Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 251

The world of spiritual power is wide open, and spiritual power is pouring out. He rolls up a small piece of star crystals and comes towards himself... Yang Tian collects at least one-third more star crystals this time than the first time!

With the first experience, the speed is much faster than before.

This made Yang Tian very excited. Although it was dangerous in the sky, he gained more than on the ground. He didn\'t need to look in those stone cracks or compete with others.

If you can keep collecting here, without any accident, Yang Tian will soon become a rich man in the universe.

There are so many star crystals here. I don\'t know what the principle is. Is the source of star crystals related to these red fog spheres

Many questions came out of Yang Tian\'s mind.

But soon, Yang Tian abandoned the problems in his mind. At present, the most important thing is to collect xingxingjing, which is the most important. There are many secrets in the universe, and there are countless problems that he can\'t understand now.

After collecting a small piece of star crystal, Yang Tian glanced at the red fog spheres above his head, estimated it in his heart, and was sure that he could collect it again if he moved fast enough.

"Bruce Lee, right..." Yang Tian immediately reminded Xiao Qinglong, but before he finished, he stopped because he caught a glimpse of a figure rushing towards him.

This man is very fast!

Almost when Yang Tian noticed Aochu, Aochu appeared about 50 meters away from Yang Tian, hovered in the air and looked at Yang Tian coldly.

Aware of the obvious hostility of the incoming people, Xiaoqinglong turned his head and looked at Aochu coldly, ready to attack at any time.

At this moment, Aochu is full of murderous spirit! He also made no secret of his hostility. Even if Yang Tian knew it, it didn\'t matter

"Yang Tian!" Aochu stopped to look at Yang Tian and said faintly.

Aochu\'s voice was very low, but it clearly passed into Yang Tian\'s ear.

"You are..." Aochu knows Yang Tian, but Yang Tian doesn\'t know Aochu. He looks at Aochu and asks with a frown.

At this time, Yang Tian had held the knife in his hand and was ready to fight at any time.

In the short time when Aochu appeared, the red fog spheres in the sky had been pressed down and were very close to Yang Tian and Xiaoqinglong. Xiaoqinglong stared at Aochu and fell slowly.

Here, Aochu is also under great pressure. Of course, he also knows that these red fog spheres are very dangerous and fall slowly.

"Qin Fei, do you know?" Aochu didn\'t answer Yang Tian, but asked Yang Tian with a smile.

When Aochu asked, Yang Tian was surprised and opened his eyes. He asked eagerly, "do you know Xiaofei, where is she now?"

At this time, Aochu was 100% sure that the Yang Tian in front of him was the Yang Tian He wanted to find.

In Yang Tian\'s expectant eyes, Aochu smiled and said, "I know Qin Fei. Of course Qin Fei told me. She asked me to tell you that you don\'t have to go to her, because she has married... And she is now my woman. Ha ha..."

Aochu finished and laughed.

Ao Chu said this, of course, to annoy Yang Tian and make Yang Tian lose his calmness.

In such a dangerous environment, once you lose your calmness, it\'s easy to destroy yourself. You grow up to the star level with rich combat experience.


"Puff ~ hahaha..." Aochu\'s voice fell, but Yang Tian couldn\'t help laughing.

Yang Tian\'s performance was different from Aochu\'s expectation. In Aochu\'s imagination, when Yang Tian heard the news, he should be surprised, angry, regretful and lost

The mood of a lovelorn man should all appear on Yang Tian.

Because the goddess named Qin Fei is really perfect in the eyes of Aochu. If it were himself, it would be like that

Yang Tian smiled, but the smile on Aochu\'s face gradually converged.

"What are you laughing at? Is it funny?" looking at Yang Tian laughing, Aochu said coldly.

Yang Tianchang sighed, "of course it\'s funny! You don\'t know. When you look at me, your eyes are full of strong jealousy. Your ability to tell lies is really clumsy. You may not understand the feelings between me and Xiaofei. If she wants to leave me, she will tell me face-to-face instead of telling people."

Yang Tian said the word "jealousy" and talked about Aochu\'s pain. When Yang Tiangang finished, Aochu flashed a cold light in his eyes and said, "you want to die!"

The first to lose calm is Aochu.

While they were talking, they were only more than 200 meters away from the ground, and the pressure around them was about to disappear. Under such circumstances, Aochu moved very fast. Before the word "death" in his mouth disappeared, he suddenly appeared over Yang Tian\'s head and took a picture of Yang Tian\'s head.

"Woo ~"

At this moment, Yang Tian felt a strong force pressing down from the sky.

This force was so powerful that Yang Tian judged in an instant that he could only avoid it at this time.

The little green dragon reacted very quickly to the powerful palm of Aochu. With a swing of the dragon\'s tail, he took Yang Tian out of the range of Aochu\'s palm power.

"Boom ~"

Aochu lost his palm and hit the ground with his palm power. The ground trembled. Countless gravel flew up and splashed around quickly. Several people who picked up star crystals nearby suffered from the fish in the pond. After being hit by the gravel, their bodies fell to one side and suffered serious injuries.

In this process, Yang Tian was surprised to find that after Aochu\'s palm fell into the rubble, he took a huge palm print with a diameter of ten meters on the ground.

What a powerful hand!

Yang Tian opened his eyes and was shocked. If he hadn\'t avoided just now, this palm could hurt him and Xiaoqinglong.

Who the hell is this powerful guy?

Until now, Aochu didn\'t say his name to Yang Tian.

However, Yang Tian knows that this man must have something to do with Qin Fei when he comes to kill himself

Thanks to Xiaoqinglong\'s fast speed, Xiaoqinglong was trained by hongtaigong for more than half a year on that purple planet, and the benefits finally appeared.

At this time, Yang Tian couldn\'t help wondering if the mysterious old man had predicted what would happen today

At the same time, Yang Tian remembered that when he left, Hong Taigong also said to himself that there would be a "little trouble".

Is this a little trouble?

For Yang Tian, it was a disaster!

This palm of Aochu made Yang Tian realize that Aochu was at least one level stronger than him!

After losing his palm, Aochu turned his head and pursued Yang Tian.

"Silk ~"

In the process of Xiaoqinglong\'s rapid flight, Yang Tian saw Aochu coming, stood on Xiaoqinglong\'s back, cut it out towards Aochu, and the crescent shaped wind blade from the blade rushed towards Aochu.

When holding the knife, Yang Tian began to change. The power of dragon balls covered his body and began to grow scales quickly.