Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 456

The insect brain becomes so small that it is easy to carry in the future. It is only the size of a finger. Just make a necklace and hang it around your neck. Because they already have the breath of life, they can\'t be put into the storage bracelet.

There are strange programs in both bug brains. One is the main body of the strange program, and the other is equivalent to an accessory body. There will also be a connection between the two insect brains.

If there is an accident, the accessory body is destroyed, which has no impact on the subject. If the subject is destroyed, the copy is activated.

"How did this kind of insect brain come into being?" Yang Tian asked curiously when he looked at the two insect brains in his hand.

The strange program replied, "please wait a minute. I\'m reading the relevant memories left by the cells."

Memory left by cells!

The strange program answered very plainly, but Yang Tian was very shocked. Although he didn\'t speak, his expression also showed.

Solli naturally saw Yang Tian\'s expression. He didn\'t know the dialogue between Yang Tian and the strange program. But she was also shocked by the change of insect brain and wondered what use the two small meat balls in Yang Tian\'s hand could be

When the strange program reads the memory of insect brain cells, Yang Tian takes out a bottle of water and rinses his hands and two insect brains.

The shape of the two bug brains looks like two small spades. At that time, we will order two pairs of round and hollow metal shells, and add a necklace to make two pairs of pendants. Put the two insect brains in the metal shell and you can carry them with you.

After washing the two insect brains and hands, Yang Tian found a stone and sat down and waited silently.

After almost ten minutes, the voice of the strange program sounded in Yang Tian\'s mind.

"Cell memory has been read," the strange program said faintly.

"Tell me about the memory in insect brain cells? Do you have the memory of the mysterious young man?" Yang Tian asked eagerly.

Human cells have memories. Yang Tian heard when he was on earth that some patients will have the memory of the original owner of the organ after receiving organ transplantation.

For example, if you don\'t smoke, you will have a desire to smoke. Sometimes you dream and dream of some scenes encountered by the original owner of the organ. These are the memories of the original owner of the organ to the organ transplant recipient.

This also shows that every human cell is a memory, not just brain cells.

If the strange program can read the memory of the mysterious young man, Yang Tian can know a lot of information about another world.

But the strange program replied, "yes, but it is very vague, which needs a long time of remote calculation and processing. However, the memory of the Zerg is very clear, which also contains the inheritance memory of the Zerg. There are also the reasons for the emergence of the insect brain."

Yang Tian doesn\'t care much about the inheritance and memory of the Zerg. It is the reason for the formation of insect brain, which makes Yang Tian very interested.

The strange program said: "after contacting the insect brain cells, the powerful cells changed the structure of the insect brain cells and wanted to grow a human head again. Because the insect brain cells were too weak to withstand the transformation, they failed."

Hearing the result, Yang Tian frowned.

What does that mean?

That is... The mysterious body is likely to live again. As long as it finds the right carrier, it can grow a head again, and then a new body.

Or... The body didn\'t grow a head because the head still exists, and even there is a mysterious connection between the body and the head.

Where is that head

"Yang Tian." when Yang Tian was thinking, the strange program called.

"What\'s up?" Yang Tian asked.

The strange program said, "we can get out of here now. I can control the energy wave emitted by the insect brain. They will treat you as a kind."

So magical?

"How did you do it?" Yang Tian asked.

Yang Tian wants to ask how strange programs use the energy contained in the insect brain.

The strange program said, "this is a complex process, which I can\'t explain. But what I can tell you is that the energy contained in this insect brain can keep me alive for hundreds of millions of years."

Yang Tian was not surprised at this. On his last return, Yang Tian knew that the energy contained in each cell of the corpse was stronger than that of a practitioner in the stellar realm or even the superstar realm.

If the energy in these cells can be extracted, it is estimated that thousands of top practitioners can be created.

The superstar temple is eager to get the body. It is estimated that this is the idea.

Since the mysterious young man was so powerful, how could he be killed?

Also, since this corpse is so important, why doesn\'t the superstar Temple send the most powerful people to look for it?


For a time, many incomprehensible problems appeared in Yang Tian\'s mind.

Is it necessary to leave this valley?

Yang Tian hesitates because it\'s safe to stay here. If he goes out, he may face a lot of trouble.

This is not that Yang Tian is timid, but that there is no need to leave here according to the current situation.

Yang Tian hesitated, and the strange program said to him: "I want to test whether the inheritance of the Zerg is useful. You may not know that the Zerg on this planet are not complete, and there are no intelligent insects among them. If intelligent insects are produced and command the battle of the swarm, they will be found here sooner or later."

So it is

"OK!" Yang Tian nodded and said in his mind.

The strange program added: "the emergence of intelligent insects is a problem sooner or later. This is the way for the perfect evolution of Zerg. Every advanced life group is not a perfect group without wise men."

In other words, with the passage of time, there will soon be a high-level insect with wisdom on this planet.

"Solly, let\'s get out of here and have a look outside." after understanding the idea of strange program, Yang Tian smiled and said to solly.

"Hmm!" solly nodded simply without asking Yang Tian why.

Yang Tian likes solly\'s simplicity.

Yang Tian took off his robe and put it into the storage bracelet, leaving only a pair of shorts. Then he took out his blue armor and put it on his body.

So is solly. Yang Tian glanced and saw solly\'s beautiful body, blushing and beating.

After they put on their armor, Yang Tian put one of the insect brains into the small storage compartment of the armor, and gave the other to solli.

Xiaoqinglong is lying on Yang Tian\'s shoulder.

When they were ready, Yang Tian and solli slowly walked out of the surrounding area with weapons.


On the spaceship, the middle-aged God will always pay attention to the following situation, especially Yang Tian.

Although Yang Tian\'s location has been covered by a volcano, the monitoring picture has been enlarged.

Seeing that Yang Tian and solly were out of the scope of the "Volcano" at this time, the middle-aged God would be surprised.

Is that rune array about to fail? Or does Yang Tian feel lonely and want to experience the feeling of fighting with insects?

You know, there is not much time left for the end of the assessment.

When the middle-aged God was paying attention to Yang Tian, a staff member enlarged a surveillance picture and turned to the middle-aged God and said, "Sir, a superstar practitioner named uyala is killing other practitioners."

When the staff finished, they turned around.

The middle-aged God will immediately turn his eyes to the surveillance screen of \'uyala\'.

In this assessment, it is not stated that practitioners cannot fight each other. This practitioner named uyala killed other practitioners and did not violate the provisions of the assessment.

Uyala obviously wants to improve his chances of being selected. His ideas and practices are simple and direct.

Kill other people, and he will be selected by the superstar temple.

It is reasonable to say that practitioners in the stellar realm lower than his realm pose no threat to him, but almost all the people he kills are practitioners in the stellar realm.

It seems that he is a bit soft and afraid of hard, or he has not met a practitioner of the same realm for the time being.

When the middle-aged God would pay attention to uyala, uyala was just ready to kill a master practitioner in the star domain.

Seeing such a picture, the middle-aged God general had no abnormal emotional performance on his face and eyes. This is also a very normal thing for him.

When uyala killed three people in succession, the middle-aged God general turned his attention to the picture of monitoring Yang Tian.

Seeing the surveillance picture again, the middle-aged God finally showed a surprised expression on his calm face.

Because when Yang Tian and solli were walking among the insects, the insects around didn\'t attack them! It\'s like turning a blind eye to them.

The middle-aged God will be well-informed, but he has never seen such a situation.

After watching for a while, the middle-aged God smiled.

Because he found that Yang Tian and uyala were getting closer.

What will happen then?

The middle-aged God will look forward to it.


Uyala was shrouded in black armor and could not see his face, but from his body shape, he knew that he was a big man with a height of more than two meters. His body is very strong and full of strength.

Before he was noticed by the crew on the ship, he began to kill his own kind.

Because in his opinion, this kind of assessment is really boring. It\'s like being played by the superstar temple. After this level, you may have to be "played" again.

To solve this problem, it is very simple to kill all others!

In this case, if he is left alone, or a few people, the next assessment will be meaningless.

It has to be said that this is an extremely selfish idea and practice.

But he has such ability! The ability to act arbitrarily!

When uyala was moving at high speed, he saw another practitioner in the realm of stars. This is a practitioner wearing silver armor.

When uyala saw this man, he was also moving at a high speed to avoid the attack of insects. Uyala didn\'t say hello, moved his body, stopped in front of a silver armor practitioner, and hit each other on the chest.

The practitioners in the superstar realm are much stronger than those in the stellar realm. Uyala\'s fist directly smashed the other party\'s silver armor, and the powerful force also smashed the other party\'s body.

With just one punch, uyala killed the master practitioner of the stellar domain wearing silver armor.

At this time, behind the black mask, uyala sneered, and his eyes radiated a fierce light.