Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 457

Just out of the valley, not only solli, but also Yang Tian was a little nervous. This is not fear, but a novel excitement in my heart.

A strange insect, which looked like an octopus with a helmet on its head and eight legs under its belly, crawled in the face.

This is the hat bug, which can spit out highly corrosive venom.

Seeing the insect crawling, Yang Tian and solli stopped and looked at each other.

Both of them clenched their weapons and were ready to kill the bug at any time.

Fortunately, the insect stopped more than ten meters away from Yang Tian and climbed aside.

Yang Tian and solli were relieved by this situation.

They moved on. In order not to expose themselves, neither of them spoke.

There are many insects. Almost every few steps forward, an insect passes by.

In the absence of enemies and prey, these insects are very calm and very leisurely.

These insects seem to be very hungry. When Yang Tian and solli move forward, most of the insects around are buried in eating the black rocks on the ground.

Because these rocks are rich in organic matter, as well as some metal minerals and water, they can provide energy for their activities.

After a few minutes, Yang Tian saw thousands of insects! If the density of insects is the same on the land of the whole planet, it is estimated that before long, the organic layer on the planet\'s surface will be eaten up, so as to reproduce more insects.

When the food is digested, the insects will get confused and start fighting with each other. At that time, migratory insects will be born.

After walking forward for about half an hour, Yang Tian stopped on a low mountain top and took out the telescope from the storage bracelet.

Yang Tian glanced around with a telescope. What he saw was full of insects.

There are not many insects in the valley. Because of the rune array, the insects will not approach.

At this time, there are dozens of insect species in Yang Tianyan.

There are insects as big as a hill, and there are insects as big as fingers

Because of the existence of these insects, the planet has become vibrant. Unfortunately, there is a lack of plants.

However, even if there are plants, it is estimated that they will soon be eaten up by these insects!

Putting down the telescope, Yang * * * * solli made a gesture to express her intention to go back.

At this time, it will be dark. Once the night is over and half the day is over, the time for assessment of this level will come.

Solly nodded.

Although she had a bug brain and would not be attacked by insects, solly still had no sense of security and was comfortable in the previous Rune array.

The only drawback is that I took off my armor in the valley and felt a little uncomfortable

They just took a few steps and suddenly stopped together.

The little green dragon lying on Yang Tian\'s shoulder also turned around and looked behind Yang Tian. His wide eyes were full of vigilance.

Both of them noticed a powerful energy wave coming.

From this level of energy fluctuation, we can know that it is a super star power.

Yang Tian understood through his last training that other practitioners are potential enemies to him at any time and at any time.

Yang Tian and solli immediately turned around and looked in the direction of strong energy fluctuations.

At this time, you can see the situation ahead even without a telescope.

Those are two practitioners.

One of them was wearing green armor and looked like he was running away, while another strong black armor man chased after him.

From the realm, the fleeing green armor man was obviously not as good as the black armor man behind him. In a few blinks, he was caught up by the black armor man.

Soon, the green armor man was killed by the black armor man.

The whole process, less than a minute.

This obviously reflects the gap between the stellar realm and the superstar realm.

After the green armor practitioner was killed by the black armor man, the black armor practitioner in the superstar realm disappeared in a flash.

The green armour practitioner who fell to the ground was immediately submerged by the swarm of insects.

The fighting of others had nothing to do with himself. Yang Tianzheng wanted to leave with solli. Suddenly, a dark shadow flashed, and a tall black armor man appeared tens of meters away from them.

A bug noticed the black armor practitioner and immediately rushed over. He was kicked to pieces and gave a "Peng" sound.

It\'s not good!

Yang Tian and solli both frowned. They both clearly realized that the black armor man was full of hostility to himself.

It was uyala who came. When he killed a green armor practitioner again, he found Yang Tian and solli. For him, they are his next prey.

After kicking a bug, uyala looked at Yang Tian and sol, suddenly moved and rushed to Yang Tian.

"Peng ~"

Yang Tian is not comparable to those practitioners in the stellar realm. He took a blow from uyala.

The two men hit each other with fists and made a loud noise.

This punch, from beginning to end, Yang Tian stood in place, while uyala retreated dozens of steps before stopping.

When Yang Tian did not use the force, he would not emit a strong breath. At this time, using power, uyala knew his realm.

It\'s a superstar realm!

Uyala did not expect that such a seemingly ordinary practitioner was actually a practitioner in the superstar realm!

The movement of the battle immediately attracted a large number of insects.

Yang Tian stared at uyala who stopped and said to solli, "stay away."

Solly immediately nodded and dodged into the distance.

Yang Tian shook his numb hand, smiled and said to uyala, "your strength is not very good!"

Uyala heard Yang Tian say this. Although he couldn\'t see Yang Tian\'s face behind his mask, he also guessed that Yang Tian was a disdainful smile.

The other party is obviously a lower level than himself. How can he stop his fist?

Yang Tian\'s powerful power surprised uyala.

You should know that uyala is a practitioner at the level of super star war general, one level higher than Yang Tian.

The more you reach the back of the realm of cultivation, the more difficult it is to improve. Accordingly, there is a great difference between the combat power and the small realm in a large realm.

"You want to die!" uyala was irritated by Yang Tian\'s words. He drank in a deep voice and rushed towards Yang Tian again.

Seeing that uyala came again, Yang Tian flashed aside.

Because the strange program tells Yang Tian that it will experiment with a new project.

What project?

At this time, the middle-aged God on the ship was also excited, and the situation he hoped for finally appeared.

The two strongest candidates in this assessment finally met.

Not only the middle-aged generals, but also other staff members focused on their surveillance images.