Super Doctor

Chapter 998

As soon as Xu Ze said this, father Li and others all sighed slightly, but Xu Ze didn't do anything wrong. He couldn't hide it if he wanted to. However, it was more acceptable.

However, both Jun Bolai and pan Qiguo were slightly shocked. They didn't expect Xu Ze to admit this matter so simply;

"Oh? Does Comrade Xu Ze have any other explanation for this? " After hearing Xu Ze's words, Qian Guoqiang was stunned, and then asked slowly again.

"If he does something wrong, he has to pay the price, that's all!" Xu Ze a faint smile, no more words.

Hearing this, all the people in this scene were sighing in secret. I don't know whether they should praise or laugh at them. In the Chinese military and political circles, no one can dare to speak like this, or speak so justly. But this one, in front of so many people and even the top officials of China, said this in a reasonable manner.

Qian Guoqiang sighed in his heart, then said nothing more. Then he took a deep breath and continued: "Comrade Jun Bolai accused you of murdering his sun junjunjunbin. Comrade Xu Ze, can you admit that there is such a thing?"

As soon as Qian Guoqiang said this, everyone immediately held their breath to see how Xu Ze would respond. If he still admitted directly as he had just done, then the matter would be over. However, everyone's heart was beating, and I don't know whether this one will really lose his heart or not.

"Don't admit it!" Xu Ze's reply was crisp and neat again, which made everyone feel relieved. At the same time, he also had a little expectation.

The gentleman on the other side was even more likely to have a double eyebrow and a cold light in his eyes. Xu Ze's quick and clear admission to the pan family's boy's affairs was denied this time.

"Xuze... You don't have to quibble. Everyone knows that you must have done it. It's useless for you to quibble!" Jun Bo came and said angrily.

In the face of Jun Bo's questioning, Xu Ze didn't lift his eyelids and didn't care about it.

looking at Xu Ze's appearance, Jun Bo was angry, his face was blue and white, but he could not spit blood, but he couldn't... he was not the chief judge. If Xu Ze didn't pay attention to this, he couldn't help it.

Qian Guoqiang was also embarrassed when he was forced to ask questions like Jun Bo Lai, but he still said: "Comrade Junbo, please show me the relevant evidence!"

"What kind of evidence is needed? We all know that the boy said he was going to kill people on the spot... And even Comrade Pan Qiguo's child was poisoned by this boy. My grandson is dead now. Who else is there besides this boy? Who else has the courage to be so unscrupulous? "

Speaking of this, Junbo Lai was even more angry: "my grandson may have made a mistake, but he is not guilty to death, and even if he is guilty, he must pass the trial of the court before he can be convicted. How can you tolerate such abusive lynching... What do you think of my Chinese law?"

"Cough..." Qian Guoqiang coughed twice and said in a slow voice, "Comrade Junbo, please don't be excited... If there is evidence, please show it!"

"Good... Then take the evidence..."

watching Xu Ze standing on the roof of the car with a girl in his arms and yelling at the top of the car, people all nodded in their hearts. Pan Ning, who was related to this matter, was directly beaten by Xu Ze to be half paralyzed. Jun Junbin, the main responsible person, jumped off the building for no reason, and the culprit was not Xu Zena The ghost is coming.

However, these evidences can not prove that Xu Ze is the murderer. If there is no other exact evidence, the general Jun will add a little weight to Xu Ze's accusation.

"What's more, Xu Ze came to my house that day, and even threatened me directly in front of Mr. Sun. He said that if he made any mistakes, someone should come out to bear the responsibility..." here, Junbo glared at Xu Ze and said in a deep voice: "Xu Ze, did you say that?"

"Yes, I said it!" Xu Ze should be this time, looked at Junbo to one eye, a smile, way.

"Then you still don't admit that my grandson was murdered by you..." Jun Bo came to stare at Xu Zehan and drank.

Xu Ze cocked his mouth slightly, then looked at Junbo Lai with a smile and said, "Comrade junbolai... Everything needs to be proved..."

"Jun Junbin is on a destroyer thousands of miles away. I'm in Yanjing. How can I drag Jun Han into the sea in front of general Jun Han? How could he escape quietly in the daytime under the siege of three of our most advanced warships and nearly 100 Marines? " With a smile, Xu Ze continued: "and there are so many people in and out of Tianhua hotel. How can I take Jun Junbin into room 1208 at 8:00 p.m. quietly and let him jump off the building without leaving any trace?"

Hearing Xu Ze's words, the faces of all the people present changed slightly. They didn't know what Xu Ze meant. They didn't know what Xu Ze said. But Xu Ze said so clearly and in detail. Who else did he? Is this a naked provocation? In front of such a top military and political personage in China, he is really arrogant...

however, Xu Ze seems not to care about these things at all. He continues to look at the cool faced Junbo and says with a smile: "excuse me, comrade junbolai... How did I do it? Can you tell me? If you can tell me, I will admit that I did it"You... You..." Jun Bo came to Xu Ze's words, his face was blue. He only had a general understanding of these situations. Naturally, other people were more unclear about the specific situation, but Xu Ze even said so clearly. What is this not a provocation?

"Xu Ze... You... Didn't you do this? I'm not very clear about the situation. You are so clear. It's not you. Who is it? " Junbo finally couldn't help the subway blue face, angry voice and curse: "do you think everyone is a fool?"

"Comrade junbolai... Don't be so excited..." facing the accusation of Jun Bolai, Xu Ze said with a smile: "is it me? You have to show evidence... I never deny things with solid evidence, but I won't admit anything without evidence!"

"otherwise, you can even induce everyone to believe that I did it, but I didn't If there is evidence, please don't waste your saliva and everyone's time... "At this point, Xu Ze smiles and says:" as we all know, we are a country that stresses law and evidence, so please respect yourself! "

Looking at Xu Ze's pale smile on the stage, there was a burst of exclamation. Even Mr. Li and others were stunned. Xu Ze was really too arrogant. It was obvious that he did it in front of all the people. But he had to be angry with this gentleman and uncle, without any scruples...

this is just like all the big men here When the leaders want to get you, when they need evidence depends on their strength. If you don't have the strength, then even if he forces that sex in front of everyone, he can say that you stabbed yourself with a mop stick, and you have been stabbed by yourself...

. (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start( )Your support is my biggest motivation to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!