Super Doctor

Chapter 1031

"It seems that speaker hippola has finally been tempted to take risks "Looking at this gorgeous old man with evil spirit and pale face in the moonlight, Xu Ze's eyes are slightly cold and his voice is slow.

At this time, Philip didn't feel much about Xu Ze's words. He just looked at the young man with a cold face and tried to hold back the blood dripping pain in his heart. He said in a cold voice: "human beings If you dare to kill six noble high-level blood clans, you must pay the price

With a faint smile, Xu Ze looked at the old man in white clothes opposite his eyes, recalled the files he had seen in the Ministry of supervision, and quickly guessed the identity of the old man with amazing strength in front of him.

after sighing gently, he finally said in a slow voice: "Mr. Philip In view of the friendship I have had with his Excellency speaker hippola and his two colleagues, as well as a debt I once owed to his highness If you leave now, I can choose to forget it! "

"Ha ha You killed six of our top elites. Do you think there is still room for change? " Listen to Xu Ze's words, although Philip still has some taboos to Xu Ze, but he looks up and says with a loud and sharp smile: "darling, hand over the half blood clan, I will let you go this time, otherwise You and that Terran will be buried here today for the six elite of my blood clan! "

Xu Ze chuckled indifferently and said, "Sir Philip Do you think you still have the strength to threaten me now? "

Looking at Xu Zena's calm expression and remembering the red light that killed three high-level blood clans in a moment, Philip was also a bit agitated at this time. However, it is now impossible for him to let go. He must take the half blood clan away. This trip is not in vain. Otherwise, six elite members of the blood clan will be lost in vain, Nothing to lose!

Although I don't know what the other party's red light is, as long as you are careful to entangle this Xu Ze and not allow him to take advantage of it, then the remaining six A-level subordinates will be able to successfully win the half blood clan; and even consider taking the celebrity family to threaten the boy

After such a thought, Philip immediately settled down, and then made a look at the six subordinates behind him. Then he whistled and stopped speaking. Then he directly rushed to xuze, intending to make a quick decision.

And the six A-class blood group behind him, at this time, they also understood and scattered, and then with Philip's back, they all rushed over.

Looking at the movements of these blood clans, Xu Ze chuckled. How could he not see the other party's mind? He stood there motionless, just protecting Lin Yumeng and sun Lingfei behind him, waiting for each other to come.

Seeing that Xu Ze didn't move, Philip was also sneering after he was pleased. Xu Ze was so big that he even wanted to take into account other things. That is to say, he wanted to die.

The six blood clans behind him, seeing that Xu Ze didn't move, all of them suddenly got a meal, and then they scattered around, and began to cooperate with the precise encirclement of the three.

Xu zeyuguang's actions also made him laugh. With Lin Yumeng's current strength, as long as he didn't leave his back, he could cope with the only A-class blood group and protect sun Lingfei.

and just before he killed the other six people with all his strength, he had already explained two of them. Naturally, the blood clan would suffer a great loss Do you think they'll dare to play Yumeng in the future?

Between the flash flint, Phillip head-on, Xu Ze motionless, and then smile between a fist.

As a blood race, although he is quite confident, Philip will not give up his strong points and choose to fight with Xu Ze. At the moment, his body will flash. Ten sharp and sharp nails suddenly pop up from the fingertips of his two claws, and he is ready to give Xu Ze a grip from the side.

However, as soon as he moved his body, he saw that the fist was already in front of him, and he found that he could not avoid it at all with the speed of the opponent's fist.

Philip was very frightened and did not dare to neglect him. Even though the blood clan was not very good at power, he was not afraid of it He has been promoted to SS Level for decades, and he thinks that he will never be weaker than the young Terran in front of him.

"Bang..." the ground made a dull sound, and the result was more than he expected. Two fists collided, and a huge force hit him, which made him want to break his wrist, and then shook him seven or eight meters away.

On the ground even stepped back more than ten steps to stand firm, Philip's face changed greatly, looking at Xu Ze, who didn't move. He couldn't believe it.

However, he looked at the six subordinates who couldn't resist the shuttle attack behind Xu Ze. After biting his teeth, he immediately made a decision. Then he looked up at the full moon at the top of his head. After taking a deep breath, he heard a long howling sound in his mouth.

At this time, the spirit of the six A-class blood clans who were shocked by Lin Yumeng's skill was also greatly improved. They raised their heads and roared toward the full moon.

Hearing these shrill sounds, Xu Ze frowned slightly, then turned his head and said in a low voice: "Ling Fei, lean against my back... Yumeng, you should be close to me as much as possible..."Listening to Xu Ze's caution, sun Lingfei, who had been standing behind Xu Ze a step or two away, quickly leaned over and pressed his back tightly behind him. Lin Yumeng's face was also a little abnormal. Although he leaned closer to protect sun Lingfei with Xu Ze, his eyes seemed to be beginning to show his general interest in those blood clans The color of struggle.

At this time, Xu Ze did not pay attention to this point, but ordered in a low voice: "the whole territory auxiliary system of combat is started..."

"di... The start of the whole territory auxiliary system of the battle is completed!" With the sound of the prompt, Xu Ze's eyeglass vision, instantly emerged in front of his eyes the whole scene of the real map... Several red and green dots on the top of the map instantly emerged, and then a number of small picture frames appeared in front of Xu Ze's eyes, showing the movement and stillness of these targets in front of Xu Ze's eyes.

However, Xu Ze's attention is still the opposite Philip.

As one of the only two SS Level masters of the blood clan, Philip has the absolute strength to threaten Xu Ze, which is the reason why Xu Ze attaches great importance to Philip. He was sure to kill Philip just now, but he was not willing to do so.

because Philip can't die...

. (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start( )Your support is my biggest motivation to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!