Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 253

Yang Tian\'s eyes narrowed slightly when he saw Aochu shining this weapon.

"You can die!" when the weapon appeared in his hand, Aochu\'s eyes were full of cold light, and he was about to start.

"Wait a minute!" Yang Tian raised his hand at this critical time.

Aochu was not in a hurry. He looked at Yang Tian with a sneer. "Do you have anything to say before you die?"

Aochu has rich fighting experience. When fighting, like Yang Tian, he doesn\'t like talking nonsense with his opponent, but now it\'s different, because his heart is full of hate.

The more you hate, the more you will torture Yang Tian. If you kill Yang Tian at once, your heart will not be so happy. He also wants Yang Tian to really realize that Yang Tian is not as good as himself.

The word "jealousy" Yang Tian said before was like a sharp knife stabbed at the pain of pride.

Yang Tian is right. Aochu is jealous of Yang Tian.

Why did such a beautiful goddess take a fancy to the weak man in front of her?

In Aochu\'s opinion, Yang Tian can\'t compare with him.

Aochu, who has never been in love, naturally doesn\'t understand how wonderful love is.

"I want to know where Qin Fei is now." Yang Tian looked at Aochu, who was less than ten meters away from him, and asked again.

"I can tell you this." Aochu stared at Yang Tian\'s eyes and said: "Qin Fei, now she is the goddess of the superstar temple. Her status is very different from yours. Even if she is a star level master, it is impossible to see her at any time. Yang Tian, even if I don\'t kill you, you don\'t want to see her again. The goddess is never allowed to marry in the superstar temple. Even if I don\'t kill you, the people in the temple will not let you go."

Superstar temple!


Hearing the news, Yang Tian was very surprised!

Isn\'t Qin Fei the princess of the blue Chen Empire? When did she become the goddess of the superstar temple?

Yang Tian knows about the superstar temple. It is a powerful force in the universe. The exiled planet is made by the superstar temple to imprison the strong.

He left the earth and passed through many passes, which were also set by the super star temple. Even strong people such as Hong Taigong and Gao Yuan are members of the super star temple.

What is the existence of the goddess of the superstar temple? What is her position in the temple? Will she be angry

Yang Tian looked at Aochu in front of him. For a time, he had a lot of questions to ask, but he knew that Aochu would not answer him again.

From Aochu\'s eyes, Yang Tian can see that this time, Aochu didn\'t deceive him and told the truth.

"Hoo ~"

When Yang Tian was confused, a wind sounded.

Yang Tianyan was proud of Chu and suddenly disappeared!

Aochu never left, but to attack Yang Tian!

Aochu grasped the opportunity very well. When Yang Tian was a little stunned, he started.

However, Yang Tian\'s combat experience is also very rich. Even when thinking, he won\'t relax his vigilance. He was aware of Ao Chu\'s move.

Almost at the moment when Aochu\'s figure disappeared, a rapidly rotating white wheel had rushed towards Yang Tian.

This rapidly rotating wheel is obviously Aochu\'s weapon. It is a long-range attack weapon. If it is close, it can\'t give full play to its power.

Therefore, Aochu flashed to the distance.

"Chi ~"

When the wheel hit, Yang Tian had no time to escape. He raised his knife and cut at the wheel in front of him. However, the wheel was very slippery. He rubbed Yang Tian\'s blade and attacked Yang Tian\'s neck.

"Condensation ~"

At this critical time, Yang Tian\'s spiritual world opened, and countless little green dragons transformed by spiritual power rushed out of his spiritual world.

These \'little green dragons\' wound Aochu\'s rapidly rotating weapon at a very fast speed.

The characteristic of spiritual power is that wherever the mind goes, spiritual power can reach at the same time, regardless of space distance!

The power of weapon rotation is very powerful. With Yang Tian\'s current spiritual power, it can\'t stop it.

However, Yang Tian\'s spiritual strength still played a key role. The wheel that originally attacked his neck changed its direction, stood up and rubbed Yang Tian\'s shoulder.

"Boom ~"

The scales on Yang Tian\'s shoulder could not stop the cutting of the wheel. After the wheel body was rowed from Yang Tian\'s shoulder, it bombarded the boulder behind Yang Tian and blew the white boulder to pieces.

Under the stone debris, Yang Tian quickly dodged, and one of the green shadows flashed and flew to the distance.


The high-speed rotating wheel, after smashing a huge stone, turned into a white light and returned.

Less than 100 meters away from Yang Tian, Aochu raised his hand with a sneer. The rotating wheel suddenly stopped on his hand, made a \'click\', and then stood still.

But just then, a green shadow hit his face!

The speed of this green shadow can be compared with the wheel he released. Proud Chu was surprised and quickly deviated his head.

The sound of "whew" and a wind sounded in Aochu\'s ear. At the same time, Aochu felt the burning pain of the skin on his right face.

It turned out that a hole appeared in his face and blood beads oozed out.

Although the wound was not deep, it only hurt a little skin, but it was very painful, because the wound actually had some flame power. Although it didn\'t last long, it also felt burning pain.

Aochu was so angry that he turned around in an instant. His eyes caught a green shadow. He saw that it was beating rapidly among the rocks. Suddenly, he got into the rubble.

Of course, this green shadow is little green dragon!

Just now, the smart little green dragon seized the opportunity to attack Aochu quickly while Aochu was taking back his weapons. He gave Aochu a claw, which made it feel pity that he only hurt Aochu\'s skin and didn\'t blind Aochu\'s eyes.

"Boom ~"

The angry Aochu threw the wheel on his hand and bombarded the place where the little green dragon had just disappeared, splashing a piece of gravel rain.

At this time, Xiaoqinglong has returned to Yang Tian, lying on a piece of gravel at his feet, looking at Aochu 100 meters away from them with cold eyes.

The little green dragon that becomes a mini dragon is equally fast, and because it is small, it is more flexible.

"Bruce Lee, good job!" Yang Tian said with a smile, gritting his teeth and enduring the pain on his left shoulder.

"Zhi Zhi!" the little green dragon uttered a proud cry.

Yang Tian\'s left shoulder was scratched by Aochu\'s wheel, and a finger wide hole appeared. He was bleeding constantly, and blood was seeping out from between his fingers.

For Yang Tian, it\'s just a small injury.

It was too dangerous just now. If he didn\'t have spiritual power, Aochu\'s blow just now could move his head.

This is a great lesson! When fighting with people stronger than himself, he must not be distracted... This is also because he really wants to know Qin Fei\'s news.

When Aochu calmed down, took back his weapons again and looked at Yang Tian with a strong sense of war, he was a little surprised. Just now he hit the weak with a strong blow. Seeing the weapons, he could cut off Yang Tian\'s head. Unexpectedly, his weapons suddenly changed direction.

In this way, Yang Tian\'s strength is not as weak as he thought.

"Buzzing, buzzing..."

With the continuous infusion of dragon ball power, the knife in Yang Tian\'s hand made a trembling sound like a dragon.

Yang Tian\'s momentum is getting stronger and stronger.

At the same time, the wound on Yang Tian\'s shoulder is healing quickly.

In Yang Tian\'s present state, compared with ordinary human beings, he is actually a new life.

Suddenly, Yang Tian\'s figure flashed and disappeared in place.

In Aochu\'s eyes, Yang Tian\'s figure kept flashing, took a continuous shadow, and rushed towards himself in a curved line.

Compared with AO Chu, Yang Tian knew that his realm was weaker. That\'s why he launched the attack first.

Just in the blink of an eye, Yang Tian came to Aochu, held the knife with his two claws and cut it off towards Aochu.

"Silk ~" the blade rubbed against the air and made a sharp whistling sound.

Yang Tian\'s Sabre is very powerful and fast.

However, the knife still failed, and Aochu swept past from his left.

Yang Tian took his time, changed his cutting into sweeping, twisted his waist and cut behind him.

At this time, Aochu came to Yang Tian\'s back. The crescent moon weapon held in his hand centered on his palm, rotated at high speed and cut to Yang Tian\'s back neck.

When Yang Tian turned quickly and swept to his body, Aochu quickly retreated, but the weapons in his hand still moved forward to attack Yang Tian\'s face.

Yang Tian, who was full of vigilance against Aochu\'s weapons, stood still and leaned back. He rotated 90 degrees around his feet and just escaped the blow.

Aochu\'s weapon was very strange. He was so close to Aochu. At this time, Aochu raised his hand, and the high-speed rotating weapon circled in the air and rushed to Yang Tian again. However, he moved and punched Yang Tian.

"Peng ~"

In the face of this rapid attack, Yang Tian bounced his legs and jumped into the air. He held a knife with both claws and cut off the figure of Aochu.

This time, Yang Tian used his spiritual power. The red wind blade emitted by the blade was wrapped by his spiritual power, which not only condensed, but also constantly changed its direction.

Facing the wind blade cut by Yang Tian, Aochu suddenly had a feeling that he couldn\'t avoid. At that moment, he moved and the wind blade changed direction, which was much more flexible than his weapon.

Spiritual power is such magic. As long as the power is strong enough and the idea moves, you can reach far away in an instant, regardless of space distance.

Aochu, locked by Yang Tian\'s idea, will naturally have this feeling.

But after all, Aochu is bigger than Yang tianqiang. Since he can\'t hide, he can also connect hard.

"Boom ~"

Aochu punches at the wind blade. The two powerful forces collided with each other again, making a roar, bringing up a violent air flow and blowing the surrounding gravel wildly.

Taking advantage of the impact, Aochu quickly retreated and raised his hand to take back his weapon.

Yang Tian also fell to the ground, waved his knife and turned to Aochu.

That knife just now gave Yang Tian the confidence to defeat Aochu.