Super Doctor

Chapter 999

"Xu Ze, you You are so arrogant... " The old general's face turned blue and white. Over the past decades, who took him for granted, even dallied in front of so many people. Finally, he couldn't help standing up and patting the table, angrily saying, "are all the people here stupid?"

"Now everyone knows that you are the murderer of my grandson. Are you ready to quibble?"

Jun old general looked at Qian Guoqiang with a cold face and said, "director Qian, you don't know who is the murderer now?

"That Comrade Junbo Lai, you are only guilty inference! It does not prove that Comrade Xu Ze is the murderer... " Qian Guoqiang had no choice but to smile bitterly: "this can't be used as the basis of conviction!"

"Not yet convicted?" Jun Bo's eyes glared, and finally he couldn't help but get angry and scolded: "Qian Guoqiang, you're shielding, shielding Believe it or not, I shot you... "

Looking at the angry appearance of Junbo, Qian Guoqiang glanced at the person in the middle of the stage. His face was waiting for words. Suddenly, he heard Xu Ze and said in a deep voice: "Junbo Don't be presumptuous! In this court, there is our military law, where you have to rely on the old and sell the old to disturb the court trial! "

"If you are reasonable, you will be angry here, that is But if you want to rely on the old and sell the old, you can't help being reckless! " Xu Ze is also cold at this time, but still sitting still, looking at Junbo, continue to light voice.

Hearing Xu Ze's words, the gentleman's uncle's face finally turned red. He jumped out from behind the table, pointed to Xu Ze, and said in an angry voice, "Xu Ze You little beast, if you dare to harm my grandson, I will kill you today... "

Looking at the chaos in the scene, all the onlookers looked at each other and couldn't help laughing and crying. It was said that the military court was much more serious than the ordinary court, but he didn't care about his madness when he ran into this Junbo.

"What's the standard? What is the standard? " At this time, the big men in the front row also looked sullen, especially the two in the middle, who turned blue.

Looking at the face of Junbo to kill people, straight jump foot appearance, Xu Ze at this time is finally a sneer, and then turn his head to that is also a face of anger Qian Guoqiang light voice drink: "director Qian!"

Being reminded by Xu Ze, Qian Guoqiang reacted and realized that he had just lost his mind. He was so worried that he quickly cried in a deep voice: "Comrade junbolai, please pay attention... This is the court. If you continue to make noise, I will ask the soldiers to ask you to leave the court!"

When Qian Guoqiang was staring at him, he was stunned, and then he reacted. He turned his head and took a look at the two people in the auditorium. Their faces changed slightly. The secret was not good. He was cheated by Xu Ze and lost his state. It was really...

but fortunately, he woke up. Otherwise, if he was really expelled from the court, he would lose his state After that, I don't want to continue to appear in the Military Commission. I'll go home for the elderly.

"This little son of a bitch is really a mother's treacherous..." Jun Bo came to scold him shyly and angrily, and then he sat back.

It can be seen that Junbo came back to his seat, and the atmosphere in the court, which had been a little noisy, was just a little quiet, and began to restore the dignity of the court at first.

However, at this time, who knows that Jun Bo Lai has lost a lot of face this time by Xu Ze, and he has lost his share in front of the chief. Although Junbo is holding heavy power now, it's really out of order to make noise in court in front of so many people.

Junbo came to know it himself, so he stopped talking, just waiting for Qian Guoqiang to make a voice.

"Comrades junbolai... Do you have any evidence to provide?" Qian Guoqiang then looked at Junbo and asked again.

Junbo took a deep breath and glared at Xu Ze. Then he said, "no more!"

Just looking at Xu Ze sitting there, looking at his own face sneering, thinking of the tragic death of his grandson, Junbo Lai could not help but stand up, looked at the audience, and said in a cold voice: "just... I still want to say, although there is no more evidence, but I think everyone has understood what is going on. I hope the murderer of my grandson can Get the punishment you deserve

Comrade Xu Ze, do you want any excuse After the Junbo came to talk, Qian Guoqiang also turned his head, looked at Xu Ze and said in a deep voice.

Xu Ze smiles indifferently, and then slowly stands up under the public's attention...

seeing Xu Ze's appearance, everyone is stunned. I don't know what this lawless young general wants to do at this time?

"Today, in fact, I'm very happy... I'm glad that I can stand here..." Xu Ze's first sentence made people in the court, Lei dazed; was he also happy to be sued in the military court? Isn't this kid stupid?

"I'm also very happy that so many senior officials and generals of our party and our army come to visit us..." Xu Ze slowly glanced at the big men sitting in the auditorium. With a smile, he said, "I'm very satisfied with today's trial... Similarly, I admit that I have seriously violated some laws!""But... I do these things, of course, there is no regret..." Xu Ze continued to smile, looking at the people: "no matter who, since they have done something, they have to bear the corresponding responsibility, just like Pan Ning, just like Jun Junbin..."

"of course, I am no exception..."

"the law is a very important thing!" Xu Ze continued to smile: "we all know that sometimes the law can not play a corresponding role. For example, some people are unscrupulous, just like me..."

"however, the law is the only thing that a billion Chinese people can rely on and protect them... So I still respect the law and am willing to maintain its respect Strict... Also hope that our law, really can play a sufficient role, and no longer let some people wantonly trample on the law

"Ordinary people are different from us. They don't have enough ability to protect themselves, just like the girl still lying on the operating table... She jumped down from the 12th floor bravely just to resist the people she couldn't resist..."

"just her sacrifice, the law can't give her justice... Even with my strength, there is no way to pass the law However, fortunately, my strength is stronger than other people, and even stronger than everyone else, so I can do all this through other methods, so that she can rest in peace... "

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