Super Doctor

Chapter 1104

"Yes... Xu Ze, you are just too presumptuous, so you can think that the top secret technology of the country can make them go... It must be that you deliberately leaked it out, right?" another old comrade, seeing that someone took the lead, immediately jumped out and said to Xu Ze, who was still calm and indifferent, sitting opposite him.

The old comrade junbailai next to him flashed his eyes and saw that his two colleagues had begun to attack Xu Ze. He was also eager to try, but he still had some taboos in his heart. He knew Xu Ze's power. If he really annoyed this boy, what should he do?

However, looking at Xu Ze's placid appearance, Jun Bailai felt that it would be a pity not to fall into the stone at such an opportunity. So he took a deep breath and said with a cold face: "Comrade Xu Ze, I hope you can make an explanation on this matter!"

Xu Ze, who leaned lazily on the armchair, looked at junbai lightly. He knew that Laozi would not be able to help it. He would not grasp such an opportunity.

"Ha..." Xu Ze sat up straight with a cool smile on his face. Staring at some old comrades and Jun Bai who were dancing most fiercely in front of him, he said in a slow voice, "if the country is not here, what's the use of these technologies?"

After hearing Xu Ze's words, they were stunned, but their faces were stiff. However, several old comrades and Jun Bailai, who just got up and started to jump, were all happy. As expected, it was the boy who leaked it out. Just admit it.

At present, the two old comrades who were just shouting at each other immediately jumped up, pointed to Xu Ze's nose and said, "you dare to do this... You are treason..."

"where are you going to put us in China? Have you ever treated yourself as a Chinese, and you can even do such a thing? You must be punished as treason for being so arrogant and wanton Another old comrade stepped on Xu Ze to the end. He was stunned to see that Xu Ze could not turn over.

Both of them have a clear mind. Anyway, now that Xu Ze has admitted to conspiring with the enemy, he has directly committed treason to Xu Ze. What kind of politics can he take out from this boy? At such a critical time, except for two or three of Xu Ze's irons, other people should not ask much about such good things The question is, even if we don't support it, we will never oppose it.

After all, the big guys have been fighting for decades before they get such a status. Apart from a few people who are close to Xu Ze, how can they really like to have such a arrogant and perverse little boy to block the big guy here?

As soon as the two old comrades said this, the old comrade Jun Bailai beside him brightened his eyes and was overjoyed. This time, with these two leaders, when others spoke, they helped the flames. Once the conclusion was reached, no matter how powerful the boy was, he would not be able to fight against the whole Chinese military.

Thinking of this, Jun Bailai glanced at another old comrade sitting beside him. He knew that this old comrade had a deep prejudice against Xu Ze. He just wanted to be steady and not to get ahead easily. He should not let go of this opportunity.

The old comrade was sitting there with a deep face, but there was a faint excitement in the deep of his eyes. He said that he had been looking at the boy for a long time, especially after the Xu's biopharmaceutical company had become more and more popular recently, one of his nephew's eyes had been hot for a long time. He even begged him to say hello to Xu Ze Put a hand in the middle.

The old comrade was extremely moved to say that if he could take a small share in the middle, he would earn at least several billion yuan a year, and the whole family would be greatly honored by that time.

However, the old comrade knew Xu Ze's temper and his family's appearance. He was afraid that Xu Ze would not have face. However, he still couldn't stand his nephew's entreaties and made considerable profits. He still called Xu Ze.

but after hearing this, Xu Ze refused without hesitation, although his words were polite The old comrade was so angry that he didn't drop the phone. He also scolded the nephew. This is just a little out of breath.

However, the fire of shame and anger has always been hidden in the bottom of his heart, and he has made some small obstacles to Xu Ze on several matters. However, he has not been able to make Xu Ze fall into a trap. At most, he has added a little trouble. This time, the two generals jumped out to attack Xu Ze, and the charges were so serious. Indeed, he was already very happy Well, I'm just going to wait and see again, and finally give the boy a fatal blow.

But at this time, I saw that the junbai took a look at himself and knew that the old boy was looking forward to his hand, and then he could follow.

"This old boy is really more alive and less daring..." the old comrade murmured, then raised his head and gave a dry cough, which attracted people's attention. Then he said with a cold face: "I think this kind of behavior of Xu Ze has seriously damaged the national interests, is a serious violation of discipline and violation of law... It is enough to be regarded as treason, I suggest that we should be severely punished and not lazy! "When the old comrade threw out this sentence, it broke the paper directly. It was just like lighting a powder keg. The faces of Yang Guanglian and Wu's father changed suddenly. Mr. Wu immediately patted the table, drank in a deep voice and cursed: "Wang, this matter is not clear. Don't talk nonsense..."

he said that while drinking and scolding, he also looked at Xu Ze Color, this heart is secretly scold Xu Ze confused, such a thing can not be done, even if you do, don't admit ah, fortunately, words have not died, now there may be room for rotation.

"Hum... Lao Wu, the boy just admitted that he passed on these skills. Besides, how long have we got the technology? This same technology, immediately spread outside, this is not the boy, this is who? How can you convince the public if you don't take this arrogant and reckless boy and convict him today? " This old comrade Wang immediately slapped the table, stood up and said in a deep voice to Mr. Wu.

"If we don't deal with things like this, where does it mean to me?" Another old comrade also voiced his support at this time.

Seeing so many people shooting at Xu Ze, Jun Bai on one side was very excited and said with a smile: "boy... This time you can play!"

Then he coughed and opened his mouth in a deep voice, ready to drop a stone down the well, intending to trample Xu Ze to death; but he did not notice that Xu Ze's face was already cold.

PS: recommend a book, book number: 2366434 Tianxia wuzun

with the ancient Wang Ding in the online game system of Zhu Shen, he came to another world and found himself a prince.

It's just that this prince is not worthy of his name, and he can't practice. Fortunately, the ancient king tripod has the upgrade function, so

The road to the top is on!

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