Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 449

According to the vibration of the spacecraft, we all know that the spacecraft is very large, but the speed is not very fast. It is estimated that it has not been transmitted yet!

From time to time, five practitioners wearing various colors of armor appeared on the transmission array plate in the middle, and then walked down the array plate.

About a quarter of an hour later, the transmission was finally completed.

"Buzzing..." suddenly, the whole spaceship rang.

Then the starry sky outside disappeared and became dark.

Obviously, the ship started the space jump.

At this time, they all took their eyes back from the display in the simulation window, and there was silence in the cabin.

Time passed very slowly for everyone.

Yang Tian sat on the ground and then lay down again. This posture is the most comfortable.

Solly also squatted down next to Yang Tian.

Others, some with their hands on the arms of the cabin, and some, like solly, sat down against the bulkhead. But no one is lying on the ground in a big shape like Yang Tian. This posture is really a little indecent.

After Yang Tian lies down, Xiaoqinglong jumps to Yang Tian\'s chest and sweeps the people in the cabin with his head held high.

"Yang Tian, what kind of experience do you think will come next?" solly contacted Yang Tian\'s communication and asked faintly.

"Who knows! You\'ll know when you arrive. Solli..." Yang Tian said and called solli\'s name again.

"Huh?" solly answered.

"If you don\'t leave behind, follow me," Yang Tian said.

Solly was silent for a moment, then nodded.

The spaceship didn\'t jump for a long time. After about half an hour, it stopped.

The display simulating the window shows the starry sky outside,

"Silk ~"

Just then the hatch opened.

The middle-aged God came in.

"Be prepared. One lander per person will land on a planet occupied by the Zerg. If you live on it for three days, you will pass the test. Then, the next assessment will be carried out. Here, everyone is different at the landing point of the lander. You have never encountered the situation..."

The assessment of the first level sounds like a survival challenge. The three days mentioned by the middle-aged God General refers to the three-week rotation of the planet in front of him.

Finally, the middle-aged God said clearly that he could give up now.

Because less than 50% of people can leave the landing planet alive.

There is no free lunch in the world. If you want to get the job of superstar temple, you will have to pay a price.

The middle-aged God will finish the explanation at a very fast speed, and then wave his big hand.

No one gave up. They all walked out of the spacious lounge.

Yang Tian, they were led to the landing module. Everyone entered a landing module in the shape of a shell, about five meters high and about three meters in diameter.

Sollie remembered Yang Tian\'s words. The landing module she entered was next to Yang Tian.

Yang Tian\'s huge spaceship has flown out of the atmosphere of a gray and black planet.

The planet is about twice the size of the earth. It is close to the star. You can see that the temperature above is very high.

"Clang ~"

After Yang Tian entered the special landing module, the cabin door closed automatically. Then there was a "Chi" sound, and the cabin was filled with air pressure.

Fortunately, Yang Tian\'s blue armor and helmet are different from the previous armor. Xiaoqinglong can only stay on Yang Tian\'s shoulder.

"Zhizhizhi..." as soon as the hatch was closed, Xiaoqinglong asked Yang Tian, what is Zerg.

Yang Tian said with a smile, "the Zerg are almost like exotic animals. Just kill them at that time."

Yang Tiangang finished, the landing module shook up, and you can obviously feel the rapid fall.

The spacecraft flew around the planet. From its belly, landing modules like bombs fell out, attracted by the gravity of the planet and fell towards the surface of the planet.

The speed of the spacecraft is very fast, and the time for putting in the landing module is also random. In less than 10 minutes, more than 400 landing modules were put into various places on the planet.

As soon as these landing modules entered the atmosphere and rubbed with the air, the surface immediately became red, just like an iron block Red by carbon fire, and the falling speed was faster and faster

In the process, Yang Tian found that he had lost contact with solli.

The planet has no oceans, but there are many lakes. At the same time, there are many volcanoes.

The landing point is random. If you are lucky, it is best to fall to the lake, and then to land.

Unfortunately, it is estimated that it fell into the crater. In the case of high-speed falling, the landing module is likely to drill into the magma layer of the planet. It will be troublesome to come out at that time

Fortunately, none of the more than 400 landing modules fell into the crater. The nearest landing module to the crater is tens of kilometers away from the crater.

After all the landing modules were about several kilometers away from the ground, spiral blades stretched out at the tail end and began to rotate rapidly, making the falling speed of the landing module slower and slower.

Yang Tian, who was in the landing module, could clearly feel this change.

"Boom ~" when the deceleration started, less than a minute later, the landing module gave a roar and finally stopped.


Then the hatch opened.

Yang Tian\'s landing module landed on the land. As soon as the hatch opened, he ejected.

This is a planet with a rocky surface and a small amount of plants.

The temperature is about 50 degrees Celsius. The air is very humid, the oxygen content is very low, accounting for about 5% of the gas, and the gravity is about three times that of the earth.

Once out of the hatch, the armor system reported the surrounding environmental data.

"Solli... Solli..."

After looking around, Yang Tian began to try to contact solli.

It was a long time before the signal was connected.

"Yang Tian," solly replied.

"How\'s the situation there?" Yang Tian asked.

"On an island in the middle of the lake, no danger has been found yet," Solley replied.

"Don\'t leave, I\'ll go to you right away." Yang Tian told him.

"All right!" solly agreed immediately.

Xiaoqinglong heard the conversation between them. As soon as Yang Tian\'s voice fell, he turned into a giant dragon. After swimming happily in the air for several times, he stopped in front of Yang Tian.

Yang Tian immediately sat on Xiaoqinglong\'s back.

"Bruce Lee, left." Yang Tian raised his finger in a direction.

Xiaoqinglong glanced at the direction indicated by Yang Tian, immediately jumped up and flew in the direction indicated by Yang Tian.


On the ship.

The middle-aged God general who took Yang Tian and them to the planet watched everyone through the ship\'s monitor.

On the big screen in the cockpit, the picture flashed quickly.

Each picture is the situation of the practitioners participating in the assessment landing on the surface of the planet.

In less than half an hour, everyone had landed safely.

However, it is strange that the middle-aged God will say that this is a planet occupied by Zerg, but so far, no one has found any trace of insects among the practitioners who landed on the surface of the planet.

Zerg, like orcs, are a living race in the universe and a powerful race.

In fact, like humans, orcs have little difference in body structure.

But the Zerg are different. The body structure of the Zerg is strange. Have a variety of attack methods, and very powerful.

Some insects are huge and have strong strength and thick body shell. Some insects are small but can spit highly corrosive venom. Some insects live in groups and can drown the enemy with insect tide

It is worth mentioning that insects have terrible evolutionary ability, can change their inheritance genes with the change of environment, and increase or decrease the organs in the body to adapt to the environment.

Both Terrans and orcs need more than ten thousand years to achieve this evolutionary change.

Insects can do it in just a few generations, and the time can be shortened to decades or even years.

Their bodies can change anytime, anywhere, and the same is true of their attack methods.

When human practitioners did not rule the universe, the Zerg were the overlord of the whole universe, and no living race could defeat them.

Later, mankind appeared and developed high-tech weapons to attack them.

However, Zerg have also evolved organs and attack methods that can resist and counterattack human high-tech weapons.

Like a super particle gun.

Practitioners in the stellar realm dare not carry this weapon naked.

However, the Zerg, who have fought with humans for several years, can evolve new shells that can reflect beams of super energetic particles.

In addition, some insects can launch super magnetic storms to disable high-tech equipment close to them.

In order to prevent humans from spying on themselves with robots, insects that can detect human high-tech equipment have evolved from the Zerg population

This terrible evolution makes it impossible for humans with high technology to deal with them.

Fortunately, the birth of human practitioners made the Zerg gradually disappear in people\'s eyes.

This situation is so similar to the earth where ys virus broke out!

Yang Tian, the planet where they are now is not that there are no insects, but... They have not been released.

This is specially designed by the superstar temple for examination. On this planet, there are the most terrible insects in the universe. They are frozen at a low temperature. Once the temperature rises, they will wake up immediately.

"Let\'s go!"

After seeing that all the practitioners involved in the assessment landed safely, the middle-aged God smiled and gave orders to his opponent.

As soon as his voice fell, a long haired beauty dressed in ol in the cockpit immediately pressed the red button on the console in front of him.

At the same time, in the crust of the planet below, thousands of equipment freezing insects have stopped freezing.

The temperature of the freezer closed to all kinds of insects began to rise rapidly.


Xiaoqinglong flew very fast. He arrived at the place designated by Yang Tian in less than ten minutes.

This is a great lake with a diameter of tens of kilometers. There is an island in the center of the lake. Solli, dressed in black armor, saw the little green dragon flying with Yang Tian and waved her hands happily.