Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 454

After the insect fell down, it didn\'t fall to death. It immediately turned over and got up, shook its wings and wanted to fly again.

However, due to the damage of its wings, it just flew into the air and fell to the ground.

Yang Tian looked up at the sky.

Fortunately, after the insect fell, it did not attract the attention of other insects.

Unable to fly to the sky, he found Yang Tian and them again. The insect turned its head and immediately rushed towards Yang Tian.

"Poof ~"

When the insect came, Yang Tian took out a knife from the storage bracelet, dodged sideways, started and fell with his hand, and cut off the insect\'s head with one knife.

The vitality of the insect is very strong. Even if the body and head are separated, its head and body are still shaking.

In the air, there was a fishy smell immediately.

In order not to happen again, Yang Tian closed the defense of the rune array and didn\'t open it immediately.

The insect\'s head is triangular, which is very similar to the head of a mantis on earth. There are two large pliers on both sides of the corner of the mouth, emitting white and bright metallic luster. It is very hard at a glance.

Although separated from the body, a pair of tentacles on the head are still swinging, and a pair of pliers on the mouth are also open and closed.

"Yang Tian, he\'s sending a stop to the outside!" solly came over and saw the tentacles on the insect\'s head swinging constantly, frowning to remind Yang Tian.

Insects will also be connected with each other, just like radio.

Therefore, as long as it is found by one insect, a large number of insects will come.

Yang Tian said with a smile, "don\'t worry! Its information can\'t be sent."

This symbol array can prevent the internal energy from transmitting to the outside. The information sent by insects is also an energy fluctuation. Of course, it can\'t be transmitted.

Yang Tian took off his armor and asked solli not to wear armor. In fact, he also hoped that there would be no abnormal energy fluctuations inside the rune array. This is also a cautious approach.

Almost two days have passed. Even if the rune array fails now, Yang Tian and they can persist for one day.

For a long time, the insect\'s head was still moving. It has been half an hour since Yang Tian cut off his head. The insect has not really died.

However, its body has not moved.

Solly couldn\'t stand it. She took out a soft whip and wanted to smash the head.

However, Yang Tian raised his hand to stop her.

Solly was puzzled and looked at Yang Tian with a puzzled face.

Yang Tian smiled and took out a box from the storage bracelet.

The box is made of green spar with runes engraved on it. Solly is familiar with these boxes. She has ten of them.

The animal core is packed in such a box. Even without the transparent shell made of jelly in the fruit refining peel, the energy of the animal core can not be dissipated.

What does Yang Tian do with this box?

Isn\'t it to feed this worm a core?

Solly opened her eyes and looked at Yang Tian curiously.

Yang Tian soon opened the box.

As soon as the box was opened, bursts of powerful energy waves came out of the box.

In this box is not the animal core, but a ball of broken meat stained with gray white, mixed with a fishy red color.

"This... Is..." feeling the strong energy fluctuation, solly opened her eyes wider and made a sound of surprise.

She already guessed.

Yang Tian said with a smile, "yes! These are some cells and tissues taken from the mysterious corpse."

Sure enough! Solly thought.

Yang Tian brought back the mysterious body, which solly knew, but what she didn\'t expect was that Yang Tian actually hid it!

However, even if she encounters such a situation, she is expected to do so!

Good stuff, who doesn\'t want it?

"What are you going to do?" solly went to Yang Tian, squatted down and asked curiously.

Yang Tian also squatted. When solli asked, he looked up and just saw solli\'s chest.

Without armor, solly took out a loose dress like a bathrobe and put it on her body.

Yang Tian only looked at it once, then immediately took back his eyes, coughed twice, looked at a ball of meat in the box, smiled and said, "I want to try what kind of change will happen if this kind of cell comes into contact with the insect\'s cell."

"Why do you think so?" solly looked up at Yang Tian and asked in surprise.

Hearing what Yang Tian said, she felt that Yang Tian\'s thinking was really strange, that is, what earth humans said, the brain hole was a little big.

If it were her, she would never connect the mysterious body with the head of the insect in front of her.

Yang Tian doesn\'t want to hide solli. He tells solli that the Feiyun cult once wanted to use this cell to change his body state.

But the result, of course, was failure. Instead of making yourself stronger, it made the body cells lose the ability to regenerate.

If it is not for this reason, Feiyun sacrifice can live for many years!

Solly understood the origin of Yang Tian\'s idea.

Instead of experimenting with humans, you can experiment with insects to see what changes will occur.

A few minutes passed between them. The insect\'s head was still alive and its tentacles were still swinging slowly.

It seems that this guy is determined to die if he doesn\'t attract the same kind.

Then Yang Tian took out another dagger.

This dagger is also a weapon left by Yang Tian\'s grandfather Yang Song. There are two daggers in total. Yang Tian still keeps them now.

Yang Tian picked a ball of meat in the box with the tip of the dagger and stained it with some cells.

It was difficult to cut the cell tissue from the whole body. Yang Tian cut some with a rune pen. At this time, he picked it with a dagger. Obviously, the cell tissue was not closely connected.

This may be due to the separation from the subject.

Aware of the existence of cells on the tip of the knife, Yang Tian immediately closed the box and put the box into the storage bracelet.

If the experiment doesn\'t produce any results, the meat will make it really difficult for him for a long time. And if you encounter other types of life in the future, you can also use it to experiment.

Even if there were only a few cells, there was a strong energy fluctuation on the tip of the knife, which solly naturally could clearly feel.

This powerful cell, several cells have absorbed most of Yang Tian\'s spiritual power, and there has been no obvious change.

After putting the box into the storage bracelet, Yang Tian wiped the dagger tip at the broken position of the insect head.

Next, let\'s see if there will be any changes.