Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 458

Uyala didn\'t expect Yang Tian to dodge aside in the face of his second attack.

"Hoo ~"

The scream sounded again.

Before the sound spread, uyala\'s tall figure appeared in front of Yang Tian again and hit the remnant of Yang Tian with a fist.

Yang Tian dodged again.

Yang Tian dodges again, neither defends nor attacks. What\'s the situation?

On the spacecraft, the staff who wanted to see a wonderful duel were all disappointed. Their cultivation level is low, and they have never seen the battle between practitioners of superstar level. What kind of situation is it!

If Yang Tian just dodges, what does this kind of battle look like?

Only the eyes of the middle-aged God general were full of interest.

Because what he saw was not that uyala kept attacking Yang Tian, but the insects around them.

When uyala attacked Yang Tian, insects hundreds of miles or even farther rushed towards the place where the two gathered.

There were even two practitioners in the stellar realm surrounded by insects. Originally, they were still fighting with insects and insisted hard. Unexpectedly, the fierce and fearless insects suddenly dispersed like the ebb tide, and then rushed in one direction.

Even a large number of insects passed them, crawling on the land and flying in the sky. These insects seemed to be called by the Zerg leader and ignored them.

Just now, with a punch, uyala felt that Yang Xingxing contained powerful power. Moreover, the attribute of power is extremely strange and has strong destructive power.

At this time, Yang Tian kept avoiding, which made him a little confused.

Did the other party use all his strength for the blow just now?

Uyala guessed this because he was very confident in his combat effectiveness.

What uyala doesn\'t know is that from Yang Tian\'s body, the insect brain controlled by strange program is constantly sending out calling messages.

This information spreads towards the whole planet at several times the speed of sound.

If it is the call of ordinary insects, Xu Li ignores the insects attacking practitioners. However, the strange program simulates the call of intelligent insects.

Qiqi Cheng told Yang Tian before that although there are a large number of insects on this planet, there are no intelligent insects, but there will be them soon.

But now, the strange program sends such a call, which is tantamount to telling all insects that they already have a leader.

There can only be one intelligent bug on a planet, so after the strange program becomes the leader of the bug, it will not be born again.

Before long, the insects on the whole planet will gather.

This is also an experimental project called strange program.

It wants to command these insects to besiege uyala and drown the superstar warrior practitioner with the insects on the whole planet.

A large number of insects came. At the beginning, uyala didn\'t notice. He just kept attacking Yang Tian.

But in the end, the more insects gathered, uyala felt something was wrong.

Because the insects came beyond his imagination.

This is by no means a normal phenomenon!

Moreover, many insects attack uyala and "turn a blind eye" to Yang Tiandu.

It looks like Yang Tian is directing these insects to fight.


On the spaceship, the middle-aged God will see such a situation and mutter with a smile.

Now, we all see this strange situation, just like uyala angered the insects on the whole planet.

"This is really a retribution for evil!" a staff member who saw the following situation on the spacecraft said faintly.

In this kind of examination, killing other practitioners is not illegal, but many people are not ashamed of it.

Hearing such words, the middle-aged God will seem not to hear.

Yang Tian can\'t beat uyala. He keeps dodging for the experimental project mentioned in the strange program.

The strange program didn\'t say clearly. Yang Tian already knew it by this time.

After several dodges, Yang Tian no longer needs to dodge.

Because uyala has been surrounded by a large number of insects.

Whether on the ground or in the sky, there are insects. Insects flying in the sky even block the light of stars, making the light on the ground like the last moment of night.

"Boom... Boom... Boom..."

After all, he is a super star. It\'s not so easy for insects to kill him.

Uyala, surrounded by insects, punched quickly. As soon as his fierce strength came out, he made a loud noise and killed a large number of insects.

At this time, Yang Tian had long been away from the battlefield of uyala and insects, hundreds of meters away.

In order to see clearly, Yang Tian also took out a telescope to watch.

Solly also came to Yang Tian\'s side and looked at all this curiously with wide eyes.

No matter what she thought, she didn\'t understand how this could happen.

The insects killed by uyala were quickly eaten by the same kind. With the movement of uyala, the body of the insects could not be seen.

About ten minutes later, uya found himself killing like this. He didn\'t know when he would be a head.

So he was ready to leave.

If you can\'t kill these insects, you can always escape!

At present, these insects can not pose a threat to the superstar general uyala.

With uyala\'s speed, even if he can\'t do the swarm, if he wants to leave, the swarm can\'t leave him.

But besides insects, there is Yang Tian.

Yang Tian, who has been paying attention to uyala\'s action, soon found that uyala wanted to escape.


A series of loud and dense noises came. With a strong fist style, uyala chiseled a passage through the "insect wall" surrounding him in a few blinks.

Then the shadow flashed and fled to the distance.

At this time, uyala\'s face is full of anger. If you see Yang Tian again... Hum!

Because Yang Tian made him surrounded by insects.

Just thinking of the practitioner wearing blue armor just now, a blue shadow appeared in uyala\'s eyes.


Seeing Yang Tian in his eyes, uyala roared and rushed towards Yang Tian.

Yang Tian didn\'t dodge this time.


Uyala\'s most powerful fighting skill seems to be a pair of fists. Yang Tian didn\'t dodge. In the blink of an eye, he punched uyala for dozens of times.

Yang Tian is no worse than uyala in both strength and speed.

Because Yang Tian\'s force world is much broader than the energy world in the body of ordinary practitioners. Of course, his power is several times that of others.

At the same time, because of his powerful spiritual power, his nerve reaction speed is also faster than others.

When Yang Tian stopped uyala, the insects surrounded him again.

"It seems useless for the man to do so! The insects can\'t threaten the man." a beautiful staff member with long blue hair frowned in the spaceship.