Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 453

Yang Tian, solli, and little green dragon were happily eating barbecue while other practitioners were fighting hard with insects.

Moreover, there were casualties by this time.

Every time one person dies, the monitoring screen on the spacecraft is black, and then it is automatically turned off by the intelligent system.

In this battle with insects, once dead, there is a chance of resurrection, because the body will be eaten by a large number of insects in an instant.

"Chi Chi..."

A star level practitioner in red armor was very tired after fighting with insects for a day and a night. We can only take out high-tech weapons and shoot at the dense insects around us.

But soon, the super energy particle gun in his hand stopped automatically because the temperature was too high.

The red armour practitioner immediately threw away his gun and immediately took out a "plasma bomb" from the storage bracelet. After throwing it on the ground, it exploded. There was a strong current within tens of meters around, making a "Chi Chi" sound, and the insects were cleaned up in an instant.

The red armor practitioner stood at the center of the plasma bomb explosion because the armor could be insulated and he would not be hurt by the current.

Although it killed the surrounding insects, more insects also rushed over. They not only ate the corpses of the same kind, but also continued to attack the practitioner.

"Sha Sha..."

Suddenly, the sound of a large number of insects crawling came from all directions.

After hearing this sound, the red armour practitioner was shocked and immediately jumped up to escape here.

Because he had encountered this situation for a long time. It was the sound of a large number of hungry insects crawling.

The gnawing ability of hungry insects is so terrible that they can gnaw even their armor. Because of their small size and large number, if they stay on the ground, they will be submerged in an instant.

Practitioners in the stellar realm move very fast. The red armor practitioner disappeared from his place in an instant.

After escaping the siege of insects, he moved quickly and finally came to a place without insects.

Now, I can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

But within three minutes, a large number of insects appeared around again.

The red armor practitioner sighed and then fled to the next place.


This has happened dozens of times in the past two days.

Every time you stop, you will be immediately found by the insects. If you don\'t escape in time, you will stay in place and kill the insects. After a long time, you will be surrounded by the insects.

The density of insects on the ground is increasing.

What about flying into the sky?

That\'s even more dangerous. There are flying insects in the sky. As soon as they see the practitioners, they immediately rush fiercely.

There are many kinds of flying insects.

The largest number is the "swift and violent insect" with a body length of 10 meters and the shape of an earth mosquito. This insect has two pairs of wings, a round head and a sharp mouth that is more than one meter long. The speed of flight is close to the speed of sound.

Practitioners flying into the air will be impacted by this swift insect after they are found by this insect.

The sharp mouth of the swift insect is almost as hard as the alloy shell of the spaceship. This kind of mouth and fast impact can destroy the armor of practitioners.

In addition to this kind of big bug, there are also small bugs in the sky. This kind of bug is very similar to the hungry bug on the ground, except for a pair of wings.

This kind of insect is called "flying bite". Once surrounded by an army of insects composed of this kind of insect, it will be dangerous.

Insects flying in the air will also attack practitioners on the ground.

After being besieged by insects dozens of times, the red armor practitioner has consumed most of his energy.

There is no time for him to rest and recover energy. He can only supplement his consumption by swallowing low-level beast nuclei. He doesn\'t have Yang Tian\'s endurance, nor does he have many advanced animal nuclei. The situation is becoming more and more dangerous for him.

After escaping quickly for dozens of times, it was found by a large number of flying insects in the sky due to too much energy consumption.

These flying phagocytes are like a large black cloud, which covers them directly from the air.

The red armour practitioner was shocked and fled again.

Just then, a \'buzzing\' sound came into the red armour practitioner\'s brain.

This is a strange energy fluctuation, which makes people feel like hearing, but in fact, it acts directly on human brain nerves.

As soon as he heard the sound, the red armor practitioner slowed down.

Because of this energy fluctuation, the energy in his whole body was disordered.

This is the ability that Zerg evolved to deal with practitioners.

As soon as the red armour practitioner was slow, he was immediately submerged by countless flying insects and hungry insects

A few minutes later, when the insects dispersed, there was nothing left except some red armor fragments and a black storage bracelet.

The experience of this red armor practitioner also happened to other practitioners.

Facing the siege of insects, practitioners in the stellar realm can only last for two days. However, it is relatively easier for practitioners in the superstar realm.

In the face of the siege of insects, several practitioners of superstar realm constantly appear in all parts of the planet. They are very smart and travel outside the swarm of insects in this way of high-speed movement.

Compared with Yang Tian, this way of escape is of course much more laborious.


Under the siege of insects, the passage of time seems very slow.

The same is true for Yang Tian and solli.

In these two days, Yang Tian has replaced the Star Crystal three times.

In this valley, you can see the outside.

In two days, the density of insects increased a lot.

We can see from the number of insects flying in the sky.

When the Fu array was just opened, there were only a few scattered insects flying in the sky.

Two days later, hundreds of insects hovered in the sky every moment.

This is just a big bug, and there are more small bugs.

When the density of insects is large, it is inevitable that some collision events will occur.

Yang Tiangang was ready to close the grill, and then had a rest. An insect fell from the sky.

This is a big beetle with a body length of five meters.

This guy\'s wings were damaged and fell down after being hit by a swift insect during his flight.

As soon as the insect fell, Yang Tian was surprised when he saw it.

Because if this insect is bounced off by the rune array, other insects will find the abnormality here, and the rune array will be besieged by the swarm

Yang Tian didn\'t want this to happen and immediately communicated with the strange program.

In the blink of an eye, the strange program controlled Yang Tian\'s body, raised his hands and quickly made several Rune gestures.

Close the nearby defense function immediately.

"Peng ~"

The big bug fell from the sky and fell directly into the valley.