Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 455

Yang Tian didn\'t expect any changes to happen. This experiment was just an idea in his mind.

A few minutes later, Yang Tian, solli and Xiaoqinglong opened their eyes.

Because the insect\'s head really began to change.

First, the fracture of its neck began to heal slowly!

Originally, with the passage of time and the loss of body fluid, the life breath of the insect head became weaker and weaker, but now, the life breath began to become stronger and stronger.

More than ten minutes later, the insect head was full of vigorous vitality.

A few cells, actually let this insect head live!

The insect head, whose life became stronger, swung the two tentacles on his head again, and his mouth kept opening and closing.

"It doesn\'t seem right!" solly frowned at the sight.

Yang Tian nodded.

Because the movement of the insect\'s head swinging its tentacles appears very messy and does not send out any energy information to the same kind.

When Yang Tian and them were wondering, the insect head began to vibrate quickly, and the shell made a \'click\' sound and cracked.

Even the insect\'s eyes had cracks on the surface.

Yang Tian and solli looked at each other.

They all know that when Yang Tian puts powerful cells on the insect head, not the insect head will live, but those cells will live.

These cells are using insect cells to divide at an extremely fast rate.

The shell of the insect head is cracked. Will it explode next?

Look at this, it\'s very likely to happen. Yang Tian and solli immediately got up and stepped back more than ten steps.

At this time, the insect head trembled more and more violently, and the breath of life became stronger and weaker.

"Peng ~"

Sure enough, the insect head suddenly burst and splashed dark green liquid and insect head fragments around.

Did the experiment fail?

After Yang Tian and solli dodged, they looked at the place where the insect head was before and saw a light green meat ball the size of a football.

The meat ball was covered with liquid and began to dry at a very fast speed after contacting the air.

It looks like the brain of an insect. Its surface is uneven and full of winding gullies.

This "insect brain" does not emit a breath of life, but it releases powerful energy fluctuations.

Life breath and energy fluctuation are two different concepts, that is to say, this "insect brain" is dead, but it contains huge energy.

Yang Tian didn\'t expect that such a thing would be formed after the powerful cells\' reaction \'with the insect brain.

"What is this?" solly asked curiously, looking at the meat ball.

Yang Tian shook his head, "I don\'t know."

Then Yang Tian approached the meat ball.

Yang Tian will never touch it with his hands until he knows what it is.

After slowly approaching the meat ball, Yang Tian squatted down and called a trace of spiritual strength to slowly approach the meat ball.

Yang Tian predicted that there might be the situation before, that is, the spiritual power was completely absorbed by the meat ball.

However, this is not the case.

When Yang Tian\'s spiritual power entered the meat ball, he was surprised to find that there was another situation.

Its interior is covered with messy green silk threads, like glass fibers.

In addition to the "silk thread", there are countless round small particles, also light green, distributed on these "silk threads".

After only a look, Yang Tian took back his spiritual strength.

This thing seems useless. Yang Tian takes out the red long knife from the storage Bracelet again and is ready to split it.

"Wait!" Yang Tiangang was about to use his knife. The voice of strange program suddenly sounded in his mind.

"Why?" Yang Tian asked in his mind.

The strange program said, "you need to observe more carefully before I can judge."

Yang Tian didn\'t ask the strange program again. He knew that there must be a reason why the strange program asked him to do so.

Maybe this thing is still a baby!

It\'s like an antique. People who don\'t know the goods will regard it as junk, and people who know it can see its value.

Yang Tiangang just made a macro observation. This time, he observed the internal structure of the meat ball from a micro perspective.

The silk threads and granular things in the meat ball gradually become larger in Yang Tian\'s vision.

Yang Tian found that these "silk threads" and "granular" things are all composed of cells.

Strangely, these cells do not have nuclei, but transparent liquid substances.

It is these liquid things that emit bursts of energy fluctuations.

After knowing the internal structure of the meat ball, Yang Tian withdrew his spiritual power from the meat ball.

The role of spiritual power is similar to that of consciousness. Especially when you look at things other than your own body, you can make micro exploration like looking at yourself.

"You see it now, how about it?" Yang Tian asked in his mind.

The strange program replied, "the structure of this insect brain is more perfect for me than your brain. I want to transfer it to this insect brain."

I didn\'t expect it to be a worm brain!

When Yang Tian saw the meat ball, he also thought it was formed by the brain changes of insects. Unexpectedly, it was true.

"How did it come into being?" Yang Tian asked curiously.

Yang Tian understands that the real insect brain is by no means this structure. In this case, it is obvious that those powerful cells have mutated after combining with the insect brain. For those powerful cells, this worm brain may be an unsuccessful mutation.

Of course, this is just a guess. Yang Tian doesn\'t quite understand what the actual situation is.

When Yang Tian asked, the strange program replied, "if I transfer to this insect brain, I may be able to provide you with the answer."

To tell the truth, Yang Tian was really reluctant to leave his brain. Because if a rune program exists in his brain, he is a rune genius.

"Don\'t worry! I can contact you at any time when you need it, and I can also transfer it back to your brain. Usually, I live in this insect brain." the strange program naturally understood Yang Tian\'s idea and said to Yang Tian.

"OK!" Yang Tian said, "how can you transfer to the insect brain?"

For Yang Tian, this is a perfect plan. After all, no one wants another kind of life in his brain.

Although the strange program is only a program, it has independent thinking ability, which is no different from the real intelligent life.

The difference is that it has no body.

The same is true for strange programs. Yang Tian\'s thinking often makes it interrupt calculation

When Yang Tian asked, the strange program said, "I am also a kind of energy. You use your spiritual power to contact the insect brain, and I transfer it to the insect brain through your spiritual power. This process doesn\'t need to be too long, but don\'t interrupt."

"What will happen if it is interrupted?" Yang Tian asked.

The strange program said, "if it is interrupted, the data chain that makes up me will break, just like cutting you humans in half."

"How can I contact you later?" Yang Tian asked.

The strange program said, "then you will understand."

"Yang Tian, what\'s the matter?" seeing that Yang Tian has been frowning and hasn\'t spoken for a long time, solli asked aloud.

Yang Tian said, "it\'s all right. I\'m using my spiritual strength to observe the internal structure of this insect brain. It\'s very important to wait a moment. Don\'t disturb me."

Solly immediately nodded and stepped aside.

Hearing Yang Tian say that he can\'t be disturbed, Xiaoqinglong is also vigilant.

Next, Yang Tian picked up the insect brain from the ground.

It looks small but heavy, like a solid iron ball.

When he was ready, Yang Tian called a powerful spiritual force and entered the insect brain in front of him.

"I started." after the strange program noticed that Yang Tian\'s spiritual power became stable, it reminded Yang Tian.

In the process of conveying spiritual power, Yang Tian can clearly feel that a force is being transmitted to the insect brain through his spiritual power.

If Yang Tian is willing, he can certainly exclude this force. In this way, the strange program will be finished.

Of course, Yang Tian didn\'t have this idea at all. He didn\'t even have the idea of joking. He focused his attention on the insect brain in his hand.

As the strange Program says, this process is not long. It lasts about three minutes to complete the transmission process.

When Yang Tian realized that his spiritual power was not attached to other energy, he insisted for another minute before stopping.

"OK!" Yang Tian breathed out a breath and said faintly after taking back his spiritual strength.

Although he didn\'t spend much spiritual power just now, Yang Tian tightened his nerves for fear of any problems in the transmission process.

After successful transfer, Yang Tian finally relaxed his tight nerves.

Solli was about to ask Yang Tian what she had observed. She was surprised to find that the insect brain in Yang Tian\'s hand suddenly gave off a breath of life.

This worm brain... Came alive.

From life to death, and then to life, this thing is too strange!

Yang Tian is not surprised, but happy for the strange program, because it means that the strange program is perfectly integrated with the insect brain in a short time.

Next, the insect brain began to \'melt\' like a piece of ice.

Seeing this situation, Yang Tian became nervous again.

"I\'m fine. This is to eliminate redundant cell bodies. They are useless impurities." suddenly, the voice of strange program rang out in Yang Tian\'s mind.

"How did you do it?" Yang Tian asked curiously in his mind.

Yang Tian asked how the strange program contacted him.

The strange program said: "your human brain will send out an energy wave. I have stored it in your brain for so long. Naturally, I can know the frequency of this energy wave and simulate this energy wave..."

Halfway through the strange program, Yang Tian understood.

The energy fluctuation called by the strange program is what earth humans call brain waves.

With the reminder of strange program, Yang Tian is no longer worried.

Soon, the insect brain in Yang Tian\'s hand shrank many times and became the size of a table tennis ball. Then it was divided into two. Finally, it turned into a "small insect brain" the size of two fingers.

In this process, the strange program naturally explains to Yang Tian.

Two bug brains, one of which is reserved for use. Because the emergence of this kind of insect brain is only accidental. In the future, one of them has a problem, one is broken, and there is another!