Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 450

After meeting solly, they left the island in the center of the lake immediately.

By the lake, after Yang Tian and solli got off the back of the little green dragon, solli took out the detection instrument and began to analyze the planet\'s environment in detail.

The results obtained are basically similar to the results of armor system analysis, but some other information is also obtained.

For example, microorganisms exist in water, air and rocks, and the density is very high.

Ordinary humans cannot survive in this environment, because these microorganisms are deadly bacteria and viruses to them.

For practitioners, body cells are already very powerful, and microorganisms can\'t enter their bodies at all.

Even if it invades the body, it can\'t cause damage to the body.

Microorganisms exist. Naturally, there are a lot of living things on this planet.

Zerg is a race with very strong vitality. They can survive by swallowing organic matter. They can eat the water, rocks and even air on the surface of the planet, and they can continue to multiply and strengthen the ethnic group.

But what surprised Yang Tian and them was that they had been on this planet for so long. Why didn\'t they see any insects?

Moreover, there was no trace of insect activity.

Not only did Yang Tian think so, but other practitioners were also surprised after observing the environment of the planet.

Before starting, Yang Tian and solli had brought enough food and water. Naturally, they didn\'t need to stay near the water source for these three days. After solli analyzed the surrounding environment, they were far away from the lake.

If there are insects, it is a very dangerous place near the water source.

What everyone doesn\'t know is that in the thousands of freezers built underground, a large number of insects have awakened and began to climb out of the ground.

On the ship.

"My Lord, all the insects have awakened. In about a day, the insects can occupy the whole planet." the beautiful operator turned and reported to the middle-aged God general.

The middle-aged God nodded, "prepare to urge the star storm. Start it in four days and burn the planet again, so as not to be occupied by the Zerg after this assessment."

"Yes!" all the staff in the cockpit responded in unison.

Zerg have evolved to the extent that they can migrate in the universe with their flesh.

When a planet\'s resources are swallowed up by them, some of the insects will begin to eat each other, trying to maintain the survival time of the population; Other insects, however, burrowed deep into the earth\'s crust and began to sleep, waiting for changes in the planet\'s environment.

Once there is such a crisis for the Zerg, migratory insects will be born in the Zerg on this planet and sprayed into space by the mother insect that produced it.

These migratory insects are also called "insect bracts". They drift freely in space. When they encounter planets that can make Zerg live, this insect bract will fall on these planets.

Then... Wormholes are created.

This wormhole has the same transmission function as the transmission array disk made by human practitioners with runes.

As soon as this wormhole is formed, the corresponding wormhole will be generated immediately after sensing the wormhole on the planet where the mother insect ejecting the insect bud lives.

In this way, on a planet with exhausted resources, a large number of insects will pass through such wormholes and go to another planet suitable for their survival.

In other words, the insect bracts produced are pair by pair, one of which remains on the original planet and the other is ejected into the universe.

Ordinary humans, even low-level human practitioners, can\'t survive for a long time. For the Zerg, they may be paradise.

Take the solar system for example. In addition to the earth, Zerg can live on Mars, Venus, Enceladus, Europa, etc.

Therefore, there are many planets that can allow Zerg to survive in the whole universe. The insect bracts projected into the universe may find migratory planets in a very short time.

As more and more planets are occupied by Zerg, and they contact each other through a large number of wormholes, a large network will be formed. When Zerg on one planet encounter crisis, they can migrate to another planet, and then destroy wormholes, so that the enemy can\'t eliminate them all.

In addition to migrating insects, sleeping insects can sleep for tens of thousands of years because the planet\'s resources are exhausted

It is these means that humans have to admire that the Zerg are difficult to be eliminated.

At the command of the middle-aged God, the huge spaceship launched a large number of spherical objects towards the distant stars.

At the right time, these things can make stars explode.

This stellar wind explosion is actually the same as the solar wind. Once it erupts, it can barbecue the nearby planets and destroy all life on these planets.

All preparations are well done. After the countdown, the middle-aged God will look at the monitoring picture of the planet\'s surface, and the corners of his mouth can\'t help but tilt down. He seems to have seen the following practitioners surrounded by countless insects.

Once the insects have a suitable environment, the reproduction speed is very fast. With the following hundreds of people, even if they are powerful, they can\'t kill all the insects.

The insect has no fear at all and is not afraid of death.

Not to mention the stellar realm, even the superstar realm, if you just fight with insects, you can\'t last for three days.

Only smart people or practitioners with special means can easily live for three days on this planet.

What about using high-tech equipment? Let\'s forget it! Zerg can sense the energy fluctuations of these devices. It\'s OK not to use them. Once they are used, they will become a \'bright light\' to attract insects.

This assessment is not more than who killed more insects and who scored the best.

Compared with, who is the easiest to spend these three days.

"Yang Tian, do you know Zerg?" solly asked suddenly while walking.

Yang Tian shook his head, "I don\'t know very well. What\'s the matter?"

Sollie said: "you can imagine that the whole planet\'s surface, whether in the water, on the land or in the air, is full of insects. It\'s not terrible for a single insect, but countless insects continue to attack like you. They come as many as you kill. In this way, they have been killed for three days..."

With solly\'s narration, Yang Tian\'s mind couldn\'t help but have that terrible scene.

He knew that this was by no means solly\'s alarmist talk, but it was very likely to happen, even much more serious than he thought.

Sollie said, and they were silent for a long time.

Unknowingly, Yang Tian and others have come to a hole several kilometers in diameter that looks like a crater formed by the impact of a meteorite.


Yang Tian and they just glanced at the huge pit. Suddenly, there was a loud noise from the mountain wall in front.

A big hole was broken in a cliff.

Although separated by a very long distance, Yang Tian and they can see that the diameter of the broken cave is about ten meters.

As soon as the cave appeared, a big head poked out of it and kept turning.

Yang Tian immediately pulled sol down to avoid being seen by the giant bug.

The giant insect has an oval head, two big pliers on its mouth, strong tentacles and two protruding eyes.

In Yang Tian\'s eyes, the insect observed for a long time, then retracted its head and didn\'t appear for a long time.

If killing insects can get assessment points, Yang Tian must rush forward without saying a word and kill the insect.

The insect retracted. Yang Tian and they didn\'t leave. Solly immediately took out a spherical detector and flew towards the cave.

In less than a minute, the detector had flown to the hole and went deep slowly against the wall.

After releasing the detector, solly took out a flat panel display device and projected a three-dimensional picture from it to show the situation in the hole.

"Pa ~"

I thought I could see what kind of insects were inside. Unexpectedly, with a crisp sound, the detector was destroyed and the three-dimensional picture immediately disappeared.

At the last moment before the picture disappeared, they both saw a huge head and countless stacked black insect eggs.

The giant insect just appeared is laying eggs!

Solly shook her head, had to put away the display tool and said, "if I\'m not wrong, this bug can sense the existence of this high-tech instrument."

Can no longer see the situation inside, next, the two can only take out binoculars from the storage bracelet and observe the cave from a long distance.

After about half an hour, long strips of insects kept climbing out of the cave.

The heads of these insects are very similar to the heads of the previous giant insects. Their bodies are section by section, with a total of 12 sections. There are two rows of dozens of legs under their abdomen.

These are just newly hatched larvae. Their body diameter is about the thickness of human arms. When they come out of a hole, they begin to grow rapidly under the light of the stars. At the same time, they are still eating the deepest rocks around

In less than ten minutes, thousands of such insects climbed out and scattered around.

Seeing this situation, Yang Tian knew that if he didn\'t do anything, he and solly would face the situation he had just imagined.

"Hoo ~"

While Yang Tian was thinking, a whistling sound sounded in the distance.

When they looked in the direction of the sound, they saw a giant insect with a body length of more than ten meters passing through the sky in the distance.

"We have to leave here at once and find a place where there are few insects." Yang Tian said to the little green dragon lying on his shoulder, "Bruce Lee, go and have a look nearby."

The Little Green Dragon nodded, and the green shadow flashed and disappeared.

After Xiaoqinglong left, Yang Tian and solli immediately stepped back and hurried while carefully observing the surrounding situation.