Super Doctor

Chapter 1000

"Comrade junbolai... Please don't stare at me again. I'll say it again. If you have evidence to prove that I murdered Jun Junbin, then I will confess my guilt. If not, you stare at me in vain..."

Xu Ze takes a look at the opposite, gnashing his teeth and staring at himself. It seems that Jun Bo is ready to interrupt again. He sighs helplessly and says in a slow voice: "it's actually said I feel helpless when I get up. Comrade junbolai, you are several times older than me. You are more respected than I am, and you hold important power. You can be regarded as my immediate superior. I really don't want to fight with you if I'm ok! "

"But, comrade junbolai, you have to know that some things are forced to..." looking at Jun Bo with an angry face, Xu Ze said in a slow voice: "no one wants to offend you, just as you think, and no one will easily offend you, but since I met, there is no way..."

"so... No matter what, for your grandson Unfortunately, I still want to express my sympathy and understanding to you ~ "

" Keke... "After listening to Xu Ze's talk for a while, as well as the more and more ugly faces of Junbo in the opposite side, and the increasingly strange faces of the big men in the auditorium, Qian Guoqiang felt that Xu Ze could not continue to speak any more, and interrupted with a dry smile:" Comrade Xu Ze... Digression Needless to say, if you don't have any defense, I'll announce a temporary recess and pass a verdict after a collegial discussion...

Xu Ze smiles, nods to Qian Guoqiang, and then nods to the old man in the auditorium and says, "director Qian... I will bear the responsibility I should bear, so I want to ask the Military Commission and the military law department to resign I think it should be enough to maintain the dignity of the law! "

"Hua..." as soon as Xu Ze said this, there was a burst of exclamation in the audience. Even the big men in the front row and the old people sitting in the middle all changed their faces.

Resignation... What does this mean, it means that he automatically withdraws from his military post, what rank of lieutenant general, and what military achievements are all in vain. Even in that year, Bai Jianguo didn't do it, and he just retired early. When he was at the level of general, who would give up? Let alone 25 years old, can be said to be a promising person.

What does a 25-year-old lieutenant general mean? As long as there is no big accident, he will become one of the top people in China in no more than 15 years.

However, Xu Ze's proposal to resign now is tantamount to giving up the possibility completely and pushing himself into the bottom completely...

Xu Ze's sudden remark surprised everyone. Even the front row's Mr. Li and Mr. Tang were shocked. Xu Ze finally climbed to the position of lieutenant general and threw them all at once Abandoned? How can this work? This is absolutely impossible...

Yang Guanglian looked at Xu Ze with a blue face, then nervously turned his head to look at the old man whose face was somewhat dignified not far away. His heart leaped violently, and then he took a look at Qian Guoqiang, who was also stunned in the field.

Feeling the fierce look in Yang Guanglian's eyes, Qian Guoqiang said in a low voice: "the court will be suspended now and the verdict will be announced later."

In a buzzing discussion, the big men in the front row walked out of the court one by one with gloomy faces. They just looked at Xu Ze with a puzzled look before the court, and then went to do what they should do.

They won't let Xu Ze give up his military position so easily, at least they can't give up just like this...

only Jun Bo came and Sun Zong came, but with a little surprise in their eyes, they all strode out of the court.

Watching these big men go out of the court one after another, the ordinary generals are whispering one by one. They are all very clear about what these big men are going to do, and they all show a trace of envy and understanding.

The so-called recess and the so-called collegiate after the court session only give these big men the opportunity to compete and bargain, and the result of the collegial meeting is the final result of the court trial.

It is also known to all that Xu Ze, as Xu Ze, would not appear in court, and only through private bargaining to reach some agreements, but this time it was just because Junbo didn't want to let go, and they wanted to pursue the biggest results, so they were directly brought to the military court;

but in the identities of Jun Bolai and pan Qiguo However, no one can stop it. Naturally, the game behind is inevitable. The final result can be determined only by which side has the advantage.

After the court, the collegiate time was quite long, at least the waiting people began to be impatient. Finally, a group of people walked slowly back to the court again, but there was no old man and Mr. Jun in this group of people...

from the faces of this group of big men, people knew some results in advance, and then there was a little ominous in their eyes.

Xu Ze took a look at the gentleman who was sitting on the seat opposite him. He had a smile in his heart. His family had just let out his breath. Now he can make you happy a little, so that we don't respect the old and love the young so much.

With Xu Ze's offer to resign, the final result of the court hearing was not too unexpected. Lieutenant General Qian Guoqiang announced that Comrade Xu Ze was exempted from other punishment because he voluntarily asked to withdraw from the military status. However, because of his outstanding military achievements, he retained the rank of general and was awarded the Title of honorary lieutenant general by the Military Commission.In the eyes of some people who are disappointed or worried, Xu Ze walks out of the court with a smile and walks slowly. Next to him, Mr. Li, Mr. Tang and others are not very good-looking and walk slowly.

On the way out, there are still a lot of ordinary generals and school officials who salute Xu Ze in awe and pay homage to this heroic general who only has the honorary title.

Xu Ze also smile one by one, standing at attention, although the heart is not too much lost, but still because of these respects, and feel extremely warm.

At this time, several generals and major generals came out with a happy face of Jun Bo and came out. They just met Xu Ze's reply to a senior colonel. This was a sneer and a sarcastic voice: "yo... General Xu, you should pay more gifts this time. I'm afraid there are not many opportunities in the future..."

Xu Ze smiles and turns to look at Junbo He said in a voice: "Comrade junbolai... The so-called sad lung, angry liver, happy sad... In recent days, you have experienced these kinds of taste, and I think you look bad, but you must take care of your body... Don't be happy and angry, otherwise it will be bad..."

"you..." listening to this, Jun Bo's eyes stare, but there is not a mouthful of blood to spray out...

PS: today Son on a watch, go to bed early, get up again tomorrow!

。 (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start( )Your support is my biggest motivation to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!