Super Doctor

Chapter 1103

In the empty base, there is a huge underground warehouse, but on top of the warehouse, there is nothing to store goods. There are only dozens of odd looking machines in the dark.

And there is a huge thing like several containers, lying in the center of the underground warehouse.

There was darkness and silence in the whole underground warehouse, but in the container, there was a sound of "rustling...".

In this empty, dark and silent underground warehouse, the sound of such a sound is indeed a bit terrible, but no one seems to notice it at this time, because the whole base has been completely emptied a few hours ago, and there is no one.

I don't know how long later, a door suddenly opened at one end of the container, and then a huge spider like object appeared in it...

there was a red spot on the head of the spider. At this time, it was flashing. After coming out, it began to quickly crawl towards another machine, and then raised a claw and quickly penetrated into a certain interface in

A monitor next to that machine suddenly lights up, and rows of data streams begin to flash wildly on the top...

so, without too much time, the spider quickly climbs toward another machine and starts a similar program...

and soon after, the spider appears in front of another machine, and then at the tip of its claw Began to emit some light blue flame, began to burn like electric welding, on the machine ah, burning sparks everywhere.

Xu Ze took a look at the scene in the vision of his eyeglasses and breathed a satisfied breath. Then he picked up the tea cup next to him and took a mouthful. He felt the unique fragrance and slight astringency of the tea, and a trace of rare satisfaction flashed in his eyes.

Although this kind of tea is not a famous tea, it is the tea that Xu Ze has been drinking since childhood. All of them are tea trees planted by some old farmers in the countryside, and then they make some tea every year to drink at home, or send some to relatives and so on.

Although there is no tea tree in xuze's family, there is no lack of tea at home. Every year, he can receive some tea from relatives or patients. These tea leaves are not very good, but with the mountain spring water from the mountain, Xu Ze likes it very much.

"How about it? Isn't that good? This is the tea that uncle Luo of Lin village roasted by himself. His tea is the best in our ten li and eight townships, and most people want to buy it. This year, he specially sent two Jin of tea to you, saying that he would like to taste it for you. "Xu's mother looked at Xu Zena's satisfied expression and said with a happy smile.

"Mm-hmm... very good to drink..." Xu Ze nodded his head with a smile, while sun Lingfei and Lin Yumeng on the side also took two drinks of tea curiously.

But obviously, for both of them, the tea doesn't seem to be much special. At least it's better than the good tea they've drunk. They can't drink that kind of taste.

Xu Ze looked with a smile. At the back door, Xu's father, who was killing a native chicken with a knife, could not help but swallow his mouth. Then he said to the two girls happily: "you two are blessed today. My father's craftsmanship is first-class... Especially the chicken soup and fried chicken. You can swallow your tongue!"

"Mm-hmm..." listening to Xu Ze's rare praise, it made two girls show a trace of expectation on their faces, especially Lin Yumeng, a little gourmet. At this time, he couldn't help following Xu Ze and swallowing his mouth.

Looking at these two beautiful girls, Xu's mother beside her doesn't know whether she is happy or worried. Sun Lingfei is already her future daughter-in-law. But this neighbor's Yumeng is also a very beautiful and lovely child. How can she fall in love with her son? And his future daughter-in-law seems to have no opinion appearance?

What's more, the parents of the Lin family didn't have any opinions about their beautiful daughter?

Xu's mother is really tangled up. Such a beautiful and lovely girl, ah... It would be nice if she was also her daughter-in-law...

compared with Xu's mother's entanglement, Xu's father, who was killing chickens, was smiling with joy. His knife was wielded neatly. His son's skill was not only to be liked by girls, but also upgraded, Admiral Yes, generals. How many generals are there in China? This number is also clear... Although talk about what reputation, but Mayor Tang these days also called to congratulate, this want to know his son is absolutely a big step forward.

So, thinking of this, Xu Fu's kitchen knife in hand is more light. Today, he made two chickens, one for boiling soup and one for frying. He must make two good dishes.

When Xu Ze is living a leisurely life in Chentang, the adults in Yanjing are busy one by one;

in other words, there are so many positions of the Military Commission, and no one would like to let his little hair in the middle, but at this time, there are many people waiting for Xu Ze to make a noise on the side, after all Those things that the boy took out were very envious and envious, hoping to be able to take out more things from his pocket.Of course, some people have suggested in a low voice that Xu is specialized in politics. He is not afraid that the boy is not old and honestly hand over all the things in his pocket. However, in the face of Xu's supporters who occupy a small part of the country in the Military Commission, and the old people who don't nod their heads in the rear, it is not reliable. Therefore, some people can only be angry and envious Xu Ze stayed in Chentang for two days. After less than two days of leisure, he was quickly called back by Yanjing.

Nothing else, it happened...

it was the same meeting room, where a large number of big men were gloomy, and some people seemed to be angry on their faces. They looked at Xu Ze, their faces full of cold and cold, and they looked like they were going to make a direct attack.

Just you look at me, I see you. Except for those who have been supporting Xu Ze, they will not make a voice at will. The others are, you see me, I see you, waiting for someone to come out with a head.

"What's the matter? Xuze... Why have we received intelligence? China M and Russia seem to have made great moves recently, and the intelligence shows that they have suddenly obtained the technical data for the modification of space defense equipment... What's your explanation for this?"

An old comrade finally couldn't help it. He stood up and glared at Xu Ze and angrily asked, "how can such top secret information fall into their hands? Is it that you use it to cooperate with the enemy? You are... This is treason... Treason

。 (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start( )Your support is my biggest motivation to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!