Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 252

"Peng ~"

Facing the red wind blade cut by Yang Tian, Aochu punched out, and the power from his fist collided with the wind blade, making a thunderous sound.

"Bruce Lee, come on!" Yang Tian gritted his teeth while Aochu\'s body stagnated.

At this time, Yang Tian has not completed his transformation, and his defense ability has not reached the strongest.

To fight such a powerful enemy, both strength and defense ability should be maintained at the peak.

As soon as the little green dragon waved his tail, his body stretched straight, just like an arrow leaving the string. He suddenly accelerated his speed and became a small point in the blink of an eye in Aochu\'s line of sight.

Xiaoqinglong\'s way of flying is the fastest. In fact, its body is not straight in the process of flying, but swings very fast.

Looking at Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong who were about to disappear in his eyes, Aochu smiled coldly, moved and chased away quickly.

In such a dangerous environment, there is a battle between the strong?

Many people opened their eyes and raised their vigilance when they saw the situation in the sky. Yang Tian and Aochu don\'t care who wins or loses, but worry that their battle will affect the environment of the world.

We all know that this is a broken world and can\'t stand tossing.

In the eyes of many people, the figures of Yang Tian and AO Chu are like meteors in the sky, which disappear in a flash.

Yang Tian sits on Xiaoqinglong\'s back, stabilizes his body with spiritual strength, and tries to calm his mind. For him, the most dangerous enemy he faced this time.

"What a fast speed!"

In the process of chasing Yang Tian, although he was getting closer and closer to Yang Tian and Xiaoqinglong, Aochu was very surprised.

Judging from his breath, whether Yang Tian or Xiao Qinglong, his realm is much lower than him.

Such a weak person should be easy to kill!

At this time, Aochu couldn\'t help but bite his teeth. If he didn\'t lose his level, he could directly kill Yang Tian with a palm just now.

With hate, Aochu suddenly accelerated his speed!

In Yang Tian\'s eyes, Aochu\'s figure is getting closer and closer until he can completely see the expression on Aochu\'s face.

This expression is full of hate and madness!

Yang Tian doesn\'t know why this man hates himself so much.

At this time, Yang Tian has completed his transformation, his limbs have become dragon claws, and two small bags have bulged on his head, which is more obvious than the last time he was assessed by Gao Yuan.

The skin surface under Yang Tian\'s clothes has been covered with scales. When Yang Tian finished his transformation, his breath suddenly became strong.

Feeling the change of Yang\'s weather, Aochu was very surprised. Yang Tian\'s momentum was close to him, at least beyond the realm of planetary star king.

After a period of recovery, Aochu\'s current state is the peak of the planetary level star master state, one level higher than Yang Tian.

This is just a judgment on the realm, but when it comes to combat effectiveness, we don\'t know who wins and who loses!

As for Yang Tian\'s changes, Aochu, who has experienced countless battles, has long been surprised. During the battle, there are many stronger people who are more strange than Yang Tian in the universe.

When Aochu was about to catch up, suddenly, Yang Tian stood up, held the knife with both claws, and cut off a knife towards Aochu again.

"Silk ~"

At this moment, there was a whistling sound from the wind blade issued by Yang Tian.

So close, Yang Tian didn\'t use his spiritual strength to condense the red wind blade.

Aochu obviously felt that Yang Tian\'s knife was much stronger than the one just now. Aochu didn\'t dare to take it hard. He turned sideways and flashed aside.

In this high-speed pursuit process, a slight pause will open the distance between the two sides. When Aochu dodged and paused for a while, look at Yang Tian, which is hundreds of meters away from him.

Less than five minutes have passed since Aochu appeared and wanted to kill Yang Tian.

At this time, those foggy spheres in the sky are already very dense and may collide and explode at any time. And where the explosion began, no one could predict.

In the course of this battle, Yang Tian did not forget to pay attention to the situation in the sky. When he found that those foggy spheres were about to start a new round of explosion, he immediately said to Xiaoqinglong, "Xiaolong, let\'s go down!"

Xiaoqinglong also knew that flying in the sky at this time was very dangerous and plunged into it.

"Boom ~"

Xiaoqinglong just swooped down. Less than kilometers away from them, two red fog spheres collided and exploded violently.

The explosion spread faster than the speed of sound. If Yang Tian heard the sound of explosion, it means that the balls overhead have exploded.

The light of the explosion was dim, and Xiao Qinglong and Yang Tian noticed it.

When the explosion came into Yang Tian\'s ears, Xiaoqinglong had hidden under a white boulder with Yang Tian.

There is nothing else in this world. There are many boulders. You can find a hiding place anytime and anywhere. As long as you are not directly split by the lightning falling from the sky, there is no life danger.

When the explosion in the sky happened, Aochu had to give up chasing Yang Tian temporarily, hide under a boulder 100 meters away from Yang Tian and look at the location of Yang Tian and little Qinglong coldly.

The lightning falling from the sky is very dense. Proud of Chu\'s current strength, they can\'t resist the attack of this lightning.

Even the strong ones with constant stars are the same!

Otherwise, the star miner will not disclose this small world. With his stellar realm, he can obtain a large number of star crystals at will.

As for the strong beyond the star level, the star miner is not allowed to enter here.

When the red foggy spheres in the air exploded that day, the lightning bombarded by a place actually didn\'t last long. In less than three minutes, when the lightning suddenly stopped in this place, Aochu rushed out of his hiding place and came to Yang Tian\'s place.

At this time, Yang Tianzheng stood quietly, holding a long red knife in his hand.

Aochu would block himself. Yang Tian had expected that. He also knew that it was impossible to escape and get rid of Aochu in this environment.

Then, there is only one war!

"You can\'t escape. No one can escape the people I Aochu wants to kill." seeing that Yang Tian is blocked by himself, Aochu sneers.

In Aochu\'s view, Yang Tian is certain to die.

This kind of thing happens in the universe, but it rarely happens. Aochu has heard of it, but he hasn\'t encountered it.

"So your name is Aochu. I remember you." Yang Tian was very calm, looked at Aochu and said with a smile.

"Chi ~"

As soon as Yang Tian\'s voice fell, Aochu suddenly had a weapon larger than his palm in his hand. The weapon is curved and dark red, with strange patterns carved on it.

This strange weapon was not held by Aochu\'s hand, but held in his hand. As soon as it appeared, it made a metal friction sound. Its two ends suddenly elongated and popped up a bright, curved blade tip.

The overall shape of the weapon has become a crescent moon.