Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 477

If Hong Yujiu was here, Yang Tian and Qin Fei would never dare to do so.

It is estimated that as soon as Xiaoqinglong becomes a giant dragon, Hong Yujiu will shoot Xiaoqinglong. With Xiaoqinglong\'s current state, he is by no means Hong Yujiu\'s opponent.

Not to mention Hong Yujiu, it is impossible for Xiaoqinglong to defeat the old sacrifice in front of him.

If you can become a sacrifice in the temple, if you don\'t have special ability, the realm is at least the peak realm of superstar level. The old priest is obviously the top power of the superstar realm.

Three minutes later, Yang Tian and Qin Fei separated. There was still some meaning in their eyes.

Because the little green dragon made a low cry.

This is Xiaoqinglong\'s signal to them. He tells Yang Tian and Qin Fei that the old priest is finally going to be unbearable.

The old priest was really worried about Qin Fei\'s safety, because Yang Tiangang couldn\'t fully trust him when he arrived at the superstar temple. In addition, now he is blocked by Xiaoqinglong\'s huge body. I don\'t know the situation of the goddess, so I can\'t help feeling a little anxious.

Qin Fei immediately sorted out the black robes and hair that Yang Tian had rubbed and left Yang Tian a few steps away.

Yang Tian scratched Xiaoqinglong\'s body. Xiaoqinglong got the signal, immediately became smaller, and soon became the image of a mini dragon.

When he saw that the goddess was all right and looked curious, the old priest was finally relieved.

"Sorry, I just showed the goddess how... Strange this pet is." when the little green dragon returned to Yang Tian\'s shoulder, Yang Tian smiled and said to the old priest.

The old priest was very dissatisfied with Yang Tian\'s practice. He frowned and said, "if you mess around next time, I will report to the top and expel you from the superstar temple!"

With that, the old priest waved to Yang Tian.

Yang Tian turned his head, winked at Qin Fei, turned and left the hall.

For Yang Tian and Qin Fei, it was a very exciting thing just now. It is estimated that no one has done such a thing in the main hall of the goddess palace since the establishment of the superstar temple!

After they left the main hall of the goddess palace, they immediately left the superstar temple. Because for them, staying in the temple is not free, there is always a feeling of depression.

Solly also went to the great priestess named Roman to report.

After Yang Tian returned to the Taiyu palace, he made two pairs of pendants and began to read the books recording runes in the Taiyu palace and all kinds of useless fragments depicting runes.

Taiyu great sacrifice also pays attention to Yang Tian from time to time. Seeing that Yang Tian studies runes very seriously, he is very satisfied with Yang Tian. He didn\'t know that Yang Tiangen didn\'t understand runes. He was so busy to enrich the rune database of strange programs.

In this process, Yang Tian keeps in touch with Qin Fei through Xiaoqinglong and Larry every two days.

Qin Fei is not idle at this time. She is trying to find a way to enter the "Jianshi" palace of the superstar temple.

Jianshi palace is the place where the superstar Temple stores all kinds of data. It is closely guarded. Generally, only the great sacrifice can enter.

In the meantime, Qin Fei pretended to play in the temple. She passed by Jianshi palace and wanted to go in and have a look, but she was stopped by the God guarding Jianshi palace.

Qin Fei certainly wouldn\'t give up. She scolded the guard\'s God general and wanted to break in by force.

But Jianshi palace was also shrouded by the rune array. Qin Fei was blocked outside the gate by the energy of the rune array and couldn\'t enter it.

Seeing that Qin Fei was blocked by the rune array, the Guarding God explained to Qin Fei that not only the whole palace, but also the storage box inside, but also the rune array. Only a few great priests can open it.

Qin Fei realized that even if she entered Jianshi palace, she could not get the chip that recorded the earth\'s coordinates.

Next, we can only rely on Yang Tian himself.

After Yang Tian got the news, he asked Xiaoqinglong to learn about the guards of Jianshi palace.

Because no one came to the door for a long time, the guard inside the superstar temple is actually very lax. Even if the guards are all practitioners and there is no problem standing on the post for several days and nights, the guards still have to change shifts every once in a while.

During the shift change, about three minutes can be used.

Because during the shift change, the guards of Jianshi palace seemed a little chaotic... This is the result of Xiaoqinglong\'s long observation.

After the investigation, Yang Tian needs solli\'s help.

Solly\'s job is also very easy. As a guard captain, she only needs to patrol once a day. The next time can be used to practice.

Mano palace.

This is where solri is. The name of the palace also comes from the Roman sacrifice. It\'s just to read the two words upside down.

In this universe, there are also many female practitioners. Most of the whole manluo Palace are female guardians.

Compared with the Taiyu palace, the manluo palace is infinitely lively.

"Drink ~"

"Peng ~"

"Come again!"

As soon as he entered the manluo palace, Yang Tian heard bursts of Shouts.

Most of them are women\'s voices.

Needless to say, those female practitioners are competing with each other.

What Yang Tian doesn\'t know is that most of the male guards in the superstar Temple want to be transferred to the manluo palace.

Because it has the most beautiful women in the temple.

The more powerful a practitioner is, the more beautiful he will look. This is also a result of biological evolution.

Because perfect creatures, including ability and appearance, can inherit their genes better than weak and ugly life.

It is said that there are no ugly women among female practitioners above the planetary realm, which is not unreasonable.

Walking through the woods and flowers, soon an open field appeared in Yang Tian\'s eyes.

The site is round, the size of a standard football field. The ground is covered with turf and surrounded by three stone steps. At least hundreds of people sat on the stone steps and watched two female practitioners in black tights compete.

Their clothes are very thin and almost stick to their bodies. Any concave and convex parts of their bodies appear, giving men a strong visual impact.

Both women are practitioners at the peak of the planet. They are fighting with bare hands, and the process is very intense.

Seeing the wonderful attack and dodge actions made by the two people, the male practitioners who watched couldn\'t help shouting, and some even whistled.

Yang Tian feels very familiar with this situation.

Yang Tian was wearing blue armour, no helmet and long black shawl hair. With the improvement of his realm, his figure has become very tall and his face has become extremely handsome. As soon as he came here, he attracted the attention of many people.

Because Yang Tian didn\'t emit obvious energy fluctuation, people can\'t guess his realm.

Seeing Yang Tian\'s arrival, solli in black armor was a little surprised. She knew that Yang Tian came to find herself and immediately walked towards Yang Tian.