yang Tian, what\'s up?" solly asked with a smile before and after Yang Tian\'s face. She knows Yang Tian is fine. She probably won\'t come to find herself.

Solly doesn\'t care about it. She knew that Yang Tian\'s mind was on the goddess.

Yang Tian was a little embarrassed. He scratched his head and said with a smile, "solli, I need your help."

In order not to let others hear his voice, Yang Tian said this sentence, which was simulated with spiritual power.

"No problem!" solly looked around and saw many people staring at herself and Yang Tian. She nodded very simply and said, "it\'s inconvenient to talk here. Come with me."

With that, solly took Yang Tian to her residence.

As a God General of the manor palace, solly has a separate room. She will not live in a large room like other guards.

After solli closed the door, Yang Tian glanced at the layout in the room.

The furnishings in the room have been carefully arranged and are very neat. Many things are high-tech equipment. These things should have been brought by solly herself.

"I need a set of black armor as standard in the superstar temple." Yang Tian said directly to solri after sitting down on the semi-circular comfortable chair.

Solly didn\'t ask Yang Tian what to do with this Kaijia. She immediately took out a set of black armor from the storage bracelet, which was still brand-new.

In the superstar temple, the armor worn by the guards is specially customized and produced in batch. As long as there is such armor, Yang Tian can start his plan.


Seeing the armor as like as two peas saw, the little green dragon looked at it carefully, and then told Yang Tian that the guards in the palace of the building were wearing such armor, and the runes on the armour were identical.

"Solli, I\'ll return this Kaijia to you soon." Yang Tian said gratefully after the armor was taken away.

Although the superstar temple has great business and endless wealth, its internal management is extremely fine. Without solli\'s help, it would be a little troublesome to obtain such a set of low-quality armor!

Because the distribution of each set of armor is recorded. General guards have only one set of armor. If it is damaged due to battle, you must hand in the damaged armor to get a new armor.

Solly has a spare because she is a guard captain, has dozens of guards under her hand, and has five sets of spare armor.

As long as the people below don\'t damage five sets of armor at one time, the people above won\'t find out if one set of armor is missing.

Although solli didn\'t ask what the armor was used for, Yang Tian thought solli should know.

This is also a kind of respect.

"I use this armor to enter Jianshi palace, where the coordinates of our planet are placed..."

After Yang Tian collected the armor, he told solli what he would do next.

It was the first time for solly to listen to Yang Tian\'s detailed description of her origin and events on her home planet.

Solly was very interested in Yang Tian and was very distracted.

"Although the earth is an exile star, the environment is very good. It must have been transformed later. It is impossible for the superstar temple to use a planet with such a beautiful environment as an exile star."

Yang Tian finished, and solly looked thoughtful and said faintly.

Yang Tian nodded, "there are many powerful people on our planet, that is, in the ancient times we call, whose power is beyond our imagination..."

Speaking of this, Yang Tian thought of the scenes he saw when the masked man in black appeared when his body was corroded in the small world of the star miner.

Yang Tian\'s blood power also began to have at that time.

In solli\'s concerned eyes, Yang Tian frowned and silent for a moment, then raised his head, looked at solli and said, "solli, what about you? Where is your hometown?"

Solly laughed at herself. "My hometown, all the planets I was born on, and my people, have long been destroyed. I was lucky. I was out with my mother at that time and escaped a disaster. Since then, I vowed to become a top power in the universe!"

Yang Tian knew that solli was worse than him. At least he had a home to go back to. Solly, like a tramp, can only go wherever she goes.

For a time, Yang Tian didn\'t know how to comfort solli.

Solly finished, smiled and said to Yang Tian, "so, Yang Tian, you have to be the most powerful person in the universe, so that you can protect your home and your people."

"Hmm!" Yang Tian nodded heavily.

Although Yang Tian\'s current state is already superstar, there is still a long way to go from the top power in the universe.


After returning to Taiyu palace, Yang Tian asked Xiaoqinglong to observe for two days. After making a detailed plan, he finally began to implement it.

There is no day or night in the superstar temple, because for practitioners, the change of light can be completely ignored.

Ordinary humans need to work during the day and rest at night, which is actually a kind of regulation, because the body is not strong enough and depends strongly on the environment.

For practitioners, whether it is day or night, it will not affect their practice.

Around Jianshi palace, when hundreds of guards began to change shifts, Yang Tian put on the black armor obtained from solli and swaggered to the edge of a tree forest on the left side of Jianshi palace.

At this time, there are guards who will go back to rest after standing guard, and there are also guards who take over. Some people wear helmets, others don\'t.

In the early days, the guards changed shifts in a very organized way, changing shifts in batches, but now they are replaced at one time.

Hundreds of people are led by several guard captains. In addition, the temple guards often flow. These guard captains cannot recognize hundreds of guards. At this time, Yang Tian will not doubt him even if he is seen by other guards or even the captain of the guard.

This is the loophole Yang Tian can catch. In just two or three minutes, he can get close contact with the rune array shrouded in Jianshi palace.

Standing by the tree forest, there was no one around. The strange program controlled Yang Tian\'s hands, quickly changed his gestures, and circles of Rune energy were sent out from Yang Tian\'s hands, touching the rune array energy enveloping Jianshi palace.

After about two minutes, the strange program received some returned information and ended the search.

At this time, we can\'t stay here any longer, because the escort who should leave has almost gone. The successor guard has almost reached the post.

Led by Xiao Qinglong, Yang Tian shuttled through the woods and dense grass and quickly left the boundary of Jianshi palace.


For ten days in a row, Yang Tian was like this.

Although only two minutes or even one minute each time, the strange program has obtained enough information after ten days of accumulation.

The next step is to crack the rune array shrouding Jianshi palace.