Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 460

As a superstar strongman, uyala certainly won\'t admit defeat so easily.

He roared up to the sky, also venting his pain now. Because he began to reverse the energy in his body.

It was an extremely dangerous move and his only way.

Once successful, uyala can quickly restore his mobility.

This is a simple process to say, but extremely complex to do.

Yang Tian also vaguely understood what uyala wanted to do.

For example, in the original realm of Yang Tian, the existing planets rotate in one direction. If Yang Tian wants to change the frequency of his energy, he will use his mind to rotate all the planets in the opposite direction.

Yang Tian is much more difficult than others to do this. Of course, he will not encounter the fine situation that uyala is facing now.

Because Yang celestial body has several forces, using one of them can block the energy waves of those insects. Unless the bug cracked all the energy frequencies in his body at once.

In fact, it takes a long time for a bug on a planet to crack the energy frequency of a superstar power, which can not be done in a short day or two.

The reason for this is that the insects on the planet have been transformed by the superstar temple.

What\'s more, it\'s strange programs that control these insects.

Through the insect brain, the strange program knows the inheritance information of the Zerg. Coupled with its terrible computing ability, it can crack the energy frequency of a practitioner in a very short time.

When the strange program commanded the insect to move close to uyala quickly, uyala had succeeded.

When he moved, uyala immediately fled further away.

"The experimental project is over." at this time, the strange program suddenly said to Yang Tian.

Yang Tianbi was surprised. He thought that if the strange program didn\'t kill the man, he wouldn\'t stop!

Knowing Yang Tianxin\'s idea, the strange program said, "the pilot project just now is to determine whether the inheritance information of the Zerg is useful. In case of such a situation later, I can protect you from being attacked by insects."

Strange program ends its experimental process, but Yang Tian will not let uyala go!

The man attacked him without saying a word. Yang Tian was unhappy if he didn\'t revenge.

Yang Tian knew that the man had escaped. He would feel bad for a while. His strength would drop by at least 50% compared with before.

It\'s too easy to kill this man.

Yang Tian narrowed his eyes slightly, moved his body, and disappeared in place.

At Yang Tian\'s current speed, he can catch up with uyala in a few minutes.

At the end of the experimental project, the strange program no longer controls these insects.

When the nearby practitioners saw that they were gathered together, like a mountain, the insects dispersed, and the tide surged around. They were shocked and immediately turned around and ran away.

In the blink of an eye, uyala sped forward for several kilometers and came to the back of a low mountain.

"Hoo ~"

Finally, he got rid of the attack of the insects, and the blue armor practitioner, uyala stopped against a boulder and breathed out a long breath.

The temperature was very high, and when he was carrying his helmet, a relaxed expression appeared on his face. Although his whole body was tingling, constantly stimulating his consciousness.

"Chi ~"

Just then, a light red beam of super energy particles with thick arms shot towards uyala.

Uyala couldn\'t react. The speed of light of the super energy particle hit him right on the chest.

The beam of super energy particles did no harm to uyala, not even his armor.

In fact, the energy beam was originally aimed at his head. When uyala felt the danger, he made a small movement.

The one who emits the particle beam towards ulah is a practitioner in the realm of stars wearing red armor.

Seeing that the blow failed to hurt uyala, he immediately threw away his portable particle gun and clenched the knife in his hand.

For a practitioner of stellar realm, in the face of an expert like uyala, one blow can\'t hit him hard, and there is basically no chance of a second blow.

Even running away is difficult.

Sure enough, uyala\'s figure flashed and appeared in front of the practitioner in the stellar realm in the blink of an eye.

This is a female practitioner. You can know from her figure.

"Hey, hey..."

Looking at the female practitioner in front of her, uyala sneered.

Just now, I was angry and just vented on this woman.

Of course, in this case, and under the surveillance of the spacecraft, uyala is not going to do dirty things.

Instead, he was going to make the female practitioner\'s death miserable.

"You killed my husband, I\'ll kill you too!" the female practitioner looked at uyala, who was less than ten meters away from her, and took off her helmet.

The female practitioner is a middle-aged woman with light yellow curly hair. After taking off her helmet, you can see her face with determination.

"Peng ~"

Uyala was about to start. A blue shadow fell from the sky. It was very fast and stepped uyala into the hard rock layer.

The ground vibrated violently.

It happened so suddenly that when the female practitioner reacted, she found a practitioner wearing blue armor stepping on uyala\'s chest. Uyala\'s body was sunk into the rock more than a foot deep.

This level of attack will not seriously hurt Wuya, but Yang Tian stepped on his chest and he couldn\'t move.


Uyala beat Yang Tian\'s feet with all his strength, but his palms could not touch the armor on Yang Tian\'s legs, so he was blocked by the energy on the armor surface.

This is Yang Tian\'s top armor with 100 million credits. With the transformation of strange programs, it is not comparable to ordinary armor.

"Kill him," Yang Tian turned his head and said to the female practitioner.

The female practitioner was stunned. Then she picked up the particle gun from the ground, came forward and aimed the muzzle thicker than her arm at uyala\'s head.

"Chi ~"

In order to prevent accidents, the female practitioner immediately pressed the launch button.

This shot failed to blow uyala\'s head off.

Because uyala\'s body surface is covered with powerful energy.

Practitioners in the superstar realm are hard to kill.

"Chi ~"

If you can\'t hit it, launch it again.

"Chi... Chi... Chi..."

At this time, Yang Tian raised his head and didn\'t want to look at his feet.

For a strong man in the super star realm, this way of death is really a little cowardly.

But this is what uyala should end up with.

After being bombarded dozens of times, uyala\'s head was finally smashed. Yang Tiancai loosened his feet and dodged away.

The female monk in red armor saw a large number of insects coming, took a look at uyala\'s wriggling body, sneered, and then left.

Uyala is reunifying his body and will soon be surrounded by insects