Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 459

"Boom... Boom... Boom..."

When Yang Tian and uyala were fighting, there was an amazing movement around, and the ground was trembled.

It turned out that a large number of huge insects arrived.

Among them, the number of black starworms with a body length of more than 10 meters is the largest.

These huge insects formed a circle several kilometers in diameter, and then stopped. The gap between them was immediately blocked by small insects.

Countless such big insects constitute a circle of walls.

Higher up are those flying insects, which fly in circles close to the top of the giant insect

At this time, if you look from the outside, the enclosure composed of insects is like a big yurt.

With the arrival of more insects, this\' yurt \'is getting bigger and thicker.

The light outside could not penetrate and became dark.

Uyala tried to escape before the siege was formed, but Yang Tian stopped him again and again.

Until the enclosure of the insect is completely formed.

As flying insects fly around this large area, the air flow in the enclosure begins to flow rapidly, breaking up the small rocks on the ground.

"Peng ~"

In the dark, Yang Tian punched uyala again, flew back with the power of the anti earthquake and disappeared in uyala\'s perception.

As long as Yang Tian doesn\'t use the power in his body, the smell from him is not as strong as that from a big bug.

Insects form such a circle, which is of course controlled by strange programs.

At this moment, strange programs and insect brains are like a host with huge computing power.

And every bug is quite a terminal.

Countless insects are controlled by strange programs and under the command of strange programs.

Yang Tian retreated to the edge of the "insect wall", and the insect in front of him took the initiative to move a passage.

Yang Tian left the enclosure of insects along the channel composed of insects.

It was dark inside, but the sky outside was still bright.

I don\'t know how he will handle this time? Yang Tian laughed in his heart.

If it were not for the test project of strange program, Yang Tian would have killed uyala.

The insects on the whole planet have gathered here, which is undoubtedly a great good thing for other practitioners.

More than 200 practitioners died in more than two days. At least half of the practitioners were killed by uyala.

Many practitioners followed and looked curiously at the "big ball" formed by insects. They didn\'t understand what happened and why insects suddenly gave up attacking them and gathered here.

Practitioners in the superstar realm are certainly not so easy to kill.

When Yang Tian withdrew from the enclosure of insects.

"Boom ~"

A loud noise.

Powerful forces erupted, like a small atomic bomb exploding, and the insects surrounding uyala were like bubbles, suddenly expanding.

Uyala broke out his strongest blow.

This large-scale attack consumes more energy, but the effect is very obvious.

A large number of insects were killed by the blow, flew into the air and fell down like raindrops.

Insects have the instinct to devour the corpses of the same kind. A large number of insects die, and the whole encirclement becomes chaotic.

"Peng ~"

With another loud noise, a powerful energy rushed out of the loose surrounding circle and knocked the swarm out of a channel.

Then uyala rushed out of the passage.


"It seems useless for the man to do so! The insects can\'t threaten the man." in the spacecraft, this is the words of a beautiful staff with long blue hair.

After a long time, the middle-aged God General replied: "don\'t think that the attack method of insects is so simple, only relying on their claws and teeth. These low-level intelligent guys have terrible evolutionary ability. They have evolved against the attack organs of some practitioners."

Uyala rushed out of the siege of the swarm and ran away quickly in the distance.

Generally, people who are cruel to others are also particularly afraid of death.

Uyala is such a person. Just now, he has felt that the number of insects is about to be more than he can bear.

So, at the cost of minor injuries, he finally rushed out of the siege of insects.

Seeing uyala escape and standing next to Yang Tian, solli thought Yang Tian would chase him, and then entangled him again.

But Yang Tian didn\'t do that, and a strange smile appeared on her face.

Yang Tian didn\'t go after him, of course, because the strange program told him in advance.

The experimental project of strange program has not been completed yet!

That is, from the beginning to the present, uyala is just an experimental object of a strange program.

Yang Tian stopped uyala before because the experimental object was so powerful that the strange program had to ask Yang Tian to help.

Otherwise, uyala would have escaped.

If uyala didn\'t attack Yang Tian, Yang Tian wouldn\'t agree with the strange program and take uyala as the experimental object.

This is the saying that if you don\'t die, you won\'t die. Once you die, you\'re not far from death.

As soon as the voice of the middle-aged God general fell, uyala, who had been far away from the insects, suddenly stopped.

This is a very strange thing. Why did he suddenly stop? Aren\'t you afraid that Yang Tian will catch up with him again?

The crew on the spacecraft immediately enlarged the surveillance picture of uyala.

At this time, we can see that uyala\'s whole body is trembling slightly, and his body is also very stiff.

Uyala wore a helmet and couldn\'t see his expression. But everyone can guess that uyala must be very uncomfortable at this time.

The middle-aged God general said at this time: "the insect can timely change its body structure and produce special organs according to the environment and enemies. In the process of fighting with the insect, the insect has captured the energy frequency in his body..."

"Ah ~"

While the middle-aged God general was talking, uyala suddenly struggled to take off his helmet, showed a ferocious face and roared up to the sky.

By this time, the energy in his body had reached the edge of out of control.

Only uyalaben could perceive that waves of strange energy came from all directions and easily entered his body, which had a strange resonance with the power in his body.

This energy fluctuation that affects uyala is emitted from some special small insects.

They are only about the size of a human finger. They are black helmets and look like ladybugs on the earth.

There are two long tentacles on their heads. At this time, the tentacles on the heads of the insects surrounding uyala are swinging regularly.

From their tentacles, they emit a strange wave of energy.

These energy waves emitted from an insect are not very strong, but hundreds of thousands, millions?

The energy gathered is very terrible.