Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 451

Insect is a kind of living body, and of course, the body will also send out energy fluctuations. Yang Tian and solli can clearly feel the situation around them.

After moving forward quickly for more than ten minutes, Xiaoqinglong caught up with Yang Tian and told Yang Tian that it had found a valley. No insects were found within tens of kilometers around.

This is what Yang Tian needs!

Yang Tian and solli immediately went to the place where Xiao Qinglong found. A quarter of an hour later, they came to a valley between the two low mountains.

Insects have just been released and are breeding rapidly. The density of insects on the whole planet is not very large.

"Yang Tian, what are you doing here?" looking at the ordinary Valley in front of her, solly asked in a voice.

Yang Tian said with a smile, "have you forgotten that I can use runes?"

With this, solly immediately understood what Yang Tian was going to do next.

Fighting with the bugs, fighting constantly... That\'s silly. It\'s better to find a place to hide safely and stay quietly for three days.

When the time comes, the assessment of this level will be over.

But how do you leave then? When he came down, the middle-aged God didn\'t explain!

Yang Tian smiled bitterly and shook his head. He thought that at the last moment, there might be some "program" to appear!

Next, it\'s time for strange programs to work.

Yang Tian walked around the valley at a very fast speed.

The mountains on both sides are not high, only tens of meters, and the slope is not very large. Ordinary humans can climb up. The valley in the middle is S-shaped, about 100 meters long and more than 50 meters wide.

Such a place seems very common. In fact, it can be found everywhere on this planet. It seems to be formed by the change of terrain and the impact of water flow.

When Yang Tian looked at the valley, the strange program wrote down all the surrounding situations through Yang Tian\'s vision.

The next problem is the material.

Yang Tian squatted down, picked up a small piece of rock at will and squeezed it to pieces.

Yang Tianquan crushed the stone with the strength of his muscles.

Then Yang Tian crushed some stones.

Through Yang Tian\'s neural response, the strange program knows the hardness of these stones.

Terrain, stone hardness, planet\'s gravity, air pressure... These data are collected, and the strange program is calculated at a high speed.

In less than half an hour, the strange program designed the symbol array Yang Tian wanted.

The rune array is dominated by hidden breath, and simulates that this is a volcano. The intelligence of insects is very low. They shouldn\'t break into here by force.

Even if they break in and dare to "jump into the fire pit", the rune array also plays a defensive role. As long as they provide enough energy, they can always protect Yang Tian and them in the rune array.

After the design, the next step is to depict.

Yang Tian took out the rune pen from the storage bracelet and began to depict runes on the rocks of the valley under the control of strange programs.

Fortunately, the surface of the planet is full of hard gray black rocks and no sand. Otherwise, it is difficult to build a rune array.

While Yang Tian was concentrating on depicting the symbol array, solli and Xiaoqinglong always paid attention to the surrounding situation. Before Yang Tian finished depicting the rune array, they didn\'t allow a bug to climb over and disturb Yang Tian.

Although this planet is twice larger than the earth, the distance between tens of thousands of "points" where insects appear is not far. With the crawling speed of insects and their reproduction speed, the whole planet can be occupied in less than a day.

At that time, countless insects will scatter to look for food and encounter the practitioners who fall to the ground... In fact, it won\'t take that long. When Yang Tian painted the rune, there were already practitioners fighting with insects.

On the spaceship, the middle-aged God will always observe the situation of those practitioners below.

Some people began to kill insects, and low-level insects continued to die in their hands, looking very relaxed; Some people are constantly looking for a safe place. When they find insects, they immediately avoid them and try not to fight them.

Some people, after finding insects and avoiding them, began to dig holes. It seems that they want to hide in the cave.

Of course, some people hid in the water.

But are these practices useful?

Obviously not. The middle-aged God will see the actions taken by these practitioners in the face of insects and keep shaking his head.

It\'s impossible to kill all the insects. Insects have a very sensitive sense of smell. The fishy smell emitted with the air flow after killing insects can attract more insects.

It\'s no good to keep avoiding. When the whole planet is full of insects, there is no room for activity. This is a planet without oceans. Insects that climb out of the ground will soon spread on the surface of the planet.

The insects on this planet have such a fast reproduction speed, which seems a little too scary, of course, because these insects have been \'treated\'.

It\'s no use escaping into the water, but insects will exist on land, sea and air. At that time, there will be more insects under the water than on land.

This is because there are many microorganisms in the water, and the organic matter produced will naturally attract a large number of insects after years of deposition to the bottom of the water.

What about digging a hole in the rock?

That seems like a good idea. However, insects have a very sensitive sense of smell. They will be aware of energy fluctuations as long as there are energy fluctuations on practitioners. The ability of digging holes is far from comparable to that of insects.

With the passage of time, every surveillance picture was covered with dense insects.

There are many kinds of insects, at least hundreds!

Among them, the most representative ones have a semicircular body, eight legs under the abdomen, extremely fast crawling speed, attacking the enemy by releasing venom, and hat worms that corrode and devour organic rock strata.

This kind of insect has a very thick shell and strong defense. It is not easy to be killed. The venom they spray can corrode even the shell of the spacecraft. The armor worn by practitioners will be destroyed if they are contaminated with the venom sprayed by this insect for a long time.

The second kind of powerful insect is a large black starworm with a three section structure. After growing into an insect, this insect can reach a body length of 20 meters and a height of 10 meters. The tail can spray highly sticky silk liquid.

Once wrapped in this silk liquid, practitioners in the planetary realm will directly lose their action ability. For practitioners in the stellar realm, it\'s OK not to wear armor. Once they are wrapped in armor, they are bound by themselves.

There is also a powerful insect called hunger bug.

As the name suggests, this kind of insect can hardly eat enough. They are very small, and adult insects are only the size of fingers. But they act in groups, like marching ants on earth.

Wherever the insects go, everything on the earth\'s surface that can be eaten by them will be swallowed by them.

Don\'t think you can kill them casually if they are small. The body of this kind of insect is very hard, just like a solid alloy block. When you step on the ground, you can only step it into the ground.

In addition to climbing on the ground, there are countless flying insects in the sky.


The middle-aged God will see some dense insects, and his scalp is numb.

With his nerve reaction speed, he can see more than 400 pictures clearly. This is the monitoring picture of each practitioner below.

Soon, the middle-aged God turned his attention to one of his pictures.

In this surveillance picture, Yang Tianzheng depicts runes in a valley with a rune pen

"Using runes... Interesting!" after a few seconds, the middle-aged God nodded and muttered.