Super Doctor

Chapter 1030

The night in Lima is still quiet, except for the sound of insects and birds in the grass around it.

Xu Ze added two dead branches to the bonfire, which made the slightly dim flame exuberant again. A rabbit on the fire, which had already been burnt yellow, dropped oil and sent out an attractive fragrance.

"Brother aze You can eat it I'm starving to death... " One side of Lin Yumeng shot out a small pink tongue tip, and kept licking her lips. She was extremely attractive. Sun Lingfei couldn't help but stretch out her hand, pinched the lovely little face, and hummed: "little Yumeng One day you will be a fat man

"Sister Ling Fei Are people really hungry... " Lin Yumeng lovingly pouts out that bright red small lip, one face depressed tunnel.

"Come on, come on It will be ready soon! " Xu Ze gently turned the stick in his hand, let the hare slowly roll, evenly heated, and then picked up a few small bottles, sprinkled salt and pepper powder and other seasonings.

After sprinkling the seasoning, Xu Ze reached out and pulled off the big hind leg of a rabbit and lovingly handed it to him and said, "OK, little yummy..."

"Well Thank you, brother aze... " Lin Yumeng happily took over Xu Ze's meaty rabbit leg, and immediately got to his mouth and ate it.

Looking at Lin Yumeng's graceful but extremely fast eating speed, Xu Ze and sun Lingfei looked at each other, and both of them laughed with pity. Since Lin Yumeng became a half blood race, in addition to Xu Ze's blood supply for a few days, the demand for meat food is relatively large;

it has completely changed from a simple taste of meat before to nothing every day Meat is not happy, and the amount of meat to eat every day at least a Jin, in order to maintain the body's needs, which makes Xu Ze and sun Lingfei two people more pity for her.

Fortunately, the East African rabbit that Xu Ze hunted is quite fat, and there are still three or four catties left after rifling. Otherwise, there will not be enough food for three people.

At this time, Xu Ze also pulled off two rabbit forelegs again, handed one to sun Lingfei and one to himself. They all ate together.

After taking a few bites, Xu Ze opened an incubator beside him and took out a can of coke from the ice. After opening it, he handed it to Lin Yumeng, who couldn't make it. He said with a smile, "don't worry, there's still a lot. Eat slowly, and drink some drinks first."

"Mmm..." While swallowing rabbit meat, Lin Yumeng takes over the coke jar handed over by Xu Ze, nodding her head repeatedly.

Looking at Lin Yumeng's busy appearance, Xu Ze chuckled, and then handed sun Lingfei a can of coke. After that, he took out a paper towel and reached out to wipe the oil stains on the corner of his mouth for Lin Yumeng. Then he began to bite his rabbit leg.

The night was getting deeper and deeper. After taking a bath in the station wagon beside them, they fell asleep quietly in the big tent next to them.

Xu Ze sleeps in the middle, while two beauties lie on both sides quietly. Lin Yumeng still habitually tugs at Xu Ze's clothes and falls asleep quietly.

And sun Lingfei then lay quietly beside her, sleeping quite sweetly

On the high altitude of the moon, the round moon moves slowly in the air, and a few faint figures are also moving rapidly under the shadow of the moon.

"Lord Philip The target is in the tent in front of us. We have confirmed that there are three of them. The half blood clan and the Lord xuze are among them! "

On a small hillside two thousand meters away from xuze, a young man with golden hair and blue eyes stood respectfully at the hands and hands. The old man in gorgeous clothes said in a deep voice.

"Well!" Philip nodded gently, a trace of pride on his face, and said in a deep voice, "OK, get ready for action I'm going to crush you... "

"It is My Lord The young man bowed.

With the young man's gentle wave, more than a dozen shadows flashed by in a moment, and then floated quietly towards the tent not far away.

As the more than ten shadows approached, Xu Ze, who was sleeping quietly in the tent, suddenly opened his eyes.

Philip, like a dead leaf, fluttered in the grass and quietly followed those blood clan masters. As he said, he crushed the blood descendants.

To tell you the truth, in his heart, he despised the SS Level master from the East.

For these noble blood clans, especially on such a full moon night, as long as they are not those annoying holy sorcerers, the Terran masters are not in Philip's eyes.

Therefore, he firmly believes that there should be no big problem for six S-level and six A-level blood clan masters to deal with two humans and one half blood clan in the front tent.

For the sake of this action, your excellency speaker hippola has invested a lot of money. Among the six blood clans of s level, three are already the top blood clan masters of s level. In addition, Philip, who is behind the battle, will surely be able to capture a SS Level master of a human, an ordinary human and a half blood clan on such a full moon night.Just, looking at those who had quietly surrounded the whole tent, Philip's eyes suddenly solidified.

There was a faint red light in the tent, and then there was a shrill and desperate cry.

Philip's face changed dramatically. After a sharp whistling, Philip's body shook and instantly appeared ten meters in front of the tent.

Looking at the young elites who had fallen to the ground in two pieces, which were originally surrounded by the tent, Philip's eyes were instantly blood red.

The six S-level top blood clan, which is in the process of being incinerated, can be said to be a group of top elites of his blood family. Among them, there are two of his blood lineages. Looking at these six elites, they suddenly turn into ashes, Philip can't help but look up and scream.

The remaining six A-class blood race, at this time, looking at some of their companions who suddenly cut off and cut off, they quickly retreated and scattered, and they all stood behind Philip, waiting to see the enemy in the tent appear.

At this time, the roof of the tent suddenly soared up, and then fell obliquely into the grass not far away, and the next part of the tent, due to the lack of the support of the ceiling, also slowly scattered down to the ground, revealing the three people inside.

Xu Ze stood there quietly. Lin Yumeng and sun Lingfei stood behind Xu Ze with a look of awe and some nervousness. They quietly looked at the beautiful and evil men and women in front of them. (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start( )Your support is my biggest motivation to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!