Super Doctor

Chapter 1101

In the same way, Xu Ze took part in a Russian Space Defense Conference presided over by President Putin.

Although Comrade pujingsi was a little unhappy, under Xu Ze's final explanation, they still reached a friendly agreement like Omas. If the authenticity of those materials can be confirmed, Russia will deliver one third of all the refitted equipment completed to Comrade Xu Ze within two months.

After reaching an agreement with the two presidents' chambers, Xu Ze was relieved. Although it was only a verbal agreement, Xu Ze was not worried at all, and the other side would make other ideas. If these guys didn't know each other, Xu Ze would let them know quickly what chasing is.

Of course, Xu Ze doesn't believe that these big men who can take charge of a country will really be so confused to offend himself. Relatively speaking, he is more worried about the trend of the extraterrestrial civilization. Now the time is very urgent. If the extraterrestrial civilization comes ahead of time, then the earth that has not been prepared will be in great trouble.

Therefore, Xu Ze asked Xiaodao to make full use of the space mirrors and radio telescopes of various countries to constantly monitor the whole solar system and its surrounding areas, so as to avoid the sudden appearance of this extraterrestrial civilization and make people unprepared.

"Do you think two months is enough?" Xu Ze is still somewhat uneasy to ask a way.

The knife nodded slowly, and then said, "it should be enough According to the calculation of galactic microchips and my previous interstellar experience, although this extraterrestrial civilization is much stronger than the earth, it is impossible for them to send too large a fleet to come... "

"After all, the energy required for a large fleet is extremely terrible And they will naturally have certain taboos, and for prudence, a small and medium fleet that happens to be able to control the whole earth will be the safest way... "

Speaking of this, Xiaodao said with a slow smile: "as long as this is the case, then you will have a full chance to get a smooth defense war. At the same time, you can use this period of time to refit your equipment more In case the other party invades again

Hearing these judgments of Xiaodao, Xu Ze gently touched his nose, and then finally asked, "what is the final winning rate of us?"

"Well If we don't make any mistakes according to our plan, the chances that the earth can win the defensive war and maintain the continuation of civilization and race are expected to exceed 60% " After that, Dao suddenly smiles and says, "that's why I'm here..."

"What?" Hearing this, Xu Ze was stunned for a moment and then looked at the knife with consternation: "what's going on? You... "

Xiaodao grinned bitterly, and then said, "I didn't know why I was here until a while ago. It seems that this world has some origin with my former world. At that time, my world seems to have reached the final moment. So I come here to help you protect this newly born human civilization world I just didn't expect that this day would come so fast... Originally I thought it would take a long time, a long time later... "

Hearing the words of Xiaodao, Xu Ze was stunned for a long time, and then he also laughed bitterly It turns out that

"Your world Has... " Xu Ze asked in a small way.

Xiaodao grinned slowly, but there was a trace of sadness in his eyes. He said in a low voice: "when I leave, the situation will be irreversible. Otherwise, I won't be sent here by them with such great efforts!"

Xu Ze didn't speak any more, then sighed

"Then Do we need to send this information to more countries? " Xu Ze finally hesitated to ask again.

The knife chuckled, then shook his head and said, "on earth, there are not many countries that can apply these technologies in a short time, so there is no need to do so, so as not to bring about other impacts..."

"Well It's the same! " Xu Ze nodded his head gently to show his approval.

When Xu Ze returned to Yanjing, no one came to see him. Even Yang Guanglian, who he had expected to come, did not show up. However, in the Xishan villa area, there seemed to be more people guarding or monitoring the sun's courtyard.

However, after a little thought, Xu Ze breathed his breath lightly. He was very clear why such a situation would happen. In order to avoid taboo, naturally, no one would easily come to him again, unless there was any serious problem, or he might need his own help.

Of course, Xu Ze believes that such a situation will not appear for the time being. At least, he is very confident about the materials that Xiaodao passed to Minister Qian Yujiang. Those materials are based on the existing technology of Xiaodao and sorted out some materials.

These detailed information can help the experts in China to update and transform the equipment in a short period of time; unless these experts suddenly have brains, they may have problems.

As for the sudden increase in the number of people in Xishan villa area, Xu Ze also said that he understood that he was very popular this time. Even if the old man could not rest assured of himself, how could the other powerful men feel at ease?Of course, for these, Xu Ze is not concerned, as long as those people do not appear in front of themselves, give him trouble, then Xu Ze is too lazy to pay attention to them.

Therefore, as long as there is no one looking for him, Xu Ze is also enjoying his leisure and has a lot of things to do now. He believes that in a short period of time, apart from the elderly, it should be impossible for anyone else to come to his door and take the opportunity to do something.

Sun Lingfei and Lin Yumeng are used to Xu Ze's appearance and disappearance recently. However, both of them know that Xu Ze is doing some important things, so they are very clever. They don't ask Xu Ze anything, but after Xu Ze comes home, he is very happy and considerate, which makes Xu Ze's mind to protect this land more A little firm.

He put his hand around the two little beauties. Xu Ze put his forehead on their fragrant shoulders and rubbed them gently. Then he said, "you should go back to Chentang for a while recently I may be a little busy recently! "

"Well..." Sun Lingfei gently stroked several strands of long hair in front of Xu Ze's forehead and nodded tenderly; while Lin Yumeng, on the other side, held Xu Ze's male waist more tightly and did not want to let go;

both of them knew that Xu Ze could show such tiredness, so it must be something important.

It may be a good thing to go back to Chentang at this time (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start( )Your support is my biggest motivation to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!