Super Doctor

Chapter 1102

"Lin Yi It's me

Hearing the familiar voice on the phone, major general Lin Yi, director of the first Bureau of intelligence of the general staff, was stunned slightly. Then he felt refreshed and said in a deep voice, "Hello, Xu teshen!"

Hearing Lin Yi's slightly respectful voice, Xu Ze laughed and said, "Lin Yi What tone do you put in front of me? I was a solid lieutenant general before. Why didn't you treat me so respectfully

"Cough..." Lin Yi gave a dry smile and then said, "Xu Xu Ze, you've been promoted to the rank of general and special staff officer of the Military Commission, and a serious superior leader. If I don't respect you, if you talk to anyone in front of me, I'm afraid I'll be defeated. Do you think I can be respectful to you? "

"To My general is a honorary title. Maybe it will be knocked down again. You don't know Don't put on airs in front of me Xu Ze snorted coldly.

Lin Yi chuckled dryly and said, "I said that you are a special staff officer of the CMC this time. It's not a nominal thing. It's a real small standing committee member. Don't bluff at people..."

Speaking of this, Lin Yi said with a smile: "you old man has been in the limelight recently, but I'm busy. I don't know what's the matter with me today?"

When Lin Yi asked about the business, Xu Ze was not affectated. He said in a deep voice, "it's a real business to find you. I want you to lend me Bao Lei's team..."

"What? What do you want them to do? " Lin Yi was shocked and said, "this is against the discipline!"

"Who said they violated the discipline, you just let them go to special training for a few months, normal training..." Xu Ze chuckled and said, "you just give an order and let them go to Tibet for special training for three months. Anyway, it's only 200 people who don't arrive!"

"Less than 200 people? I'll go Wolf tooth total just more than 1000, you get me 200 people, how do you want me to explain? " Lin Yi said angrily, "you need 200 yuan to open your mouth, and it will give you two or three teams at most..."

"That's not At least one brigade... " Xu zeheng said in a voice, "I'm really busy. Otherwise, I'll look for you. Would you like to go to southwest and smoke a few teams?"

"Cut Can those goods in Southwest China compare with wolf teeth Lin Yi hummed: "you can ask Bao Lei's brigade, but within three months, you must bring people back to me. Otherwise, I'm in big trouble. Otherwise, I can't say anything about Shan Bai Qiwei!"

Hearing Lin Yi's words, Xu Ze was silent for a moment, and then said in a slow voice, "you may not be able to come back..."

As soon as Xu Ze said this, Lin Yi on the phone was suddenly silent

After a long time, Lin Yi whispered, "it's not easy for wolf teeth to cultivate them."

"I know But others I don't trust... " Xu Zechen said in a deep voice.

Lin Yi was silent again for a while, and then he said in a voice: "good Where do you want them to report? "

"To the southwest, someone will contact Bao Lei..."

"Well Then I'll give them to you... " Lin Yi said in a slow voice, "I will do a good job in the aftermath."

"Well Don't worry about it I will try my best to bring them back! " Xu Ze nodded his head and said in a deep voice.

"Just do your best They are soldiers and have their own destination. I think they will be very proud to be able to follow you! "

now Lin Yi does not mention the hope that Bao Lei and his family will return safely. He is very clear that Xu Ze asked Bao Lei to come back safely. This time, he was afraid to be more dangerous than the last time he came back from Lima devil rainforest. Last time, there were many national missions Xu Ze paid such a painful price to bring back Bao Lei.

This time, it was Xu Ze who did not hesitate to violate several important military laws, even dragged himself into the water and asked for his own people. Obviously, this time, he was afraid of great risks, but it was extremely important.

Therefore, Lin Yi won't say the same words to Xu Ze again. Bao Lei's life is Xu Ze's. If they can't come back this time, it's their due destination as a soldier.

He just hopes that Xu Ze can come back safely this time. As a director of the first intelligence bureau of the general staff, he can get in touch with a lot of things. Although he is not very clear about some situations, Xu Ze should be very important to China, and in some aspects, Xu Ze seldom has some selfish intentions like some high-ranking officials.

this is also Xu Ze's courage to ask for help from him, but he bit Tooth, the risk of going to the military court, is also the main reason for Xu Ze's people.

"Thank you..." As for Lin Yi, he didn't even ask about the specific situation. He took such a big risk and answered the promise directly. Xu Ze didn't say too much. Some people have something to do. Thank you is enough.

An hour after the conversation, Langya's first brigade, which is conducting daily training in Sichuan Province, under the leadership of Bao Lei, began its rapid march to the headquarters of the Southwest Military Region. Major general Bai Qiwei, who was in charge of the daily work of Langya, looked at the fleeting motorcade and his face was dignified

Bai Qiwei, who is in charge of training them, is very clear about what the wolf teeth of a large brigade represent. He does not know what happened. However, this operation seems to be somewhat unusual. In the past, except for some large-scale secret operations carried out by the Military Commission, wolf teeth rarely carried out such large-scale operations;At the same time, Lin Yi also asked to replenish the new reserve forces of Langya from some channels as soon as possible, so as to be ready to fill the vacancy of this brigade at any time, which is unprecedented.

But this time, Lin Yi, as the highest commander of Langya, gave a name in his words, which made him accept the order without any doubt.

maybe only that one could let Lin Yi and he take such a risk to hand over the most elite brigade of Langya.

"I hope you can come back safe and sound Our soldiers... " Looking at the disappearing motorcade on the horizon, Bai Qiwei slowly raised his hand and finally saluted the army.

Li Zhibin didn't know what Xu Ze was going to do, but he still emptied a secret base of Southwest special brigade without hesitation and handed the base to Xu Ze.

At the same time, according to Xu Ze's request, a batch of strange and quite valuable equipment was borrowed from a certain place. After the technical sergeants of the base were installed, they all withdrew from the base, leaving only the empty base, waiting for a team from an unknown place to take over.

For Li Zhibin, although some of Xu Ze's requirements are somewhat bizarre, they seem to be reasonable and have a great effect in the end. Therefore, although they are serious violations of discipline, they even made a random attempt at the first level of combat readiness. What is this?

PS: to remind you, the name of Tencent microblog in Tiannan has been changed back to ye Tiannan, and the number is still ytn711. Please pay attention to...

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