Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 452

It\'s interesting. It doesn\'t mean it can be done. However, it makes the middle-aged God interested. He immediately asked the staff to maximize Yang Tian\'s surveillance picture.

In order to maintain its position in the universe, the superstar Temple must attract all kinds of talents, especially practitioners with special talents in one aspect.

In fact, before this assessment, Yang Tian was noticed by the middle-aged God general. The assessment of the broken bubble space is really as the prophet yuhengda said

Next, most of the middle-aged God\'s attention fell on the monitoring screen of Yang Tian.

Depicting runes is a fine work. When depicting runes, practitioners will be affected by psychological factors and have different effects.

Sometimes, because of subtle differences, it is possible to destroy the whole Rune array.

However, for Yang Tian, this is not a problem at all. The combination of strange program and Yang Tian\'s body actually becomes a precision machine.

It took about half a day to depict the rune matrix in the valley.

"Hoo ~"

Yang Tian breathed a sigh after he took back his control of his body.

At this time, you can see that there are many rocks engraved with runes in this small valley. The total number of runes has reached tens of thousands.

This is an impossible task for other practitioners of runes.

"Are you ready?" seeing Yang Tian stop and receive the symbol pen, solly came over and asked.

Fearing that she would destroy the rune, solly was careful to avoid the rune on the ground.

Yang Tian didn\'t remind solli that it was completely unnecessary for her to do so. If the rune is stepped on, it will lose its function, and it is not a successful rune.

Yang Tian said with a smile: "it\'s been painted. Put the Star Crystal into the energy slot of the rune array and it will start.


As soon as Yang Tian\'s voice fell, little green dragon shouted. It told Yang Tian that a large number of insects were approaching.

Even solly, who didn\'t understand the Dragon language, heard some eagerness in the little green dragon\'s cry. Obviously, a large number of insects came here.

Insects have a very sensitive sense of smell. Yang Tian\'s smell has long drifted away with the air flow and was found by insects far away.

There were all kinds of insects. At this time, like the tide, they rushed towards Yang Tian.

There are at least dozens of species of these insects.

Some of them are huge. When they are running fast, they step on the ground gently and rumble. The movement is great. They can hear voices from a distance, such as black starworms

These insects are different, but they don\'t attack each other.

This is because these insects belong to the same race, and they secrete a special smell. This smell will make different kinds of insects think that other insects are the same kind, so they will not attack each other.

Yang Tian didn\'t expect the bug to come so soon.

Fortunately, there\'s still time.

Yang Tian took out the star crystals from the storage bracelet at a very fast speed and put 99 star crystals into the energy slot of the rune array in order.

Every time a star crystal is placed to form a part of the Rune of the array, bursts of energy fluctuations will be sent out.

This is the signal of array start.

The symbol matrix of singular programming is very precise, and the body controlling Yang Tian is also very precise, so there is no possibility of change.

When the last star crystal was placed into the energy tank by Yang Tian, the valley began to change.

The first is the image. Standing in the valley, Yang Tian and them saw a virtual volcano shrouded above their heads, emitting thick smoke.

Yang Tian\'s vision is not intuitive. If they look outside the valley, the whole valley disappears and a small volcano with a radius of one kilometer and a height of about 100 meters appears.

If this image alone, it is obviously impossible to deceive insects.

Then, the hot energy spread to the outside, and the water in the surrounding air was roasted, driven by the air, and then cooled down, forming a faint white fog.

At the same time, all energy fluctuations in the valley are absorbed by the rune array and cannot be transmitted outside the valley.

When the rune array started smoothly and began to play a role, Yang Tian immediately took off her armor and asked solli to take off her armor and put it into the storage bracelet.

This is because the armor has signal propagation, and the symbol array cannot block this signal energy.

As soon as the armor was removed, Yang Tian and solriton felt uncomfortable. The temperature outside was very high and the oxygen content was low.

Ordinary human beings cannot survive in this environment. They are both powerful practitioners and soon adapt to it.

This Rune array can make people in the valley see the outside, but they can\'t see the inside outside the valley.

High tech virtual projection equipment can also achieve this effect, but it can not produce this realistic energy, nor can it shield the energy in the valley.


The insects are very close. Even an ordinary human can hear the movement outside when standing in the valley.

Yang Tian is very confident in the rune array. Even if the insects find that the virtual volcano is home, it is difficult for them to attack it.

Yang Tian\'s storage bracelet has enough star crystals to consume.

Aware of the approaching swarm of insects, solly was a little nervous. However, Yang Tian took out the grill, delicious animal meat, various spices and wine and began to cook the barbecue.

When Xiaoqinglong saw Yang Tian take out these things, his saliva flowed from the corners of his mouth and jumped onto the round table Yang Tian took out, waiting for the roast meat.

"Is this... OK?" solly asked in a low voice with her eyes wide open when she saw the situation.

Yang Tian said with a smile, "don\'t worry! It will work."

With that, Yang Tian laughed.

Before a bunch of meat was cooked, the insects arrived.

They stopped a few kilometers away from the valley and stopped moving.

In the vision of these insects, there is a volcano in front of them. They can also feel the hot energy emitted by the volcano.

Their simple thinking can\'t think clearly. They just noticed that there was a strange smell here. Why did they disappear at this time?

On this planet, volcanoes are probably the only forbidden area that insects fear.

Not only the insects, but also a small volcano was left on the display screen monitoring Yang Tian.

On the monitoring chart, the energy value is also displayed, which looks no different from other volcanoes.

If he hadn\'t been monitoring the location of the valley, the middle-aged God would have thought that the sudden volcano was real!

In fact, if you look closely at this volcano, some people with geographical knowledge know that its existence is extremely unreasonable.

Insects don\'t think about such problems. After staying for a while, they don\'t find anything different, so they begin to disperse slowly.

Then solly finally breathed a sigh of relief.